Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Happenedkates Playground

Satanismo a Genova e dintorni

today, taken from the boredom of the suburbs, had to do an evening tour with a dear friend on the streets surrounding the town where one usually finds. The night was very dark, being winter, and the environment is not at all reassuring. In short, to let you all soon I had the wish to re-write on this blog, so as not to lose contact with those irrational feelings that only what is mysterious we can forward. After this trip has left us with many questions over what we saw and heard, I decided to do a quick search of the house on anything mysterious has happened in the time they are vetted by us. And that's how I came across a website that talked about phenomenon in Satanism and around Genoa. Around that also covers areas that I wanted to extend my personal interest. We found that many of our villages have been common over the years, the stars of Satan worship or turned to pagan gods related to them in the contemporary imagination. Many of the desecration and findings in areas seemingly quiet: dead bodies found in bunker risalenti all'ultimo conflitto mondiale, sacrari e cripte private profanate in nome del male, cimiteri depredati di reliquie e oggetti sacri. Tutto ad opera di personaggi che agiscono nell'oscurità e nell'omertà, voci piuttosto confermate rivelano che, dietro alle tuniche nere, si nascondano eccellenti professionisti della Genova "bene", avvocati, giudici, medici e politici. Persone insospettabili insomma, che condurrebbero una seconda vita al chiaro della luna. Naturalmente queste sono solo mie personali considerazioni estrapolate dal testo originale, ben più dettagliato e con fonti confermate. Ve lo linko qui di seguito così potrete aumentare la vostra conoscenza sul tema:

The subject is certainly interesting as rude, in fact, remember never to take certain phenomena in the leg, apparently, only the games may seem profane by bored rich people. The history of this field teaches us rather than behind these rituals, always hiding something powerful, that sometimes arises in cases of crime historians, such as those relating to the case of the "Monster of Florence", asylum Rignano Flaminio or "Beasts of Satan", never fully clarified, possibly because of the desire to protect some personalities in the sphere of Italian power. Having said that good reading and good looking, who knows that your land does not hide secrets like that.


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