Un luogo diventa cupo e misterioso indipendentemente dai fenomeni dalla quale è pervaso. Un luogo può essere inquitante a livelli massimi anche senza la presenza di fantasmi o di non convenzionali manifestazioni . Only the energy released by the person's past makes them unique , time and degradation do the rest. As we promised, our friendly player, has made us a very big favor: he went to visit us during the summer, one of the most mysterious of Italy, the Hospital Montecatone near IMOLA, appears on the list published by us some time ago.
Here's the link:
below the mail to me arrived, I confirm The site inspection took place and feel that the place transmits:
"Dear Andrea,
I went back to 'Hospital Montecatone during the summer'. We have more photos and a long movie the camera. The picture that I sent at the end was a stain of the wall, and with regard to the chair of whom we read on many sites, where it says that picture is a mysterious red spot, is actually just a sticker attached to schienale.Comunque 's hospital is really very impressive, though of course the second visit is more''simple'': no the fundamental fear of 'unknown that always generates a few more thrill. We learned that there is an 'other wing, on the other side, too closed, we promised to go to drop by soon . L 'hospital was no longer used in the last 30/40 years, and is, moreover, was used for a short time (we are still in medical records dating back to the '60s). E 'but really in very good condition, at the structural level, then I can say that you can visit safely without fear that the ceiling will collapse on his head! There are long corridors, dimly lit with great views on the abandoned chapel, the underground mines, some parti bruciate.. E' il classico posto che tutti abbiamo sognato almeno una volta da ragazzini! Le invio un paio di foto, la seconda è stata scattata in uno dei sotterranei, in realtà a livello strada, dove le finestre sono andate completamente distrutte e il fuoco ha fatto il resto. Direi ci si potrebbe organizzare."
Ne approfitto per ringraziare di cuore il nostro speciale "inviato", e invito tutti a visitare, magari insieme ad un amico, uno dei numerosi luoghi misteriosi inclusi nella l ista (riportata al link sopra), e di portare la propria testimonianza , audio, video e fotografica, senza, naturalmente , rischiare di farsi crollare in testa qualche gutter! But we move on to the photos, really, really beautiful and impressive .
. The
mail foretaste a return to the place, to satisfy even more of our and your curiosity! The staff of MM is gearing up to make a visit to the abandoned hotel Praglia Plans, as already mentioned in a previous post.
updates will follow!
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