Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bi Women At Strip Club

Agnello con faccia umana in Turchia

Sembra assurdo ma in realtà è una notizia trasmessa dalla Cnn, prima rete televisiva americana, e pubblicata sul sito del Daily Telegraph.

In Turchia, in un villaggio non lontano dalla città di Izmir, una pecora ha dato alla luce un piccolo agnello aiutata dal veterinario Erhan Elibol il quale ha effettuato un taglio cesareo per aiutare l’agnello a nascere, rimanendo in seguito letteralmente shockato dal primo impatto con l’animale. Era infatti evidente come the nose of the quadruped resumption fully the features of a human face.

"I've seen changes with cows and sheep before. I saw a calf with one eye, a calf with two heads, one with five legs. But when I saw this I could not believe my eyes. "- Said the young vet who later pointed out that the unique human characteristics of the animal were the nose, eyes and mouth and ears would be common to all sheep.

The news has spread far and wide among veterinarians and there is a common opinion. Many argue that this rare mutation has occurred because of the forage administered to the guilty to come addition of too much vitamin A.

In the past similar cases are found, as in September 2009 in Zimbabwe, but this by far surpasses them all, it is inexplicable at the time the whole of the semi-similarity.