Thursday, February 19, 2009

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also open stores in Canada

My inbox is full, every day, email me warn of new sightings of UFOs from around the world. Lately there has been a full blown exploit UFO news, that maybe the news has covered some of the opening by Canada of its records concerning us, gust'appunto, the UFO phenomenon.
course do not expect dihiarazioni worthy of the best episode of the wonderful TV series "X-Files" archives, most of them are gathered from stories visual part of witnesses who have had encounters ravicinati the 1st and 2nd kind, even if you can find statements from experts and people more or less important in the Canadian community. In fact, in recent years many countries have decided to make public reports and official documents about alleged UFO sightings, so that today seem more anti-conformist those nations that have not yet decided to take this step of transparency.
He joins the long list made up of England, Ireland, France, Ecuador, Denmark and the United States, including Canada, with thousands of reports from the Department of National Defense, the Department of Transportation, the National Council of Research and the Royal Canadian Police
The documents have been dematerialized and cataloged chronologically and by area, to be accessible through the website of the Library and Library of Canada, under the title "Canadian UFO: In Search of the unknown": E 'was made even a section devoted to UFO research reports, a sort of "virtual tour", which allows easily to choose an area or a date and examine relationships between closely scanned, and accompanied by multimedia material: Alternatively you can browse through more than 9000 papers using traditional research in the side menu of the site.

The documents do not contain recommendations only "nude and crude" of the witnesses, but often there are also the analysis and their findings call into question for that particular sighting.
In a note dated 1967, for example, entitled "Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) - Surveys," read "Several surveys carried out on these reports suggest the possibility that UFOs may be the only source of scientific and technological capabilities demonstrated advanced enough to be able to contribute with their analysis to our scientific and technological development. "

Another interesting comment can be read in reports dated in the early '50s, in which Wilber Smith, chief engineer of a research team from the Department of Transport Canada, comments on the evolution of the UFO: "... it is difficult to reconcile this performance with our technological capabilities, unless the technology to any nation land is not significantly more advanced than is conceivable, we must necessarily conclude that these vehicles are of extraterrestrial origin, in spite of our prejudices urge us to reject this hypothesis. "

Another interesting report comes from the Royal Canadian Police and describes in every way a use. The report tells of an incident at Shag Harbour on the night of October 4, 1967 and involved over the six policemen also civili.L 'episode is described as follows: "Witnesses have reported an object of around 20 meters long from east , then descends rapidly into the water with a big impact. A single white light appeared on the surface for a short period of time. The police tried to reach the object with the help of some local fishermen and their boats before they sank completely. "
course, everything is very interesting, though, the rest of the idea, che tutto ciò sia un contentino per nascondere ai più, verità ancora più scottanti. Oggi come sempre, la verità è la nostra libertà.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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cominucazione Multimedia - The Shooting Party

Hello everyone, after a series of commitments that led to this delay in publication of posts on this path in Interpersonal Communication. Today we talk about multimedia communication.
To transmit and receive information necessary physical equipment that can produce energy and to transmit and receive. The human body has some natural transmission and reception apparatus: the vocal apparatus is an example of the former, as well as how the movement of the upper limbs, which allow you gesture, the visual and the auditory system are examples receiving equipment. These devices have, however, natural many limitations: for example, do not allow to communicate over long distances or to store the information in a stable manner over time. But we can extend the capabilities of our equipment by natural man-made devices: communication technologies. These means become "amplifiers" of man's ability to communicate, but in addition to changing the mode of communication have an impact on culture and language. The word "media" comes from the Latin word "medium", which means half. "Media" is the plural of "medium" and was used in Anglo-Saxon culture to denote the set of technological artifacts that allow man to communicate with a potentially infinite number of stakeholders. The media are certainly more widespread in the writing and printing, radio, cinema, television, the Internet that combines elements of radio and television with the computer, causing a power shift from producers to consumers and encouraging a diversity of languages. As the sociologist said McLuhan "the medium is the message." An example? The emotional impact of a story is different when read in a newspaper, heard on the radio, view on TV or read on the Internet. To understand the impact of media on communication is useful to first distinguish two modes of transmission and coding Information: analog and digital. The analog mode provides a structured set of signs will continue. Are good examples of television pictures, or analog clock whose hands move continuously. The digitally encoded information provides instead a split into several parts. Examples are the language or the digital clock that marks time in spurts. The images, as analog encoding, and language, as digital encoding, have different communication quality. Images can convey many meanings that the recipient may in part perceive and in part to ignore. The language defines instead on time and the meanings they convey, helping to minimize the ambiguity dell'informazione. Secondo lo studioso Allan Paivio (1971) esisterebbero due distinti sistemi per la rappresentazione e l'elaborazione delle informazioni, uno per le immagini e uno per le informazioni linguistiche. La verifica sperimentale di questa teoria dimostrerebbe che le rappresentazioni analogiche e digitali possono interagire. I due sistemi sono indipendenti e quindi un’informazione può essere memorizzata o recuperata attraverso il nome dell'oggetto, la sua immagine o entrambi. Ma essendo anche interconnessi un'informazione può essere trasferita da un sistema all'altro, e questo è il motivo per cui si è in grado di trasformare il racconto di un libro in immagini mentali, o viceversa. Se un'informazione è prevalentemente verbale, additional visual information can also be a disturbing element, or the reverse may happen with visual information that is difficult to encode verbally.
Hello guys to the next ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Eight Sides Table Plans

UFO UFO invasions occurred during the years 1954-1973/1974-1978 DVD

Negli anni 1954-1973/1974-1978 ci fu una vera e propria invasione di UFO che interessò tutto il pianeta. Si trattò di ondate dalle proporzioni bibliche, in cui astronavi aliene sorvolavano zone abitate appositamente per farsi vedere, comprese le grandi città, spesso atterravano ed interagivano in ogni modo con le persone. Tutto ciò è qualcosa di unico nella storia, che si è verificato solo ed unicamente in quegli anni.
È evidente che si è trattato di un comportamento da parte degli alien face to give a clear message to power terrestrial and provided in certain decisions or behavior. To give rise to retaliation alien in those three occasions, there are three events of historical importance in the relationship between aliens and secret authorities (the U.S.).
Since July 1947, when the U.S. recovered a crashed alien vehicle and its occupants, everything about the aliens is covered by the highest level of privacy possible. This means that it is almost impossible to become aware of what happens in the relations between the U.S. and the aliens. Over the decades, and with the observation of reality, you have some information to that effect, but unfortunately you can only explain one of the three reprisals alien to whom you are speaking.


We know for sure that the incredible wave of UFO in the world in 1954 triggered by the first official contact with aliens and the subsequent U.S. decision to come to terms with some alien species.
According to rumors, the meeting took place on the evening of February 20, 1954 in California at Muroc Airfield base (formerly Edwards Air Force Base), where President Eisenhower and a delegation met representatives of the institutions that had landed with five alien UFO.
To make sure the alien technology and in a vain attempt to limit the crimes aliens, the U.S. decided to come to terms with a faction of "evil" aliens, despite faction "good" aliens, had repeatedly contacted directly by the U.S. authorities not to establish relations with the faction "evil" aliens and not to acquire alien technology. Needless to say that these warnings were largely ignored. The aliens 'good' in every way tried to dissuade any agreement of the superpowers with the aliens 'evil', including through public works operations, such as waves of overflights of residential areas (called Flap) in which they showed to the whole city world.
no coincidence that, following the official contact in February 1954, there were a series of UFO appearances really important and certainly not accidental but deliberate, and intended to communicate a very precise message to the powerful of the Earth, "we do not want captured alien technology and we do not want to make agreements with the deceitful alien species."
Just to name one for all: 27/10/1954 Florence was invaded by the flying saucer-shaped and flat shape of the planet Saturn, who performed (in pairs) maneuvers in the sky. The match Fiorentina-Pistoiese was suspended when the football field was flown by two flying saucers. Flying saucers over the city dropped a strange white substance similar to wool and frayed. This was the famous "silicon cotton" or "angel hair", and thanks to the enormous quantity fell, it was possible to analyze it before it evaporates: it is composed of boron, calcium, magnesium, silicon and air with the characteristic that the substance "evaporated." In the same year there were also aliens close contact with people with common characteristics disconcerting, as is the case that the country of Arezzo, on his way to church, was stopped by aliens and was robbed of flowers she carried in her hand.
Despite today have many more resources to make sightings, sightings of a total of recent years are only 60% of the sightings occurred in 1954, corresponding to a peak characteristic only of that year.


In 1973 and 1974 broke out all over the world a real UFO apocalypse, generating thousands of sightings all over the world, where UFOs were making moves in areas where they could be seen by many people: this behavior was an alien land warning to the authorities, in relation to major events in relations with aliens of which we are unaware.
This is an incredible wave of UFO about 27% higher than the exceptional peak in 1954.
Despite today have more means to sightings, sightings of a total of recent years are only 39% of the sightings occurred in 1973 or in 1974, corresponding to a peak characteristic of only those two years.


A partire dalla fine del 1977 e per tutto il 1978 si scatenò in tutto il mondo una vera e propria apocalisse ufologica, la più grande in assoluto durante tutta la storia umana, generando migliaia di avvistamenti in tutto il mondo, in cui gli UFO compivano manovre in zone dove potevano essere avvistati da molte persone: tale comportamento alieno era un monito per le autorità terrestri, relativamente a gravi accadimenti nei rapporti con gli alieni di cui noi siamo all'oscuro.
Si tratta di un'incredibile ondata di UFO superiore del 50% rispetto all'eccezionale picco del 1954.
Nonostante oggi si abbiano maggiori mezzi per fare avvistamenti, gli avvistamenti totali di uno degli ultimi anni corrispondono solo al 30% degli avvistamenti avvenuti in 1978, corresponding to a peak characteristic only of that year.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthese real UFO invasions, you can see these data clearly shows that the situation of those years in Italy (which well reflects the situation of the other countries):

sightings in October 1954 in Italy

is useful to report in more detail the sightings occurred in October 1954 in Italy. What follows is an excerpt from an article by Mauro Paoletti Edicolaweb on this site.
What happened in Italy in October 1954 was something exceptional importanza.I newspapers era wrote that in our skies, "it was as if a hypothetical general staff of the flying saucers had decided to make his maneuvers in Florence and Tuscany." It was the year of the great autumn wave that affected virtually the entire peninsula and the recurring theme of the cover of the Sunday Courier and the titles of the newspaper La Nazione.Stando the chronicles were recorded repeated sightings of unidentified objects passing by "a couple different forms: as a wing of white seagulls in flight, a drop of water, a Chinese hat, fast a few seconds of each other. "The testimony is that of the most famous journalist Batini author of a comprehensive article on The Nation, but the quotidiano per giorni riportò una sequela di segnalazioni e relative ipotesi circa la natura del fenomeno.
Erano le 14,30 del 27 Ottobre 1954 alla redazione del giornale giunse la telefonata di uno studente di ingegneria, Alfredo Jacopozzi, che affermava di vedere, insieme ad altre persone, diversi dischi volanti nel cielo di Firenze. Oggetti visti anche dal giornalista salito, nel frattempo, sui tetti di via Ricasoli per osservare una "cosa" bianca, tonda, lucida, immobile. Ad un tratto tra l’oggetto e la cupola del duomo sfrecciò un altro "palloncino bianco", più veloce di un aereo; poi un altro "disco" e un altro ancora. Sei oggetti che lasciarono al loro passaggio degli strani "fiocchi" bianchi simile a bambagia.I telefoni went mad. Sightings everywhere. An excited voice announced that a sixth disc was opened and divided into three parts, and these were directed in three different directions, while "the cobwebs shining slowly fell to the ground" alighting on rooftops, trees, cars, came to be what ovunque.Poi most sensational whose memory is still vivid in the minds of many witnesses who attend to the unusual fenomeno.Allo City Stadium was playing the game between Fiorentina training and Pistoia. Among the players of Fiorentina remember Costagliola, Magnini, Deer, Chiappella, Rosetta, sawn, Mariani, Gren, Virgili, Gratton, Gonzo, Sarti, Capucci, Del Gratta, Scaramucci, Biagi, Orza, Moon, Tassinari, Ghersetich, Buzzin, Vidal. Vadi for Pistoia, Pierallini, Vectors, Caiumi, Tuci, Lomi, Balsimelli, Lenci Carpini, Vannucchi, Fossi.Sopra stadium vaulted two mysterious flying objects. The game was stopped, the fans of both teams, astonished, raised her eyes to look at the evolution of the objects, Ferruccio Valcareggi also watched the scene with astonishment of the two players squadre.Romolo Tuci, while captain of Pistoia, says: "It was a beautiful day. At some point we realized that viewers watching in the air. It was natural for us to stop players. I saw how small rings away, what they do not really know. I mean, between us was who saw them and who is not, and there were those who took no notice, thinking who knows what. How long the game was suspended, I honestly do not remember, fifty years have passed, how do I say ten minutes or more? But all looked up in the air. Fifty years ago, you think? ". The whole town had stopped with his nose up to observe the evolution of oggetti.Non it was certainly a collective hallucination, ten thousand people at the stadium, phone calls from all over the city and from out of town , Sixth, Peretola. to describe all objects in the sky and a strange snowfall ragnatele.Il Mr. Jacopozzi and others in his company looked at objects with your binoculars and picked up the mysterious cotton. The observations appeared to show that the objects were shaped like a drop of water, other shaped hat Mandarin Chinese; proceed at high speed screwed in proceeding forward and were produced in complicated evoluzioni.La cotton stored in a sterile glass tube, appeared as a thread of the silkworm, glittered and proved immediately adhering to the sticky tube vetro.Anche journalists managed to get some cotton wool and along with that of the student was examined by Professor John Canneri director of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Florence, with the help of his assistant professor Danilo Cozzi.Dall 'from the spectrographic and microscopic examination proved that the substance collection Along with the Sixth and Africa was a "substance with a fibrous structure, high mechanical resistance to traction and torsion. At dusk, leaving a residual heating fuse and transparent. spectrographic fuse the residue showed mainly contain: Boron, Silicon, Calcium and Magnesium. macromolecular structure probably to thread-like substance. As a purely hypothetical, the substance examined in the microchemical scale could be a borosilicate glass. "According to the professor could be manufactured by blowing air at high speed on a mass of molten glass at high temperature. The more the air is much faster than the melting temperature is high and the fiber is much more subtle. After this statement many "experts" are lavished on attempts fenomeno.Il plausible explanations of the fact that trials have established the composition of the material did not explain the unusual event because it was not easy to understand how a rocket, a reactor or a "record", could issue a wake glass.
On 28 October, to coincide with the passage of strange objects in the sky, still the odd shower of glassy filaments in Prato, Florence and Siena, who whitewashed the top of the pass of Consumption as a snowfall, the filaments resembling the sun shone just flakes neve.Il owner of "Fonte al Prato" Consuma noticed that towards the Valdarno from Casentino fell like glassy filaments were appeared the previous day on Tuscan cities. Long strips of light, exceptionally bright wire, carried by a slight breeze, which covered the trees as if they were gems and precious stones. They looked like so many trees Natale.Il Professor Piccardi, Institute of Chemistry and Physics, University of Florence, though not having seen, thought it was some kind of glass wool as that used for insulating coatings. For the professor could have been brought up in the air by gusts of wind after being taken from a factory, following the disintegration of some panel. Or have been "seeded" in the sky for some air after a failure. But he could not express an opinion based on facts. For the professor it's weather balloons that day taking strange luminescence, and were illuminated at night to allow scientists to observe its path. At the mercy of air currents gave rise to bizarre developments and could be exchanged with "special handling equipment such as disk sighted along the Adriatic coast from Trieste to Bari." Among the many hypotheses to explain the phenomenon also uttered one of the vice president of Fondiaria Florence. Mindful of the Lipari obsidian lava flows, assumed that the earth was passing through an area of \u200b\u200bsky crowded with bodies made of obsidian and that because of friction with the atmosphere warmed up to the point of dissolving the components in the filaments "Cotton". In this regard, the journalist reported the sighting as an example the case of a flying saucer that disintegrated in Gramlhet in Tarn, in the skies of Lausanne. Some fragments of the disc consisting of silver filaments that crumbled upon contact with the hand and soil were collected by the police who conducted the survey. Magrini Vasco, known pilot Florence, expressed the opinion that a plane could easily sow "cotton wool" although it is used in aircraft construction such as glass wool insulation of cabins, the aircraft would mean that you are smashing. Unless the team has not defeated the fiberglass even if it is forbidden to throw anything from the edge of a airplane. It seems, however, that in association with some of his appearances was heard the engine of a aereo.Anche Professor Piccardi Institute of Chemistry and Physics, University of Florence, questioned on the subject, declared himself in agreement with those of Magrini and suggested that any gust of wind had taken from a Florentine sky fabbrica.Nel passed anyway, perhaps accidentally, to a four and a reactor at about 14.30 16.Riguardo to the fact that he could have escaped from some glass wool, it should be noted that in Tuscany in 1954 there was only one glass factory that manufactured glass wool: The Glass Balzaretti Modigliani and Livorno. Engineer Francis Center, technical processing of glass, except that such material could have escaped from the glass of Tuscany, also declared that the glass fragments subjected to analysis by Prof. Canneri were too small to be able to understand its nature and whether the material is milled or formed naturally Advanced fenomeno.Furono any other hypotheses: atomic explosion (in those years, experiments in the atmosphere), the molten glass from the discharge of lightning, the molten glass belonging to a passing meteorite, the glass wool used by function in experimental aircraft anti-radar, the combustion residue of a new motor fuel. It called into question even by the heads of vapors spread Larderello rich salts boron and silicon. And about the luminous globes remembered that in the month of October you can easily observe meteor showers which sometimes result in great performances, although it is strange vision of meteorites in broad daylight.
October 29 were repeated reports of flying saucers and cotton on Firenze.Alle 13.05 Calenzano was flown over by a formation of flying saucers throwing white flakes. The training is directed towards Florence Monte Morello passing over ten thousand feet high. The same thing happened in San Piero Agliana.Poco Arcetri came later by inviting journalists to visit the observatory to see that "something" previously sighted. Inside a glass tube, a portion of the cotton as that found in previous days also in the streets cittadine.Il prof. Righini Arcetri Observatory had noticed in an easterly direction down the white flakes. For the teacher it was a huge amount of glass wool that distance could appear as "disks, or cigars," due to reflection of sunlight, when they lost the shine on the background of mingled cielo.Secondo Righini everything depended on the angular size of staple. A staple of 5 cm in diameter seen at 50 m implies the same angle of an object seen 5 meters to 5 kilometers up. A large object far amounts to a small object seen at close range. A gust of wind gives the impression of high speed. Not è facile stimare le distanze senza avere un termine di confronto quando si osserva un oggetto sullo sfondo del cielo. Secondo il Professore, data l’ora e la posizione del sole, poteva darsi che il materiale avesse originato fenomeni di riflessione scambiati per dischi o palloni.Come esempio citò il racconto di Donald Menzel, astronomo americano, il quale, passeggiando un giorno in campagna, vide un aereo che planava a bassa quota e gli veniva incontro. Vedendolo avvicinarsi velocemente istintivamente si gettò a terra, ma non udendo il rumore dell’urto rialzò la testa e poté vedere che vicino a lui si era posato un modellino come quello usato dai ragazzi.Il campione di bambagia raccolto dal personale di Arcetri venne esaminato dall’Istituto Physics with Geiger Muller showed that the cotton was not radioactive. From the analysis revealed that the components were the same as detected by prof. Canneri. Some thought also to a phenomenon some collateral nuclear test, an explosion could have melted a lot of glass if the blast had occurred near a quarry of silicon, the cotton could have been brought up and around the world by the strong currents present at high altitude, and then fell to the ground, but this was not questo.Il phenomenon was repeated in the following days in different cities, especially in central Italy, from Rome to Perugia, from Dover to Lucca always accompanied by the descent of glassy filaments . A City of Pieve a sighting was recorded with a collective loss of cotton and then in Pontefract, Scarborough, S. Mauro a Signa, Siena, Pistoia, Montale, St. Marco Pistoia, Arezzo and Perugia and dozens of other locations. From 13 to 14.30 were visited by flying saucers and covered with snow from cotton. Many people took to the streets to watch the discs and watch the fall of bambagia.Furono seen crossing the sky at speeds of Prato fantastic time as a trail followed by bright white, make the conversion to forty-five degrees and heading on to Florence aligned pair. In Siena, the phenomenon took on the same features of Florence; discs, cigars, spheres, which passed at short intervals and a rain of cotton, similar snow, dissolved in the heat of your hands or the ground. He fell slowly over two hours. Siena went on a total of eleven articles, three of them traveled in perfect formazione.In total arrived from Modena to Rome many reports of these steps. The report said that in Modena, a record, it would shut down five thousand feet above the airfield, casting rays of light in all directions for at least sixty secondi.Gli sightings continued in the next month also abundant throughout the country. Sometimes so sensational. For example, on November 14, Sunday, a dozen cigars were seen flying in the skies of Gela, in Sicily, where they were also collected and analyzed other residues of silicon cotton. The latest "snow" occurred on December 4 nell'Aretino. This is the chronicle of facts and assumptions that doth to explain the unusual event. What to add? Just read the newspapers of that period, indeed, because of those years from 1950 to 1957, not only in Italy but across Europe, many were the reports of flying objects. The newspapers frequently report the news of these visits and the various assumptions drawn by scholars who engage in giving plausible explanations include fenomeno.In Tuscany in October 1954, perhaps because we consider ours a "UFO Vintage" ...


is interesting to investigate, nel link seguente, il caso dell'incontro con gli alieni della contadinella di Arezzo nel 1954:

Nonostante l'eccezionale presenza di UFO nei cieli di quei determinati anni, rimane una costante storica la presenza numerosa di UFO nei cieli terrestri in periodi di tempo non molto distanti tra loro, come testimonia ad esempio questo report del NICAP (in inglese) sugli avvistamenti UFO del 1952:

Interessanti informazioni possono essere rilevate anche dai resoconti degli avvistamenti più importanti, alcuni dei quali si possono vedere su questo sito (in English):

Pasquariello Domenico

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Non-warrantable Condo Loan Florida

post in Interpersonal Communication Communicating

resume from next week the publication of the post in Interpersonal Cominucazione with a discussion of multimedia communications.
Sorry for the delay!