Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Models With 36b Breasts
two experiences are proposed:
Totale 4 incontri: 1° incontro di counseling con un focus sulla propria immagine ( 1h30) + setting fotografico ( 4 ore) + 1° incontro di counseling di elaborazione dell’esperienza (1h30) + consegna © Photodetectors of the album and photo CDs.
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addition to the psycho-emotional counseling, my fields of research are: the creative process as harmony between the two cerebral hemispheres, the techniques of stress reduction and relaxation (creative, driven, imaginative meditation), the Intuitive Painting, the power of color, the photo-psychosomatic counseling and techniques for emotional release and integration. I built a
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not simply a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear.
picture is made to see.
What matters is not the half
but the journey.
The seminar is Intuitive Painting experience of transformation and personal growth through the painterly gesture, voice and body.
Intuitive Painting Why?
turn you into the artist's life
Monday, November 15, 2010
Water Well Waterproofing Paint
I am happy to present the new round of training of Intuitive Painting for the weekend designed to give everyone the opportunity to experiment with their creativity freely.
The Intuitive Painting is not just a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear. Picture is made to see. What matters is not the half but the trail.
The Intuitive Painting as individual and collective experience of transformation and personal growth through the pictorial gesture, voice and body, is a real journey of rebirth, which leads to the opportunity to reconnect with their intuition and to enhance its uniqueness in inter-connection with others, finding his balance and joy of creativity innate to leave.
represents a real opportunity to become artists their lives.
My method is based on the integration of my personal experiences: meaningful counseling, breathwork, creative meditation, shamanic techniques, gestalt therapy, dance-movement therapy, soul voicing.
Group on Saturday afternoon
First Saturday of the Month
cycle of 3 meetings
All the material of paint is included begins Saturday
December 4, 2010
· Saturday, December 4 2010 / 14h-19h
· Saturday, January 15, 2011 / 14h-19h
· Saturday, February 5, 2011 / 14h-19h
Group Sunday afternoon
Third Sunday Monthly
Cycle 3 meetings
All the material of paint is included
starts Sunday
December 19, 2010
· Sunday, December 19, 2010
· Sunday, January 23, 2011 Sunday, February 20, 2011
Given the limited capacity of the room, reservation is needed.
Total 3 monthly meetings of five hours.
Place to be determined.
70.00 Euro per contest (materials included) Minimum 15 participants per group
reservation only
339 48 54 232
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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only small groups, days and schedules can be arranged together, for these special requests you can contact me via email irectly.
Sharing with others is an extraordinary opportunity to interact with others and to bring out the hidden potential that we bring in and change what we do not like the our behavior in our lives. path group is a journey into himself and the other that allows you to improve our methods of communication, have fun and evolve together, to come into resonance .
The "training for the Soul" are based on the practice aware of the creativity, experience and as a revolutionary instrument. It encourages the creative energy to come forward with joy and spontaneity, because creativity can not exist without pleasure. It is not only expressive but training practices of healing and wellness shared , Share the breath awareness, research and the free expression of the inner self.
on Tuesday November 30
not simply a painting class. It is an inner experience. It paints
to hear. Picture is made to see. What matters is not the half but the path
The Intuitive Painting as individual and collective experience of transformation and personal growth through the pictorial gesture, voice and body, is a real journey of rebirth, which induces the opportunity to reconnect with their intuition and to enhance its uniqueness in inter-connection with others, finding his balance and joy of creativity innate to leave. Represents a real opportunity to become artists of their lives. My method is based on the integration of my personal experiences: meaningful counseling, rebirthing, creative meditation, shamanic techniques, gestalt, dance-movement therapy, soul voicing.
Total 10 meetings twice monthly for 2 hours: an individual orientation meeting, 8 group sessions of painting, a group meeting to close and emotional processing of the route.
begins on Thursday November 18 TIMES Morning or afternoon (17H-19H30)
Why Do I Get White Bumps From A Brizilian
L'esperienza di creatività collettiva che ho proposto è stata un modo di proseguire la riflessione sul futuro sostenibile con un " fare collettivo" che allows the search and the emergence of a real vision, a way to offer people a space of expression, a way to create the conditions act together with respect for others, a way to get together in the dream and vision, an opportunity to exercise its will and energy, through concentration of attention and thought about what we want to see happen in the future, leaving aside the worries and fears, a time to give shape to the game where their emotions. It's never easy to know how to take it for granted in the size of the event, its intention, a deep desire, an aspiration of the soul.
" Dipingete il futuro che sognate....su misura per voi...e divertevi a dare forma al vostro sogno, insieme" : a che assomiglia il futuro che volete? che colori ha?
Sharing , Serenity and Justice for Humanity ...
Un monde de paix , de solidarité et de bonheur...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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Quale futuro immaginare ?
Laboratorio di immaginazione creativa per un futuro sostenibile
November 6, 2010, Rome
More than a conference, will be an interdisciplinary meeting with the public, during which, through codes of different interpretation of things, such as astrological and archetypal Alessandro Lanzoni, the economic and political in the case of Giuseppe De Marzo, the sociological Codacci in the case of Barbara, and the creative experience of painting with a friendly group of Tree Future in my case.
that each of us can leave ideas and concrete proposals for a
future bio-eco-psicosostenibile.
Given the limited capacity of the room reservation is needed.
Thanks for your support and your participation .
Below you will find the conference program.
What future or imagined?
Laboratory of creative imagination
for a sustainable future
To book send e-mail to lanzoni.alessandra @ virgilio.it or SMS to number 339 8796016 Enter the full number of seats. Admission: € 15 - Please punctuality
15.30 to 15.45 - Presentation of the conference
15.45 to 16.30 - Alessandro Lanzoni - Astrology - http://www.alessandralanzoni.it /
Order and Chaos - Analysis of the models emerging from the crisis
16.30 to 17.15 - Barbara Codacci - University of Siena, Doctoral School "Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution" - http://www.creativiculturali.it/
The cultural creatives we are: overview of the international social science research and opportunities of the emerging culture
17.15 to 17.30 - Break 17.30 to 18.15
- Giuseppe De Marzo - economist, activist, spokesperson of the association
"South" - http://www.asud.net/
On the way to Cancun for climate justice
18.15 to 19.15 - Round table discussion with the public from 19.15 to 20.00
- Marianne Cordier - art counselor
painting together the tree of the future - Experience intuitive painting
Paint For Future
Attiviamoci creativity to build a sustainable future together! Create
to change the future!
" The world is in the hands of those who dare to dream
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Vuze Keeps Freezing On Me
This seminar Pittura Intuitiva vi invita ad un percorso di conoscenza interiore che avviene attraverso il gesto pittorico, la voce e il corpo.
È un inno alla libera espressione del Sé, una pittura dell’Anima che vi mette a contatto con la potenza del vostro mondo interiore e con i vostri sogni. Uno strumento di crescita che agevola la risoluzione delle dinamiche emotive e relazionali.
È anche una pratica di benessere , guidata dal respiro consapevole e dal corpo, aperta alle persone attratte dalla pittura che non hanno mai osato iniziare a praticarla, agli artisti che desiderano ampliare la loro fonte creativa con a new experience of integration, to those who have embarked on a path of inner discovery.
is an experience of transformation that awakens your soul artist and your sense of freedom through the search for a vision . Images, colors, archetypes, the forces of nature are all elements that we work with during the process.
experience is a journey toward self , back home, in his soul.
is a profound healing experience of which will be renewed, vital, in contact.
not simply a painting class. is an inner experience.
Following the path of Intuitive Painting, you can:
· Retrieve your natural creativity
· Release your spontaneity, having fun with the colors
· acquire trust in your resources and what you do
· Feel your body while you paint
· Acting your imagination and fantasy
· Turn your emotional states
· Connect with the mystery that is within you
· Load of new energy and vitality
· Learn to understand your strengths and turn their limits into opportunities
• Giving space to your dreams
includes 9 meetings Tuesday to two months Intuitive Painting:
information (dates, costs, reservations)
http://ateliercreativitabenessere.blogspot. com /
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Uneven Blood Pressure On Arms
Breathing painting and relentless, the body embraces his shadow and expresses the primitive power of emotion. He's here and now with itself. With your fingers, fingernails, your palms, muscle tension in the body takes its toll and the person falls into the unknown world of primitive emotions, releasing blocked energies, penetrate the will of his soul .
Friday, June 25, 2010
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"Happy is he among men living on earth who has seen these things! Those who has not been initiated into the sacred mysteries, who has not had this sort will never have a similar fate, dead, in the humid darkness of rotting there. "
So says the Homeric hymn. And the allusion is clear enough. These verses refer to the mysteries of Eleusis. This was (is) a Greek city, founded independently and then merged into the Athenian domination. This place was where, 1500 years, ceremonies were held, first minor, then more and more important, in honor of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Da qui inizia il bello, ciò che è più misterioso e che avvolge questo Mito in un ombra di sacro misticismo. Ai riti potevano accedere solamente gli iniziati, perchè le cerimonie riguardavano culti magici, che servivano per rendere fertili i campi. Tutto ciò rapp
Ma non solo.
La parte più importante del culto era rappresentata dall’iniziazione degli adepti nella sala centrale del tempio di Demetra ad Eleusi (detta Telesterian). Durante la cerimonia d’iniziazione, era messo in scena il racconto della ricerca da parte di Demetra di sua figlia Persefone. L’obiettivo centrale della cerimonia era costituito dalla ricerca dell’immortalità e della felicità nel mondo dell’aldilà, che gli antichi greci ritenevano strettamente connesse alle vicende della dea.
I misteri eleusini erano rinnovati due volte l’anno. I Picccoli Misteri si celebravano a Febbraio nel demo di Agra, nei pressi di Atene, durante i quali era narrata ai Mystai (gli iniziati al primo dei quattro stadi della rivoluzione) la vicenda mitica di Demetra. Dei Piccoli Misteri facevano parte anche alcuni riti di carattere purificatorio.I Grandi Misteri erano invece celebrati nella seconda metà di settembre, ed iniziavano con il trasporto from Athens to Eleusis of sacred objects by young youths. The cer
Together with the mysteries of the parties had taken place: the Little circumvention, which alluded to the spring awakening of nature with the return of Persephone to earth, and that took place during the Little Mysteries, and the Great circumvention carried out in September (just when Persephone empires and come back in again on a winter hibernation) at the Great Mysteries. These festivities lasted nine days (as much as it was during Research of Demeter). Spectacular procession that took place from Athens to Eleusis, which brings together thirty thousand people, which ended with the arrival in the city in the dark of night, lit by thousands of twigs turned to mo 'a torch.
Eleusinian mysteries of the importance of many scholars do research to find a conference chiarezza.Ad the 1977 Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD, showed that the mystical visions of the initiates in the Eleusinian Telesterion were induced by psychedelic trip hallucinogenic mushrooms. So the sacred rites of the ancient Greek brotherhood is, surprisingly, the artificial paradise hippies. All that is known about the mysteries is deducted from later writers Christians, who have partially filtered and manipulated the true essence.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Projector That Can Use With Sunlight
Apprendere l'Arte di Ascoltare l'Altro imparando ad Ascoltare Se Stessi
Laboratorio Esperienziale di Art Counseling e di Coaching
A cura di Marianne Cordier e Marina Emiliozzi
Roma, 3 e 4 Luglio 2010
" Parlare è un mezzo per esprimere se stessi agli altri,
Ascoltare è un mezzo per accogliere gli altri in se stessi.”
Wen Tzu, testo classico taoista
Che cos’è
Un seminario utile a chiunque voglia esplorare le possibilità creative dell’ascolto risvegliando corpo e mente, attraverso l’esperienza artistica e il contatto con la natura.
Perché è importante partecipare
Chi sa ascoltare, può capire l’Altro, imparare dall’Altro e rispecchiarsi nell’Altro.
Chi è capace di ascoltarsi, può accogliere le proprie sensazioni, riconoscere le proprie emozioni, riscoprendo il potere del silenzio creativo e della comunicazione felice.
Per chi
Per chiunque voglia concedersi uno spazio e un tempo tutto per sé, migliorando their listening skills.
For those who desire to know and fully exploiting its resources.
What tools
Arts Mind and Body Voice
Two days: from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 14.30 to 18.30
costs 180 €
E’ prevista n. 1 iscrizione gratuita al workshop.
Si consiglia un abbigliamento comodo.
For those coming from outside Rome, you can book your accommodation in the hotel reception (information, please contact us via mail)
For registration and information:
Send an e-mail the following addresses:
Friday, May 14, 2010
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