Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lilly Pulitzer Fabric Looks Like

cominucazione Multimedia - The Shooting Party

Hello everyone, after a series of commitments that led to this delay in publication of posts on this path in Interpersonal Communication. Today we talk about multimedia communication.
To transmit and receive information necessary physical equipment that can produce energy and to transmit and receive. The human body has some natural transmission and reception apparatus: the vocal apparatus is an example of the former, as well as how the movement of the upper limbs, which allow you gesture, the visual and the auditory system are examples receiving equipment. These devices have, however, natural many limitations: for example, do not allow to communicate over long distances or to store the information in a stable manner over time. But we can extend the capabilities of our equipment by natural man-made devices: communication technologies. These means become "amplifiers" of man's ability to communicate, but in addition to changing the mode of communication have an impact on culture and language. The word "media" comes from the Latin word "medium", which means half. "Media" is the plural of "medium" and was used in Anglo-Saxon culture to denote the set of technological artifacts that allow man to communicate with a potentially infinite number of stakeholders. The media are certainly more widespread in the writing and printing, radio, cinema, television, the Internet that combines elements of radio and television with the computer, causing a power shift from producers to consumers and encouraging a diversity of languages. As the sociologist said McLuhan "the medium is the message." An example? The emotional impact of a story is different when read in a newspaper, heard on the radio, view on TV or read on the Internet. To understand the impact of media on communication is useful to first distinguish two modes of transmission and coding Information: analog and digital. The analog mode provides a structured set of signs will continue. Are good examples of television pictures, or analog clock whose hands move continuously. The digitally encoded information provides instead a split into several parts. Examples are the language or the digital clock that marks time in spurts. The images, as analog encoding, and language, as digital encoding, have different communication quality. Images can convey many meanings that the recipient may in part perceive and in part to ignore. The language defines instead on time and the meanings they convey, helping to minimize the ambiguity dell'informazione. Secondo lo studioso Allan Paivio (1971) esisterebbero due distinti sistemi per la rappresentazione e l'elaborazione delle informazioni, uno per le immagini e uno per le informazioni linguistiche. La verifica sperimentale di questa teoria dimostrerebbe che le rappresentazioni analogiche e digitali possono interagire. I due sistemi sono indipendenti e quindi un’informazione può essere memorizzata o recuperata attraverso il nome dell'oggetto, la sua immagine o entrambi. Ma essendo anche interconnessi un'informazione può essere trasferita da un sistema all'altro, e questo è il motivo per cui si è in grado di trasformare il racconto di un libro in immagini mentali, o viceversa. Se un'informazione è prevalentemente verbale, additional visual information can also be a disturbing element, or the reverse may happen with visual information that is difficult to encode verbally.
Hello guys to the next ...


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