Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clean Burned Milk Cooktop Stove

Fall, Gold, Wonder

"Tombent, tombent les feuilles d'or, I mean who was asleep "
(towards Pernette Chaponnière)

" We see all the time, in autumn,
Something that surprises you,
C is a branch suddenly
Who flakes in your neck.
is a small tree with red cheeks,
One, still another color,
And everywhere, the gold leaf "

(Lucie Delarue-Mardru)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Roller Skating Clip Art

Expressive Lab for Groups, Individual Sessions


L'Atelier is a welcoming space devoted to Creativity, Expression and Psychophysical Well-Being , where it is possible to act your awareness, by painting, experimenting with new materials, awakening your senses, expressing yourself freely with the body (movements, gestures, voice), under the guidance of an art counselor, regardless of technical manual skills that you possess.

The process "Conscious Creativity / Creative Consciousness": creativity offers the opportunity to see and acknowledge the painful feelings and emotional blocks and to turn them into resources and talents. Creativity teaches us to experience consciously the now, by increasing our ability to feel emotions and to focus. The perception of the body and emotional needs connected to the expressive process is a way of a self-knowledge that leads to an inner synergy and a deeper mental and physical balance.

The path of creativity as a tool for personal growth facilitates the awakening of the personal energy, which may have been aslept, blocked or repressed over time, to assist the return to the free circulation of the emotional energy in the body and to the natural state of psychophysical well-being.

In this perspective, creativity is synonymous of health. Carl R. Rogers defined the creative act: " The creative act is the natural behavior of a body which tends to appear when this body is open to the entirety of its inner and outer experiences and when it is free to experience, in a flexible way, all forms of relationship” .


The workshops offered are not technical lessons but e xpressive seminars marked by the mindful practice of creativity, as a direct experience and tool for personal growth within an evolutionary path . The concept is to give users the chance to reconnect with their inner source of intuition and self confidence, with the natural creative flow, and to assert themselves individually, seizing the opportunities to share and dialogue with the others and to make live and grow their creativity in interaction.

The climate of mutual respect, confidence and non-judgment boosts the creative spirit to come forward with joy. There is no creativity without pleasure and spontaneity, and often the path leads us to recover our fundamental right to play, to get pleasure and to enjoy beauty.

The focus is on inner resources and potential of the person, as a quality to recognize, discover, accept, recover, manage, in order to use it in our daily life. The path of the group is a journey inside yourself and with the others, during which it is possible to improve our way of communicating with the environment.

All expressive proposals include a part of bodywork awareness because the person is considered as a unity, body-mind-spirit: psychophysical relaxation, work on breathing, on senses, with the voice, gestures and movements complete the work of art therapy with the images. The music goes with the experiences, because it is a great tool to relax body and mind, to get in touch with yourself and to be in relation with others, to recover your personal energy, by stimulating your attention and imagination.

Expressive Lab:

Intuitive Painting, painting with the power of intuition and imagination : it is a practice of painting that promotes the personal development, at different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This path of personal growth in group includes a part of guided relaxation, psychophysical awareness in order to increase the opportunity of inner transformation.

The workshop is open to anyone who is interested, whether you have artistic experience or your are beginners (group of 4 persons).
Cycle of 8 meetings of 2 hours weekly starting in early December 2009 ( during the week from Monday to Friday) - For information on hours, days, place (Rome Center) and costs: you can contact Marianne Cordier at 339 48 54 232.

Living your inner center : it is a expressive and corporal travel to get in touch with your inner center and to improve the balance between body, mind and spirit through the practice of guided relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, visualization and practice of drawing and painting with Mandala and Circle of life (artistic tradition of Native Americans) as tools for growth and personal transformation.

The workshop is open to anyone who is interested, whether you have artistic experience or your are beginners (group of 4 persons).
Cycle of 8 meetings of 2 hours weekly starting in early December 2009 ( during the week from Monday to Friday) -For information on hours, days, place (Rome Center) and costs: you can contact Marianne Cordier at 339 48 54 232.


L'Atelier is a protected place dedicated to the Expression of the Self that offers a relation of support and assistance for the person not only by using words but also with the use of art materials that trigger the process of awareness. Painting, drawing, pasting, sculpting, writing, by putting words and images on everything that happens inside, the person is stimulated to express feelings and emotions. The symbolic representation in a visual form of the inner emotions through images give an unique opportunity to observe, recognize and give shape to what is happening within us, to have a clear focus, to find an order and "put things at the right place”, to look to life events from a new perspective. The images create a space for insight and process that can help the person to find new ways of interaction between inner world and the environment.

The individual sessions are as a journey in search of authenticity, inner core and own resources that promote clarity, self-efficacy and autonomy through the use of lateral, creative, constructive and positive thinking and through emotional and expressive experiences. In an climate of intimacy, respect, relaxation and tranquility, the art counselor follows the person by active listening, suggestions, creative proposals, guided imagery and relaxation.

Individual sessions: 1 hour, weekly. For information on hours, days, place (Rome Center) and costs: you can contact Marianne Cordier at 339 48 54 232.


Individual or group sessions are recommended for all, adults and adolescents : for who is looking for tools for personal growth, inner change and well-being, for who wants to realize a path of personal awareness, for who desires to deepen his own artistic way with awareness, for who is undergoing a period of existential discomfort and uneasiness and needs to recover its own resources, for who is interested to expand his ability of expression and communication, for who wants to carve out personal time for himself away from daily obligations, for who is looking for an inner dimension where attention and calm bring him back to his inner rhythm.

The laboratories are also addressed to adults in Professional Training (psychologists, teachers, educators, doctors...) who want to enrich, through the direct creative experience, their professional practice with new expressive and artistic techniques and strategies.

Intensive workshops are also organized as Experiential Workshops aimed to the awakening of the senses, and designed for professionals , company managers and creative people interested in developing creative thinking about innovation through a range of expressive techniques performed to get a direct exploration of creativity.

L'Atelier becomes " Open Studio" by appointment for artists who wish to deepen their artistic projects under the guidance of an art counselor.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jersey Dragons Bearded

Soul Collage

Mario Salieri Flms Group

Laboratori Espressivi in Atelier Dicembre 2009-Gennaio 2010

L'Atelier is a welcoming space devoted to creativity, expression and physical well-being, where act one's awareness, painting, experimenting with new materials, awakening the senses, expressing themselves freely with the body (movements, gestures, voice), under the guidance of an art counselor, regardless of manual skills and techniques that you own.

process Creativity Aware - Awareness Creative " the Creativity offers the opportunity to see and acknowledge the painful experiences and personal limitations, turning them into resources and talents. It teaches us to consciously experience the present moment, enhancing our ability to feel emotions and attention. The perception of the body and emotional needs inherent in the path expression is the path of self-knowledge that leads to a synergy within and a greater mental and physical balance.

The path of creativity as a tool for personal growth facilitates the awakening of staff, who was asleep, blocked or repressed over time, with the return of the free circulation of energy in the emotional body and the natural state of well-being.

In this perspective, creativity is synonymous with health. Carl R. Rogers thereby defining the creative act: "The creative act is the natural behavior of a body which tends to occur when the given body shall be open to the entirety of its inner and outer experiences, and when it is free to test, in flexible manner, all forms of relationships. "


Laboratories expression of the technical courses are not offered but seminars geared to the practice of conscious creativity, experience and as a tool for growth within an evolutionary path. The aim is to give users the ability to reconnect with the source of their intuition, with the natural creative flow, and succeed individually, taking advantage of opportunities for discussion and dialogue to make it live and grow their creativity in interaction with others.

The climate of respect, trust and non-judgmental encourages l’anima creativa ad uscire allo scoperto con gioia e spontaneità. Non esiste la creatività senza piacere e spesso il percorso ci porta a recuperare il proprio diritto al gioco, al piacere e alla bellezza.

L’accento viene posto sulle risorse e le potenzialità della persona , come qualità da riconoscere, riscoprire, recuperare, gestire ed utilizzare poi nella vita. Il percorso di gruppo è un viaggio dentro sé stesso e con l’altro, che permette di migliorare le nostre modalità di comunicazione con l’ambiente.

Tutte le esperienze espressive proposte includono una parte di lavoro di consapevolezza body because the person is considered as a single body, mind and spirit: the psycho-body relaxation, work on breathing, on the senses, voice and gestures on the complete work of art therapy with the images. The music accompanies the course, being an ideal tool to relax the body and mind, get in touch with himself and in relation with others, to recover your energy, stimulating concentration and imagination.

Laboratories expression for the months of December 2009-January 2010

· Intuitive Painting, paint with the power 's intuition and imagination : painting is a practice that promotes personal development of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. A journey of personal growth in a group that includes some of guided relaxation, psychosomatic awareness in order to increase their potential for transformation.

The workshop is open to anyone with an interest, whether it has an artistic experience for beginners (group of 4 persons).
cycle of 8 sessions of 2 hours on a weekly basis from early December 2009 (Monday to Friday) For information about
hours, days, place (Rome Centre) and costs: you can contact Marianne Cordier at 339 48 54 232.

· Living in the Right Center: journey of self expression and body to get in touch with your inner center and improve the balance between body, mind and spirit through the practice of guided relaxation, meditation, attention, visualization, and practical expression of the Mandala and design of the Circle of Life (in the artistic traditions of Native Americans) as a tool for growth and personal transformation.

The workshop is open to anyone with an interest, whether it has an artistic experience for beginners (group of 4 persons).
cycle of 8 sessions of 2 hours on a weekly basis from early December 2009 (Monday to Friday)
For information on times, days, place (Rome Centre) and costs: you can contact Marianne Cordier 48 to 339 54 232.

explores the individual

L'Atelier is a protected area dedicated to 'Self-Expression where an intervention to support the person not only by word but also with the use of art materials that trigger the process of awareness. Painting, drawing, pasting, sculpting, writing, putting words and images on everything that happens, the person is encouraged to express their feelings, emotions and feelings.
The symbolic representation in a visual form of their real emotions through the images makes it possible to observe, recognize and give shape to what is happening within us, to clarify, "order" and "set things Instead, see situations from a new perspective. The images create a space of understanding and processing that can help the individual to find new ways of interaction between the inner world and the environment. The

individual path is a journey in search of its authenticity, its inner core and resources that encourages clarity, self-efficacy and autonomy of the person through the use of lateral thinking, creative, positive and constructive and emotional experience and expression. In an atmosphere of intimacy, relaxation and tranquility, the art counselor accompanies the person through active listening, suggestions, creative proposals, guided imagery and relaxation.

Durata degli incontri individuali: 1 ora, cadenza settimanale.
Per informazioni sugli orari, giorni, luogo ( Roma, Centro) e costi : ci si può rivolgere a Marianne Cordier al 339 48 54 232.


Il percorso individuale o di gruppo è consigliato a tutti, adulti ed adolescenti: a chi è in cerca di strumenti di crescita, di cambiamento e di benessere interiore, a chi vuole realizzare un percorso di consapevolezza personale, a chi ha il desiderio di approfondire il proprio percorso artistico con consapevolezza, a chi attraversa un period of existential distress and needs to recoup some of their inner resources, who wants to expand its capacity of expression and communication, to those who want to carve out time for yourself from everyday life, who is looking for an internal dimension which attention and calm him back to your inner rhythm.

Laboratories are also intended adults in training (psychologists, teachers, educators, doctors ...) who want to enrich, through the direct creative experience, their professional practice with new techniques and strategies of expression.

are also organized intensive workshops, designed like experiential workshop marked the awakening sensory , designed for professionals, managers and companies interested in developing creative thinking creative innovation through a range of expressive techniques carried out direct exploration of creativity.

L'Atelier becomes "Open Studio" appointment for artists who wish to deepen their artistic projects under the guidance of an art counselor.