December 2010
January 2011
The first meeting of cognitive psycho-emotional orientation is free and without obligation.
Choose your counselor is a work in itself : a person must be ready to welcome you able to support and accompany you on your journey of personal growth, a person with whom you are "feeling ". For this reason, I am convinced that it is essential have the opportunity to know the person first, meeting her, without commitment, in order to understand what kind of path we can build together. For this reason, I am willing to meet people interested in an interview free of charge during the period of the week.
Book your free interview, contact me first via email and telephone:
Marianne Cordier + 39 339 48 54 232
A bit 'of information about me
Counselor Counselor Art and humanistic approach to integrated live in Rome where she conducts workshops for personal development and creativity in Italian, English and French. Graduated in Modern Literature at the Sorbonne, in Art History and Museology at the Ecole du Louvre (Paris), in Counseling and Expressive Art Therapy in Rome, I have specialized on the development of creativity as an evolutionary tool. In parallel, I continued to deepen my artistic staff, intended as a place of experimentation and integration. I carry out my profession as a counselor in the private sector, associations and organizations. I carry out my profession as a counselor in the private sector, associations and organizations.
addition to the psycho-emotional counseling, my fields of research are: the creative process as harmony between the two cerebral hemispheres, the techniques of stress reduction and relaxation (creative, driven, imaginative meditation), the Intuitive Painting, the power of color, the photo-psychosomatic counseling and techniques for emotional release and integration. I built a
addition to the psycho-emotional counseling, my fields of research are: the creative process as harmony between the two cerebral hemispheres, the techniques of stress reduction and relaxation (creative, driven, imaginative meditation), the Intuitive Painting, the power of color, the photo-psychosomatic counseling and techniques for emotional release and integration. I built a
experiential approach, holistic and "colored" to the individual and the group, aimed at awakening the individual and group resources, to achieve a balance through physical and emotional awareness, expression of color, the play of emotions and body.
My approach bases its efficacy on the assumption that the individual is a unit nella quale si integrano diversi livelli: emozioni, pensieri, comportamenti, corpo, sistema energetico, sogni e anima si incontrano in un viaggio d’iniziazione personale volto all’integrazione emozionale . Per liberarsi dei pensieri autolimitanti e dei modelli inconsci che impediscono il flusso naturale delle nostre potenzialità e ritrovare l’equilibrio. Per imparare la padronanza dei propri pensieri e riscoprire la propria essenza attraverso un percorso di conoscenza profonda. Per incamminarsi sulla strada dell’auto-accettazione e del perdono. Per riconnettersi consapevolmente con la propria ricchezza e vitalità interiore, con la creatività , la gioia e l’armonia.
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