Lies, balls, crap ... other synonyms?
My heart is filled with joy to see, after years, Circus Maximus in Rome full of people. Of people waving the Red Flag . Sure, there were also those of PIDD ... but these are bad things that happen. The important thing is that people start to wake up, to understand exactly what this government and the dominant capitalist economic system exactly which body part is putting it to him. After twenty years of Berlusconi in Italy have made a political position ( communism ) nothing but an insult, a derogatory label, un nomignolo, un qualcosa da riservare alle piu' schifose persone, assassini e terroristi, inquinatori e sovversivi, insomma dopo che hanno fatto il lavaggio del cervello all'Italia, non hanno piu' parole per chiamare le centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori incazzati che c'erano al Circo massimo. Si arrampicano, dicono che si trattava di sinistrosi, di ricchioni, di negri . Loro, soprattutto i telegiornali, possono dire quello che vogliono, certo, finchè ci sarà Berlusconi a Palazzo Chigi potranno fare e dire quello che vogliono. Finchè in Italia non ci sarà una vera libertà di informazione vinceranno le loro bugie contro la verità del volere popolare, e le loro bugie condizioneranno come cannoni the election results and political. So Brunetta, the minister more 'low morale of republican history, it allows us to say that workers are at the Circus Maximus went for a picnic . Good for you, Brunetta. It means that if one day you will find in Piazzale Loreto upside down 'we say "communists" who were only doing yoga . The real outing instead was ours, in fact, your Prime Minister, on the river that separates Germany and France. At least outings only, we would have less reason to feel ashamed of being Italian. But no. That speaks. Or rather, it emits phonemes, to be exact. implies the ability to speak a logical argument that the Knight did not . Like when he told reporters that "we do not talk with them," why do not they just highlight the bad impression Berlusconi around the continent. Perhaps you forget, the Knight Silvio Berlusconi, his job is to nurse, and his duty is to explain and account for its actions to the Italian people, his employer. Do not talk on the phone with Erdogan, but to represent the dignity of a people that is showing tired of being taken for the anal orifice. And who should respond with less verbal violence savoir faire imposed for decades by Berlusconi, and bring you to Piazzale Loreto to do some Yoga with Brunetta, Bossi, Tremonti and all the pages of the court, a court that has relegated the role of Italy in the bin and international theater.
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