Park Chiavari (Genoa) Within this park there is an old abandoned house that, according to some, release large amounts of negative energies. No one dares to approach, nor the inhabitants of the area.
Castel Sant'Angelo (Rome) On the bridge of Castel Sant'Angelo, the night of September 11, appears the ghost of Beatrice Cenci while holding his head in his hands. This date corresponds with the anniversary of his death.
Poveglia Island (Venice) This small uninhabited island in the lagoon of Venice seems to be haunted by many ghosts, the spirits of the plague which in the past, were brought here to die.
Former Sanatorium (Pavullo in Frignano - MODENA) In the old abandoned sanitarium Pavullo, you still hear the screams of the people here were hospitalized. In the garden, wandering disturbing human figures, twisted ghosts who can not find peace.
House Ludovico Ariosto (Cento - Ferrara) A disturbing mystery of the dark past of Ariosto and his summer residence. At night you hear the crying of a child and that, according to some, is the breath of the devil himself.
House campaign (Pesaro) No one knows the name of this strange house was abandoned by several decades. The furniture, the table set and the absence of dust on the furniture are almost think that someone continues to live there, or that the owners have left only a few hours.
Haydn House (England) The British home of Franz Joseph Haydn, now a museum, you hear mysterious noises and sighs, there seems to wander the ghost of one of the soprano who accompanied the composer.
Castle Mazza (TORINO) At the stroke of midnight, in the armory of the castle, you can still hear the sounds of ancient battles and conflicts that took place here centuries ago.
Arona (Novara) on Lake Maggiore, where now stands a hotel, a building once stood. Here in 1942 the SS slaughtered tens of Jews, it seems that the bodies were buried just beneath the foundations of the hotel.
Ponte di San Francesco (Paola - Cosenza) It seems that on this small bridge near the Church of San Francesco, the Devil tried to bribe the Holy angry not be succeeded raged on the Bridge. You can still see the traces left by the devil on the wall.
Castle Montetortore (MODENA) On moonless nights, in the ruins of the castle, where they have often been found human remains, wanders the ghost of Caesar, the Lame, a traitor who killed alcuni personaggi illustri di Montetortore.
Lago di Castel Gandolfo (ROMA)Si raccontano numerose leggende sul bacino d'acqua di Castel Gandolfo. Una delle più curiose è quella che riguarda la sua profondità, infatti, durante tutti questi anni, non si è ancora riusciti a misurarla.
Jumara di Cardone (Spezzano Piccolo - COSENZA)Secondo alcune testimonianze, in questo luogo di Spezzano Piccolo, vaga lo spettro infelice di un giovane che qui morì annegato, mentre si bagnava nelle acque del canale.
EX Ospedale Sanatorio (PESARO)In questo edificio dove un tempo venivano curati i bambini malati di tubercolosi si sentono, durante la notte, delle grida, improvvise folate wind and the mysterious voices reciting the rosary. La Villa
clock (Candela - FLORENCE) Sometimes, at the stroke of midnight, the bells of the clock of this abandoned mansion located Candeli, playing alone. What mystery lies behind this strange phenomenon? House dell'Idrovora (Tamara - FERRARA) Tamara, a small town in the province of Ferrara, we find this old house, a tragic past has overshadowed his fame. Lights that light from the sun, windows that open without anyone being at home, these are the unsettling phenomena that occur within it.
Palace Devil (Montegonzi - AREZZO) of the disturbing facts were held in this castle known as the "Palace Devil. "At the time, even newspapers were responsible for these events. From the outside this building certainly has a devilish look, impressive.
Oliveto Citra (Salerno) A Oliveto Citra is a holy place where the faithful gather to attend the Marian apparitions. The strange thing is that for some, what you see, is not the Blessed Virgin but even the devil himself.
Ghost "took off" (MESSINA) Disturbing headless ghosts roam Messina , terrorizing those who have the misfortune to meet. The Churches of Porto Salvo and St Michael are places in which they occur often these appearances. In front of the Cross of the spectrum rather vague Ocean Aniello Cuomo, his hands held his head.
Woods Castelrotto and side of Bullaccia (BOLZANO) In these places, at the turn of 1500, the witches gathered to celebrate the sabbath satanic. The "chair" and "banks" of witches are large stones protruding from the ground and are still visible in Castelrotto and Bullaccia.
crazy Villa del Conte (Maiano - Florence) Maiano, Florence, we find the famous Villa del Conte Pazzo, a large garden surrounding the building and the small converted church. Staircases, windows and disturbing pictures on the walls characterize labyrinthine structure of this House and its many mysteries.
Monster Park (Bomarzo - Viterbo) A Bomarzo, in the province Viterbo, there is the Park of Monsters, a mysterious place full of strange charm and strong presence. Bomarzo is another leg of our journey of mystery, legends and ghosts from the past.
Barletta (BARI) In September 1959 a collapsed building in Via Canosa, in that tragedy claimed the lives of many people. After a few years a new building was rebuilt and since that day the new tenants began to hear strange noises: a piano playing, crying children, screaming.
Villa Favorita (ANCONA) Old building that was built by Count Ricotti between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the locals call it, however, used commonly by the name of the nobleman who had edificare.La Legend has it that while traveling in a carriage, the Count and his servant were caught by a violent storm, torrential rain that caused flooding in several throughout the area. "Next we go!" was the famous motto often pronounced Count Ricotti, and even in this tragic situation, did not fail to repeat, despite the servant tried to persuade him in every way to seek shelter. "Next we go!" repeated the noble and so it was that both drowned the same giorno.Dopo its abandonment, "Villa Ricotti" has never ceased to make suggestions to those who have approached the perimeter or to his large garden. It is said that a boy, after managing to get in, was taken ill per poi svenire, altre persone invece affermano di avere visto delle facce riflesse sui vetri.Da qualche anno la Villa è stata ristrutturata per diventare la sede di un'associazione universitaria.
Osimo (ANCONA).In una casa abbandonata vicino al fiume Musone, vari testimoni hanno udito delle urla e risate sadiche provenire dalle finestre. Pare che qualche tempo addietro, due giovani abbiano cercato di registrare su nastro magnetico gli strani fenomeni acustici raccogliendo delle conferme. Secondo quanto ci é stato riferito, chi conosce l'ubicazione di questa dimora si guarda bene dal passarvi davanti.
Palazzo Benincasa (ANCONA)Nel palazzo Benincasa ormai da molto tempo reso la biblioteca comunale si dice che alcune sere you heard footsteps coming from the heels of plans excluded from the library and starts playing the piano original belonged to the family Benincasa. According to the person who sent us this report seems credible witnesses who claim that the plan is expected to play the "presence" of a girl of the family, fond of music, died more than 150 years ago.
Monte San Vito (ANCONA) In the countryside near Monte San Vito, is an old cemetery dating from the seventeenth century where the dead were buried by the plague. Some say that here you will hear strange moans.
Offida (Ascoli Piceno) near the city walls in the area surrounding the cemetery in the city past was spotted a male spectrum. This is the story of a boy: "One evening my maternal great-grandmother, the original brand, was invited by a countess who lived in nearby Umbria. In the evening the butler he accompanied my grandmother at home. Since the city was closed to traffic cars, Butler was forced to leave near the city walls, where, incidentally, is the cemetery of the city. On his way he met a man my grandmother. She greeted him, but he, without noticing anything and did not answer the crossed. My grandmother turned around as soon as it was behind but saw no one. He realized he had met a ghost. "
Rock of Sassocorvaro (Pesaro) Sassocorvaro A, is much admired for its unusual plan to "turtle", the Rock Ubaldinesca, unique in its architecture. But even more interesting is the fact that it is inhabited by many ghosts and entities, as to draw a number of paranormal researchers and mediums. There was seen a ghost of a young woman crying, maybe for the death of the young lover killed by her family. Be around then, between the rooms of the fortress, the figure of a savage and uncouth warden who was terrorizing the ladies of the castle. He identified the ghost of a young man with mustache, well dressed, wearing a beret with a feather and a brown velvet coat. Some thought that the fierce Valentino, aka Cesare Borgia, who lived in the fortress in 1500. And finally, the ethereal figure of a young woman stabbed, which can identify with Elizabeth Valentini her husband, Count Girolamo Oliva, stabbed to death in 1611, after finding her committing adultery.
Church of the Annunciation (Urbino) A nun, according to report the news in 1927 was brutally murdered (along with other sister companies) from some thugs ready to do anything to find out the exact location where the treasure of the monastery had been stored. Lazarus (so the nun said at a session called median) would have revealed long after his departure the place where the treasure was guarded but research to be in vain because of debris blocking access to a tunnel from which you're forced to pass. The monk seems to be determined to guard the place until the Treasury will not be unearthed.
Palazzo Ducale (Urbino) The ghost of a servant is on summer nights in the courtyard. He wears Renaissance garments and his hands clutching a bucket and a rag. The spectrum prefers full moon to show up and perform for a walk, starting from the courtyard, people end up along the walls to the west. The spectrum would repeat the same route several times before disappearing completely.
Pergola (Pesaro) in Pergola, in the upper valley of the River Cesano, it tells a dark legend. Moving at midnight near the ancient ruins of the Fortress, you can hear the terrifying screams and cries of people desperate agony. They are the voices of Julius Caesar of Varano and children Pyrrhus and Hannibal Venancio, who were invited here in the Castle of Pergola and brutally killed by the notorious Cesare Borgia, known as "Valentino". For the accuracy of these was the assassin, from Correglio Micheletto, in the dungeons of the fortress to strangle the poor unfortunates.
Castle Gradara (Pesaro Urbino) on Gradara, and tragic story of Paolo and Francesca, who was located, and you 'written extensively from historical chronicle the legend reworked by both unknown to famous journalists composers who was definitely out of time Dante Alighieri, that pays tribute to the love and passion of these two young men in the fifth canto of the Inferno ... and faced with such a breadth of sources becomes very difficult to separate history from legend. I do not think we can do no better than consult the author of The Divine Comedy, to understand how strong the union between Paolo and Francesca, as to remain unchanged even after death ....
Fossombrone (Pesaro) Park CesaneIn what was once known as Brand Pesaro is the territory of the ancient Duchy of Urbino, in which stands the City of Fossombrone, the ancient Roman town of Sempronii Forum, dominated by the imposing mountains of Cesana (O Cesane), green pines and a destination for Sunday outings of Urbino and Forsempronesi Who wish to spend some time in contact with nature. The wood ... .22000 acres of state-owned park permanently guarded by forest rangers and volunteers who ensure that environmentalists that precious green lung will not fall victim to arsonists and distracted tourists from easy butt ...
River Metauro (MARCHE) For centuries, the lands of the brand Pesaro crossed by this river were crossed by armies in war, ruthless bandits, cruel and mercenary hordes ... History, with the capital "S", was a frequent guest Valley Metauro up alla famosa foto del 1944 (apparsa in tanti libri di storia) che ritrae il generale Alexander e Sir Winston Churchill sulle mura del paese di Montemaggiore al Metauro, intenti ad osservare l’avanzata delle truppe alleate verso la Linea Gotica…
Rocca di Fossombrone (PESARO)Arroccata su di uno spuntone roccioso che sovrasta la città di Fossombrone c'è l’antica rocca roveresca, opera del sommo architetto Francesco di Giorgio Martini è da secoli poco più di un cadente rudere circondato da sterpaglie e roveti… Capolavoro dell’architettura militare del rinascimento italiano la possente fortificazione,"Opera meravigliosa invero"concepita "In forma de umano sembiante" non subì mai assedio o assalto, costruita sulle fondamenta d’una precedente fortificazione malatestiana la rocca fu fatta saltare per aria dando fuoco alla grande santabarbara e alle riservette della polvere nera secondo gli ordini del duca Guidubaldo d’Urbino,che di Fossombrone era il signore. Continua....
Fossombrone (PESARO) Gola del FurloBriganti e sant’uomini, nobili e poveri contadini, grandi condottieri ed uomini di stato con gente comune ed ignota Son passati o vissuti, uno affianco all’altro, nel corso dei secoli nelle terre della marca pesarese ed è la storia di uno di questi uomini "comuni" che voglio raccontarvi. Circa venticinque anni addietro un vecchio vedovo morì solo ed in estrema povertà in una cadente cottage in the hills, like a flock of sheep with the shepherd, flock around the great mass of the mountains of Furlo.
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