"Happy is he among men living on earth who has seen these things! Those who has not been initiated into the sacred mysteries, who has not had this sort will never have a similar fate, dead, in the humid darkness of rotting there. "
So says the Homeric hymn. And the allusion is clear enough. These verses refer to the mysteries of Eleusis. This was (is) a Greek city, founded independently and then merged into the Athenian domination. This place was where, 1500 years, ceremonies were held, first minor, then more and more important, in honor of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Da qui inizia il bello, ciò che è più misterioso e che avvolge questo Mito in un ombra di sacro misticismo. Ai riti potevano accedere solamente gli iniziati, perchè le cerimonie riguardavano culti magici, che servivano per rendere fertili i campi. Tutto ciò rapp
Ma non solo.
La parte più importante del culto era rappresentata dall’iniziazione degli adepti nella sala centrale del tempio di Demetra ad Eleusi (detta Telesterian). Durante la cerimonia d’iniziazione, era messo in scena il racconto della ricerca da parte di Demetra di sua figlia Persefone. L’obiettivo centrale della cerimonia era costituito dalla ricerca dell’immortalità e della felicità nel mondo dell’aldilà, che gli antichi greci ritenevano strettamente connesse alle vicende della dea.
I misteri eleusini erano rinnovati due volte l’anno. I Picccoli Misteri si celebravano a Febbraio nel demo di Agra, nei pressi di Atene, durante i quali era narrata ai Mystai (gli iniziati al primo dei quattro stadi della rivoluzione) la vicenda mitica di Demetra. Dei Piccoli Misteri facevano parte anche alcuni riti di carattere purificatorio.I Grandi Misteri erano invece celebrati nella seconda metà di settembre, ed iniziavano con il trasporto from Athens to Eleusis of sacred objects by young youths. The cer
Together with the mysteries of the parties had taken place: the Little circumvention, which alluded to the spring awakening of nature with the return of Persephone to earth, and that took place during the Little Mysteries, and the Great circumvention carried out in September (just when Persephone empires and come back in again on a winter hibernation) at the Great Mysteries. These festivities lasted nine days (as much as it was during Research of Demeter). Spectacular procession that took place from Athens to Eleusis, which brings together thirty thousand people, which ended with the arrival in the city in the dark of night, lit by thousands of twigs turned to mo 'a torch.
Eleusinian mysteries of the importance of many scholars do research to find a conference chiarezza.Ad the 1977 Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD, showed that the mystical visions of the initiates in the Eleusinian Telesterion were induced by psychedelic trip hallucinogenic mushrooms. So the sacred rites of the ancient Greek brotherhood is, surprisingly, the artificial paradise hippies. All that is known about the mysteries is deducted from later writers Christians, who have partially filtered and manipulated the true essence.