Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hursthouse Ethics On Abortion

WORK - Communicating safety

accidents, deaths have become white long ago that hardly makes news "news."
Sometimes it seems "normal" ... it says that the work has always been the innocent victims in history, every job has its risks, but I say "Can we really accept death at work?".
Well everyone reading this will say: "Of course NO !!!". We are the usual, well preach evil and scratching! Always
University I studied the "Security", to be sure our engineers are often called to positions of responsibility on the issue of security, but if I tell the truth ... Well I've never been convinced of the "method". Over the years I have more and more convinced that the problem is not the dangerousness of the workplace, as the approach to the work in general.
On the issue of safety is always missing a vital issue, "better communication", to create a more intimate awareness of the problems.
I can not stand idly by when a few friends (in construction workers), I speak of security as a real "ball and chain", I say they are unjust laws (refer to 626 and 494). They say they are laws that make up our working day a living hell (more than it already is), those helmets, those boots, those gloves, those harnesses are unbearable ...!
And then there is really something wrong!
Law 626/94 and its amendments have introduced a whole new world on security, but I wonder: "How the laws are really close to the realities of everyday life?", Well in fact many laws are, they are been and will be far removed from the realities of life.
are expected to figure in charge of prevention and protection, a sort is "guru" della sicurezza aziendale; poi si prevede un RLS “Responsabile dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza”; corsi di formazione sulla sicurezza per gli uni e per gli altri, ovviamente separatamente per creare classismi anche su una materia che ha a che fare con la vita della gente.
Avete mai sentito della morte di uno di questi personaggi??? No, nel modo più assoluto!!! Muoiono solo poveri operai, magari sottopagati, non informati o che magari hanno “subito” qualche ora di corso sui possibili rischi del lavoro magari una sola volta nella vita; corsi noiosissimi fatti di una comunicazione inefficace ed inefficiente dei quali non resta quasi nulla in memoria.
In realtà credo che sia la stessa parola “SICUREZZA” to create all the problems!
When you're sure of something, a situation of someone? Yeah ...
security means literally "to be sure that what you are doing does not mean no harm to ourselves first and then to those around us." Be certain that there can be damage creates a mental condition of superficiality, lack of concentration which leads to errors of evaluation of our behavior, sometimes fatal mistakes.
We try to focus on "security" that the world around us gives us, we try to be more focused when walking on a scaffold rather than bother trying to say that the scaffolding had to be some kind of "Highway", we learn to handle emergencies that we always will be and avoid engaging in one after the other four in a tank saturated with poison gas!
This is common sense, pride, love of his life, his family.
Think, think!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hwo To Open My Honeywell Lock Box

Success begins on the Internet

Successful personal, professional and financial
starts with a good website!
Do not have a website??
We've thought it, but you have to pay money to the companies web hosting
It also does not give you almost nothing!

I have had these problems, but I discovered a company
Today has 600,000 sites open
Let me explain better ...
This service offers many things, including unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth (essential for those who want to e-commerce) and unlimited domains.
The first domain is free and if you record it and if you move to another web hosting service.
When you register you will also receive a bonus of $ 50 for Yahoo Search Marketing and Google Adwords.

Do you think the attractive thing?

Do you think you will also have 100 MySQL, 100 PostgreSQL databases, unlimited subdomains, PHP5 support, Pearl5, Python, Ruby and many others.
Not to mention the 1000 boxes di posta elettronica. Oppure del fatto che registrare un dominio con loro costa solo 7$ all'anno ( circa 5€ ) contro i 10€ italiani. E non è ancora finita. Avrai decine e decine di script installabili per creare forum, blogs, carrelli elettronici e tutto quello che vorrai per rendere il tuo sito internet un sito speciale.
L'assistenza tecnica è splendida ed è molto molto paziente.