Monday, June 30, 2008

Removing A Spiral Staircase

Maturity - It' s the time of the oral!

Anche quest’anno (mentre sto studiando per l’ennesimo esame) è arrivato il giorno del giudizio finale per i primi ragazzi iscritti alla maturità.
Dopo la fatica delle tre prove, tra putiferi, paure, liberazioni, arriva il giorno dell’orale!!!
Come affrontarlo???
Beh non è semplice rispondere, ma dopo una Laurea Triennale e un primo anno di Laurea Specialistica mi piacerebbe spendere qualche parola per questi ragazzi alle prese con il loro PRIMO ESAME !!!
Tutto si basa sul metodo di studio, ma ormai non servirebbe a molto parlare di quest’argomento (prometto che prima o poi mi metterò a scrivere un bel post sull’argomento). Piuttosto oggi mi voglio soffermare sul come affrontare emotivamente l’esame Oral these days.
on how it works is useless to waste time, you already know everything and you certainly more informed than me ....
Apart from the technical preparation will be vital to the emotional preparation to 'event'!
not make the mistake to convince you that you will not give a damn that you have no fear and things like that so why is not it!
Your fear will prove to be alive and well at the moment to bring out the first word before the committee (six, twelve eyes on you in search of your first mistake) and there will be too late to try to manage this fear that is nothing more than just "anxiety to provide "early
write an article on the so-called" PUBLIC SPEAKING "that is the real" art "of COMMUNICATING IN PUBLIC. Yes ... the oral
of maturity is understood by your mind as an initial endowment of Public Communication, you have before the committee, but you have the audience behind and hand! Technically
your disquisition (especially if you have prepared a paper or a path) for the first quarter of an hour is a real speech at a conference where you related to your path.
So needless to say, you have to stay calm, you have to try to distract you, you have to be able to sleep ...
These things I think you know them already, and anyway everyone is saying these things and no one tells you how to do it ... but now it would be too long a speech and you do not have time! Now a days
examination the only way to take the examination is to try it!
I know I am crazy, but it is the only real thing you can do, no longer having time for anything else!
So take some 'public ... parents, siblings, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends, friends of class if you can and try!
friends like you who are studying, cousins \u200b\u200band / or older siblings, parents (sometimes) and even their classmates or other friends are the best actors to impersonate the Board; Pick six others put them to listen back and side! I
I can only say be careful, but not too much, the body language and speed and tone of voice.
What you say will be surrounded by internal reviews on how to dress, how you sit, the tone of your voice, the speed of exposure and I can assure you it is this that makes the difference.
The exam is now done, when you hear your name is not going to panic, but take a deep breath slowly and deeply, then head to the committee, try to watch all the prof in the same way, you do not make differences. Sit in a comfortable position and try not too rilassata e nemmeno troppo tesa (loro se ne accorgono), state tranquilli perché avete già provato a casa (magari più volte), quando cominciate a parlare cercate di prendere subito il ritmo e la tonalità della voce di chi vi ha chiesto di farlo, continuate così con tutti i prof. Mentre parlate non fissate lo sguardo solo sui professori interessati, ma voltate lo sguardo un po’ verso tutti, non siate rigidi, non tenete le mani ferme e strette sulle vostre gambe, gesticolate normalmente come richiede l’argomento, ma non in modo veloce e nervoso. Se l’argomento lo permette stemperate i toni con delle piccole battute e sorridete pacatamente. Al termine dell’esame alzatevi, sorridete e salutate tutti con una stretta hand, thanks. If your hand sucks not avoid healthy, but be calm a joke on your sweaty hand, pass slowly on his pants and give it the same!
Well what about ... and done! Your exam is done, who will go to university will be the same for ... about sixty times between Triennale, Specialized and exams not passed, there will always sooner or later, but no one will never die!

Good luck guys!


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