Multimedia communication - Part III Hello guys, at this point I know I've been hating .... really too late to post the third part, but sometimes the time is running out! Cominciamooooo! We can distinguish
essentially a synchronous mode, when the use occurs in real time, and asynchronous, it is in deferment. In the case of synchronous mode, in the absence of interactivity, it is more difficult for the recipient to maintain the pressure. Following from the above, communication style becomes an element inherent to the medium used. For example, the length and richness of details of a book are not suitable for TV or to a message on the Internet. Conversely, the more spare and direct language of TV, where the images contribute to the clarity of the message, are not suited to the written text. We as far as criteria can be used to assess the scope of communication media and search, according to this, to adjust communication style to the medium used. In the following pages will be thorough functional analysis of mainstream media, from the natural situation of face to face. The face to face is the situation more natural and complete communication. The content is conveyed by voice, body, from proxemics. Interactivity is full and sender and receiver have the status of partners. Furthermore, the context and the environmental conditions are shared. Communication style can be adapted from the person that you have overlooked, based on knowledge we have of it, and reminds us that feedback. Writing and printing are characterized by the dominant language as a code, the lack of interactivity and an asynchronous mode of use. Once the recipient's profile, style can make use of in-depth descriptions, could use codes sometimes very complex, if shared by the recipients. The radio goes through not only words but also sounds, noises and additional information such as pitch and tone of voice. The manner of use is synchronous. Considering these factors, the style is centered on content: news, rather than a broadcast entertainment, have their own specific method of operation, made up of simple, short periods, and also supported the use of musical themes suited to re-create "the climate" right. Unlike other media, cinema is solely dedicated to the narrative. The wealth of content for the medium makes a broadband connection. Interactivity is absent and the enjoyment can be repeated if necessary. We must therefore prefer a narrative style, which may be more unbalanced in favor of the images or dialogue, but still focused on the sequence of events. The TV is a medium to high speed, non-interactive, whose use is mainly in real time. In the TV image is predominant compared al linguaggio. Occorre anche tener conto che la TV richiede al destinatario un’attenzione fissa e quindi un impegno rilevante. Quanto ai contenuti, occorre adottare uno stile il più possibile breve, didascalico, che lasci spazio alle immagini e al movimento. Il digitale terrestre è il più recente sistema di distribuzione del segnale televisivo attraverso la comune antenna televisiva. Attraverso l'uso di un decoder questa tecnologia permette di ottenere un buon livello di interattività, non ancora però abbastanza sfruttata a livello comunicativo. Il telespettatore, utilizzando il telecomando e senza competenze informatiche specifiche, può interagire con l'emittente approfondendo i contenuti informativi o partecipando a semplici giochi. Le caratteristiche prevalenti rimangono quindi quelle della TV classica. Gli strumenti per comunicare attraverso PC e reti informatiche sono numerosi. Ad esempio e-mail, chat, forum e videoconferenza. Le caratteristiche variano in relazione allo strumento usato: alcuni sono testuali, alcuni sincroni, altri asincroni. Ad esempio la videoconferenza è a banda larga e include audio e video dell’interlocutore. Il web ha introdotto un nuovo linguaggio, nuovi codici, un nuovo ambiente di comunicazione. In questo modulo conosceremo le caratteristiche di Internet ed esploreremo le potenzialità comunicative e relazionali che tale mezzo offre. Conoscere l’ambiente web è infatti fondamentale sia per comprendere come muoversi in rete, sia per ottimizzare their communication skills in a virtual environment. The advent of the digital age, with the birth of the Internet and the Web has led to a revolution in the way of communicating through the media. The Web has become a powerful medium that eliminates the distance, the patterns and hierarchies. One of the secrets of his success is the democracy that allows anyone to communicate with everyone, without barriers of any kind. The content of the network is innovative, strikingly different from our old way of communicating. We went from a one to many type of communication and one by one, to a communication common to many many, where he often loses the source and the source of the information itself. Internet is and will become increasingly the litmus test of our society, the largest illustrated dictionary in the world, so if you already can find everything in the future will even more. De Kerckhove has coined the term "psycho-technologies" to describe technologies that extend the power of the mind, as well as other technologies 'physical', as the car or bike, stretch the body. The computer is a "psycho-technology, which unlike TV, is private. The new term was coined because of the enormous spread of the Internet. The Internet is a form of intelligence and extension of individual memory, through the contribution to the community. The technology certainly characterizes the structure of hypertext and the interconnection of the documents on the network. In 1965, Theodor Nelson coined the term, working on a project to create a kind of universal virtual library. Hypertext is a set of components which are possible between text links, such links. The user can browse the links to freely choose their own paths. Through the link you can access another part of the document itself or to another document. This is a non-sequential reading, in perfect agreement with the mode of reasoning typical of lateral thinking, which allows infinite custom locations. Reading a hypertext significa muoversi attraverso il testo in modo attivo: la fruizione diviene un atto dinamico. Ci troviamo di fronte ad un linguaggio totalmente innovativo. La trasmissione delle informazioni, infatti, ha sempre seguito un paradigma lineare, adottando una struttura sequenziale per collegare tra loro le informazioni. Il nostro pensiero, invece, non ha una struttura lineare, ma procede per associazioni di idee. In tal modo gli ipertesti si avvicinano molto al modo di ragionare della nostra mente. Il cyberspazio è per tutti una possibilità aperta: possiamo anche non frequentarlo mai, ma non possiamo non sapere che c'è. Ogni computer collegato in rete è una possibile porta di accesso a questo mondo. È uno spazio virtuale, non inteso come "non reale", ma come qualcosa che è in potenza e non in atto. Una dimensione alternativa, con le sue regole, i suoi linguaggi, i suoi codici. Lo spazio virtuale è sicuramente affollato, ma al tempo stesso infinito. Il concetto di spazio viene rivoluzionato dalla rete, concedendo una visione allargata e onirica. Sicuramente ne trae vantaggio il pensiero creativo, mentre si creano altre barriere alla comunicazione: l’assenza di corpi fisici in questi spazi sterminati, e quindi l’assenza del non verbale, rende più difficile lo scambio a livello emotivo e facilita il gioco delle maschere. Il web resta comunque uno spazio utile per comunicare per motivi professionali, di studio, di ricerca. La comunicazione di tipo “logico cognitivo” ne trae sicuramente molti benefici. Le modalità di fruizione, produzione e scambio di informazioni su Internet, possono essere raggruppate essenzialmente in tre macro-categorie di eventi comunicativi: individuali, collaborativi, gruppi di discussione. La fruizione individuale è quella in cui singoli individui utilizzano gli strumenti di comunicazione virtuale per creare, organizzare e gestire contenuti personali. Si realizza nell'uso dei motori di ricerca per cercare informazioni e documenti, attraverso l'e-mail per contattare altre persone, attraverso i siti e i blog personali, una sorta di “vetrine” sul mondo del web. La modalità collaborativa, quella che vede coinvolti nello scambio un alto numero di persone, si realizza di solito nel modello the online community. These are groups of people who share specific interests, and not professional. To this end, discussion forums are used, ie environments that provide tools to exchange messages and documents collectively achieve. The discussion groups are using instant messaging programs to create discussion forums on specific topics. Typically, these environments are reserved to the States. They can be public, in which membership is open to all, or reserved. The most widely used tools are forums, newsgroups and mailing lists. Searching for information and learning content on the network are possible thanks to the availability of a vast quantity of materials, including if only a small fraction of free resources are structured according to an effective teaching method. The preparation of itineraries and learning more advanced models of distance education are an area of \u200b\u200bvocational training which is called e-learning (short for electronic learning), which identifies all the tools and content properly structured so as to create paths formative events of lectures, simulations and exercises for individuals or groups online. Teaching is delivered by means of distance communication (forums, chat, virtual classroom) and multimedia resources that integrate audio, text, graphics and animations. The incidental learning (incidental learning) through research of non-structured in different locations of the network, is giving way to interactive teaching strategies with organizations ranging from individual structured materials, tutor-assisted learning, in the mixed (classroom teachers and tutors at a distance ). The e-learning and multimedia uses, both traditional training methods such as role playing, group exercises, case studies, and the instruments for remote communication. The concept of time, network, acquired a very personalized. You can communicate synchronously as in chat or video conferencing, or asynchronously, that is delayed (e-mail, forums, mailing lists, newsgroups, etc.).. Except in the case of videoconferencing, all other systems use written communication, a sort of epistolary world, very fast, but not calligraphic, and very impersonal. Cyberspace supports technologies that enhance intellectual, exteriorized and modify a large number of human cognitive functions: databases extend our memory skills, simulations enhance our ability to represent reality, the computational capacity of computers to enhance our ability intellectual. These technologies will benefit both new forms of intellectual access to information and new styles of reasoning and knowledge.
I think I exaggerated article .... un po' troppo lungo.... ma adesso è veramente tutto sulla comunicazione multimediale!!! A presto con alcuni elementi di comunicazione per la negoziazione!!!