Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Welcome Speech Forcompany Anniversary

Twin Peaks, the mystery on film

Dear friends, truth-seekers, we are reunited after a long time, the virtual pages of our blog. Unfortunately, many factors have meant that our newspaper would remain "out of date" for so long: the school, study, sports, friends and so on. But just come along with us, immediately, a first, marked by the birth of the new book will be called "Film and video." After viewing the masterpieces of mystery and science fiction as: "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "The Matrix", "The Sixth Sense", I believe that everyone has held a piece of film, the part that is the very essence of life the film, which goes to form a story, sometimes much closer to reality than anything else. Therefore we decided to open this column for comments and advice with you, movies, TV series and films for our modest opinion it is worth seeing.

and I left immediately with a cult TV series of the supernatural, a story that is outward to form the collective imagination of the post 90 'the concept of mystery, and that still fascinates the younger generation, with the eternal question: "Who killed Laura Palmer?".

By now many of you have already understood that I speak, the show in question is the legendary "Twin Peaks". For those who do not know, that's it.

Love the mystery? Worship the cold climate and endless forests of the more hidden America? Crazy every time he heard of "Roadhouse", already imagining a foretaste of a slice of cherry pie in a typical American of the 90 '? Well, I have something for you. The FBI agent Dale Cooper, eccentric che usa spesso parlare con un registratore vocale che chiama "Diane", viene chiamato in una piccola cittadina immersa nei boschi di uno stato sconosciuto, per condurre le indagini su una giovane ragazza uccisa (Laura Palmer), ritrovata da un pescatore sulle rive di un lago poco lontano dal cuore della cittadina. Non vi svelo altro della trama, vi posso solaente dire che il racconto vi coinvolgerà in una spirale nella quale incontrerete le più svariate emozioni e sensazioni, prenderete parte di un convoglio che entra in un racconto onirico e difficilmente decifrabile, crimini, interessi, storie d'amore e di gelosia vi introdurrano in una dimensione ideale ed immaginaria, tutto riassunto nel nome di un'immaginaria cittadina americana, Twin Peaks, il In fact, the director wants to reveal the hidden side of American small towns, those in which it is believed be peace, but which are sometimes covered by a sheet of mystery, surrounded by a dark evil and the contract between the local population.

all surrounded by the magnificent music of the maestro Angelo Badalamenti, which creates a fitting soundtrack to a masterpiece of mystery. Directed by Mark Frost and David Lynch, known for somewhat mysterious and enigmatic film (Blue Velvet, Mullholland Dr., The Eraserhead). The only downside is the slowness with which the story starts, the first two episodes are quite heavy, but will start from third on the show.

You can find a DVD or our beloved eMule.
said that there can only Agura good vision, and that the mystery is with you!


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