Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Models With 36b Breasts

News: Experience © Photodetectors

Experience © Photodetectors
in collaboration with photographer Julia Manelli


is an experience unique : a process of self discovery a journey into the world of emotions, which bases its effective integration of counseling skills and photography.
A moment of personal revelation through the word, awareness, play in the world of his own image: the camera is the tool that lets you explore the "landscape" of the inner person, the lights and shadows of his personality, in a quest to enhance the beauty and of the single person.

two experiences are proposed:
- "Meet yourself," or how photography can help the person to get him a truer picture (portrait and / or naked)
- “ Gioca con la tua immagine” o come esplorare attraverso la fotografia i multipli ruoli della nostra vita e scoprire le proprie potenzialità nascoste, divertendosi, una vera e propria esperienza di trasformazione per giungere ad una nuova consapevolezza di sé. Foto Giulia Manelli
L'esperienza può essere individuale o ideata per più di una persona, per es. madre/figli; partners; coppia; amici....

Totale 4 incontri: 1° incontro di counseling con un focus sulla propria immagine ( 1h30) + setting fotografico ( 4 ore) + 1° incontro di counseling di elaborazione dell’esperienza (1h30) + consegna © Photodetectors of the album and photo CDs.
For reasons of organization linked to the rhythm of the course, book as soon as possible, individual counseling from the first meeting to delivery of the album, it takes at least 3 weeks.
For info and prices: Marianne + 39 339 48 54 232

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Individual Counseling Initiative: First meeting free of charge and without obligation


December 2010
January 2011
The first meeting of cognitive psycho-emotional orientation is free and without obligation.
Choose your counselor is a work in itself : a person must be ready to welcome you able to support and accompany you on your journey of personal growth, a person with whom you are "feeling ". For this reason, I am convinced that it is essential have the opportunity to know the person first, meeting her, without commitment, in order to understand what kind of path we can build together. For this reason, I am willing to meet people interested in an interview free of charge during the period of the week.
Book your free interview, contact me first via email and telephone:
Marianne Cordier + 39 339 48 54 232
A bit 'of information about me
Counselor Counselor Art and humanistic approach to integrated live in Rome where she conducts workshops for personal development and creativity in Italian, English and French. Graduated in Modern Literature at the Sorbonne, in Art History and Museology at the Ecole du Louvre (Paris), in Counseling and Expressive Art Therapy in Rome, I have specialized on the development of creativity as an evolutionary tool. In parallel, I continued to deepen my artistic staff, intended as a place of experimentation and integration. I carry out my profession as a counselor in the private sector, associations and organizations. I carry out my profession as a counselor in the private sector, associations and organizations.
addition to the psycho-emotional counseling, my fields of research are: the creative process as harmony between the two cerebral hemispheres, the techniques of stress reduction and relaxation (creative, driven, imaginative meditation), the Intuitive Painting, the power of color, the photo-psychosomatic counseling and techniques for emotional release and integration. I built a
experiential approach, holistic and "colored" to the individual and the group, aimed at awakening the individual and group resources, to achieve a balance through physical and emotional awareness, expression of color, the play of emotions and body.
My approach bases its efficacy on the assumption that the individual is a unit nella quale si integrano diversi livelli: emozioni, pensieri, comportamenti, corpo, sistema energetico, sogni e anima si incontrano in un viaggio d’iniziazione personale volto all’integrazione emozionale . Per liberarsi dei pensieri autolimitanti e dei modelli inconsci che impediscono il flusso naturale delle nostre potenzialità e ritrovare l’equilibrio. Per imparare la padronanza dei propri pensieri e riscoprire la propria essenza attraverso un percorso di conoscenza profonda. Per incamminarsi sulla strada dell’auto-accettazione e del perdono. Per riconnettersi consapevolmente con la propria ricchezza e vitalità interiore, con la creatività, la gioia e l’armonia.

Best Race To Be In Mount And Blade

cognitive Training Group and Open Studio of Intuitive Painting in Rome

Training Group and Open Studio of Intuitive Painting:
weekends creative

Sign up now for the month of December!

not simply a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear.

picture is made to see.
What matters is not the half
but the journey.

What is Intuitive Painting?

The seminar is Intuitive Painting experience of transformation and personal growth through the painterly gesture, voice and body.
is a real own path of rebirth , to reconnect with your intuition and enhance your creativity and uniqueness through artistic expression, finding your harmony and pleasure share. Represents a real opportunity to hear your energy and use it in the direction that you want to know you better.

Intuitive Painting Why?

Intuitive Painting with creativity and color because you can learn to use the intuitive mind , to develop this sense called intuition, "to awaken the senses energy , to connect with your innermost being.

There is the possibility of being creative and intuitive self-knowledge through immediate perception and synthetic - vision - of what you are now, beyond the world of appearances.

turn you into the artist's life

Inspiration intuitive and instinctive energy become your guides in a journey that awakens your vitality and opens the doors of the mind creative energy through the vibrations of the senses and creative.

My approach
My approach is based on my personal experiences: integrated humanistic psychology, counseling and expressive artstherapies, rebirthing, lavoro sul respiro, visualizzazioni, meditazione creativa, tecniche sciamaniche, gestalt therapy, danza-movimento-terapia, soul voicing.

Come partecipare? WEEKEND CREATIVI

TRAINING GROUP DEL SABATO (primo sabato del mese): è un vero e proprio percorso ideato come un ciclo di 3 incontri. La partecipazione a questo training richiede una frequentazione di tre volte una volta al mese
Date: 4 dicembre 2010; 15 gennaio 2011; 5 febbraio 2011
Ci sono ancora posti disponibili.
5 ore painting materials included
Place Rome

STUDIO OPEN SUNDAY (one Sunday per month): for those who want to try it once (or more than one), make a creative experience for those who lives outside of Rome .... You can also participate by appointment only once.
Date: 19 December 2010, January 23, 2011, February 20, 2011
There are still places available
five hours of painting materials included
Place Rome

For reservations and information: Marianne + 39 339 48 54 232

Monday, November 15, 2010

Water Well Waterproofing Paint


Weekend Construction in Rome: the new training Intuitive Painting

I am happy to present the new round of training of Intuitive Painting for the weekend designed to give everyone the opportunity to experiment with their creativity freely.

The Intuitive Painting is not just a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear. Picture is made to see. What matters is not the half but the trail.

The Intuitive Painting as individual and collective experience of transformation and personal growth through the pictorial gesture, voice and body, is a real journey of rebirth, which leads to the opportunity to reconnect with their intuition and to enhance its uniqueness in inter-connection with others, finding his balance and joy of creativity innate to leave.
represents a real opportunity to become artists their lives.
My method is based on the integration of my personal experiences: meaningful counseling, breathwork, creative meditation, shamanic techniques, gestalt therapy, dance-movement therapy, soul voicing.

Group on Saturday afternoon
First Saturday of the Month
cycle of 3 meetings
All the material of paint is included begins Saturday
December 4, 2010

· Saturday, December 4 2010 / 14h-19h
· Saturday, January 15, 2011 / 14h-19h
· Saturday, February 5, 2011 / 14h-19h

Group Sunday afternoon
Third Sunday Monthly

Cycle 3 meetings

All the material of paint is included

starts Sunday
December 19, 2010

· Sunday, December 19, 2010
· Sunday, January 23, 2011 Sunday, February 20, 2011

Given the limited capacity of the room, reservation is needed.

Total 3 monthly meetings of five hours.
Place to be determined.
70.00 Euro per contest (materials included) Minimum 15 participants per group

reservation only
339 48 54 232

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Master Cue M7 Price In Uk




only small groups, days and schedules can be arranged together, for these special requests you can contact me via email irectly.

Sharing with others is an extraordinary opportunity to interact with others and to bring out the hidden potential that we bring in and change what we do not like the our behavior in our lives. path group is a journey into himself and the other that allows you to improve our methods of communication, have fun and evolve together, to come into resonance .

The "training for the Soul" are based on the practice aware of the creativity, experience and as a revolutionary instrument. It encourages the creative energy to come forward with joy and spontaneity, because creativity can not exist without pleasure. It is not only expressive but training practices of healing and wellness shared , Share the breath awareness, research and the free expression of the inner self.

Note: Each path group can be re-adjusted to fit an individual path.



on Tuesday November 30


not simply a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear. Picture is made to see. What matters is not the half but the path

The Intuitive Painting as individual and collective experience of transformation and personal growth through the pictorial gesture, voice and body, is a real journey of rebirth, which induces the opportunity to reconnect with their intuition and to enhance its uniqueness in inter-connection with others, finding his balance and joy of creativity innate to leave. Represents a real opportunity to become artists of their lives. My method is based on the integration of my personal experiences: meaningful counseling, rebirthing, creative meditation, shamanic techniques, gestalt, dance-movement therapy, soul voicing.

Total 10 meetings twice monthly for 2 hours: an individual orientation meeting, 8 group sessions of painting, a group meeting to close and emotional processing of the route.


begins on Thursday November 18 TIMES Morning or afternoon (17H-19H30)


An experiential journey into the female psyche through archetypes, mythology and the world of color to rediscover the heroine who is every woman's soul, return to the essence of women and awaken the woman within. The course is based on the book "Goddesses in Women" by Joan S. Bolen. Totale 12 incontri cadenza settimanale di 2h30.

Why Do I Get White Bumps From A Brizilian



Sono felice di condividere con voi l'esperienza di pittura intuitiva collettiva che ha avuto luogo durante il convegno " Quale Futuro immaginare?" sabato 4 novembre 2010.

Sono molto grata di essere stata invitata da Alessandra Lanzoni e Giuseppe De Marzo a guidare i partecipanti a " dipingere insieme il futuro che vogliamo ".
Ci ricordiamo con A.Einstein che " l'immaginazione è più importante della conoscenza. La conoscenza è limitata; l'immaginazione abbraccia l'universo ", del potere dell'immaginazione, sopratutto quando esso scende, concentrato e focalizzato, nella realtà materiale, attraverso il gesto pittorico e i colori.

L'esperienza di creatività collettiva che ho proposto è stata un modo di proseguire la riflessione sul futuro sostenibile con un " fare collettivo" che allows the search and the emergence of a real vision, a way to offer people a space of expression, a way to create the conditions act together with respect for others, a way to get together in the dream and vision, an opportunity to exercise its will and energy, through concentration of attention and thought about what we want to see happen in the future, leaving aside the worries and fears, a time to give shape to the game where their emotions. It's never easy to know how to take it for granted in the size of the event, its intention, a deep desire, an aspiration of the soul.

" Dipingete il futuro che sognate....su misura per voi...e divertevi a dare forma al vostro sogno, insieme" : a che assomiglia il futuro che volete? che colori ha?

Avevo preparato un a base di albero del futuro: un albero bianco su uno sfondo blu acqua ....in
attesa di trasformazioni, di nuovi simboli, colori, forme, inventività... di tutto ciò che le persone avrebbero portato in quel momento.... della loro unicità, diversità, collaborazione....

È stato un momento di condivisione eccezionale, i partecipanti si sono tuffati nel sogno, hanno accettato la sfida, with freedom and pleasure, have communicated together without judging them, they created together, weaving the designs, by tuning the energy giving rise to a collective ... VISION of the future.

As in ancient rituals, have all left their mark on the Tree of the Future, a contribution by the gesture and color on the canvas.

Here Vision: sun, eyes, life, signs, spirals, colors, love, man .... here is the future that we wanted together.

My future is ...

sharing, respect for others' ideas and the joy ...
A serene old hard-won after a sad childhood ...
interaction, transmission of emotions like ripples ...
Wisdom and Presence ....
Love, consciousness, collective welfare rather than his own ego ....

Connection with all peoples of the world
to stimulate the creation of collective well-being (feeling good) ...

My future is ...

Sharing , Serenity and Justice for Humanity ...
Empathy ...
Always optimism and joie de vivre! ...
love and a deep and wide connection to the earth ...
Hope, Strength, Experience, Freedom ...
An underground fire purification ...
Una stella per ricordarmi che anche nel buio c'è la luce della speranza...

Nel mio futuro c'è...
Il Fiore della volontà e la speranza di una vita con un futuro...
Vita ...
Una radice che si connette a un ramo, una spirale che unisce la nostra luce alle nostre ombre, c'è un uomo completo, non diviso...

Un monde de paix , de solidarité et de bonheur...
The Rainbow Human Consciousness and a New ...
Earth ...
Joy absolute ...
Peace, Love and Serenity ...
Courage always refuse to adapt to mediocrity, screaming in the silence of resignation even more inconvenient truth ...
A beautiful home, a fulfilling job, a happy family, lots of light, color and love ...
The Heat of an extended family ...
deep experience sharing ...

Nel mio futuro c'è...

La Guarigione , la creatività, l'amore, la collaborazione, la forza...
Tutto quello che voglio! ...
L'Amore per tutti ...
Ricerca , conoscenza, cammino, saggezza, amore ...
Armonia nell'amore cosmico ...
L'Imperfetto appartiene al passato ...
L'Arte di Vivere Bene con gli Altri...
L'Arte di Vivere Bene ...
L'Arte di Vivere ...
L'Arte ...

GRAZIE A TUTTI voi per la vostra partecipazione....

Siete stati scintillanti di creatività!

continuamo a dipingere insieme il futuro che vogliamo ...