Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Porch On A Raised Ranch

Communications for Training

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay! Today we talk about a particular area of \u200b\u200bcommunication of absolute social value. I refer alla comunicazione che un “maestro” deve tenere per poter insegnare qualcosa un un suo “discente”. La comunicazione per la formazione è una comunicazione per obiettivi e la definizione della sua area d’azione è data dall’ampiezza delle finalità. Fare formazione è un'attività di facilitazione dell'apprendimento, che consiste nella capacità di creare le migliori condizioni possibili. In questa competenza rientra la capacità di comunicare efficacemente di cui noi ci stiamo occupando in questa serie di post. In questo contesto la relazione interpersonale assume un aspetto ambiguo: si pone sempre sullo scambio umano alla pari, ma attribuisce al ruolo dell’esperienza del formatore una posizione di responsibility in terms of the transfer of content, behavior, values, to the role of the learner. So respect for the roles is essential, as well as integrated communication skills trainer. The content of training must be able to act on multiple floors. The part information by itself is insufficient. Learning based on an intellectual process has little chance to qualify as an event of change, if it is supported by a communication he knows to act on an emotional level and experience. In any educational project, the interpersonal relationship is the core activity, and is more to support the conduct of Processes a quel triplice obiettivo definibile nei termini di conoscenze, comportamenti, atteggiamenti. I metodi che possono essere impiegati per raggiungere questo triplice obiettivo devono avere la forza di integrare le direttrici dell’apprendimento verso le tre sfere, in maniera equilibrata. L’aula è un contenitore, entro il quale si svolge il “teatro del sé”, in cui le persone devono sentirsi libere di esprimersi, dichiarare difficoltà, vivere i conflitti. Fuori di là c’è il mondo, che attende, come verifica, i risultati dell'apprendimento. L’unico giudizio consentito sarà sul livello di performance finale. La comunicazione formativa ha come requisito indispensabile la scelta della modalità di communication is more appropriate. An analysis of the best training methods and techniques contained in them, may decide the way forward for trainers who want to do their jobs competently relational, cognitive and emotional. In the method, are enclosed in the most effective communication techniques that facilitate the task of training. Before choosing a method of training, attention should be paid to the real needs of the students, the requirements that are required output, the targets and the expected change. The focus of attention is on people, never on the 'cultural effect. " A good trainer should bring along his technical preparation, but also the art of transferring the experience and the ability to report, that pass through the method that will then choose to employ. Counseling is a training method that combines different methods and techniques in order to develop the interpersonal skills essential to the growth of self and of people who will be trained. In the helping relationship between an experienced trainer (counselor) and a person in need and to discover or rediscover their resources (learner), counseling involves creating a collaborative relationship of motivation and a climate suitable for the construction of a practice targeted for change. Through the study of the principles of transactional, you can make immediately applicable and effective axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that enables the acquisition of new instruments, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world, in any field where there is great importance in the exchange communication between individuals. NLP is a methodology that is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be changed. There are several areas where the GNP is useful: communication, development of mental management, the development of personal skills. And these three fields have, in the ability to manage their behavior in a manner intended, the point in common with the baggage essential to the trainer. The function of hospitality is a meeting, the reassurance, the opportunity to report that the trainer must be able to establish with learners. The trainer is never comfortable judging, there is the relational plan on opening, and offers the best conditions for the meeting. The host knows the target recognition of merit, reward or consular know when we are faced with a failure, and knows how to help overcome the inevitable obstacles of all learning processes. The normative component that the trainer must have into action when you need to give a rhythm to work, examine the results, encourage dedication to learning. The standard calls order, a self-discipline that avoids falling into the breach, in an attempt malicious disregard of the importance of training. The trainer must be able to understand who has before, since many students will find in the relational life, all different from each other. His work will include the removal of barriers to learning, communication, and then he will try to dissolve those elements that will be felt during the journey, respecting the personality of the learners. The array of Gallup can help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bmotivating people to participate in educational activities, having as criteria the degree of satisfaction that they show respect for the knowledge they hold. The factors identified are the result of a combination of two lines: "I am satisfied with what my level of ability" and "as far as I know how I feel capable of doing." The Presidium is characterized by high capacity and high satisfaction about their awareness of being able to do. He has a tendency to preserve and maintain their own beliefs with a certain stubbornness and detachment to have behavior and conflict towards its stakeholders. For the headmaster "there is nothing we can tell you do not already know." The strategy to capture their attention is to put in crisis, with polite questions and ironically, their knowledge. Aliens are characterized by their content with what little they can do. The strategy to capture their alienation is to decrease the degree of satisfaction with the competence, emphasizing the relevance and importance of the topic that you are talking about. The "drinkers" are characterized by the feeling of being able to do little and anger associated with that feeling. They are often anxious to learn and high expectations towards the teacher. We can say that they hunger for knowledge, and they feel indignation when their expectations are not met. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of "drinkers" is giving a lot of information to communicate, with enthusiasm, deepening ever, if required, the subject matter. The masochists are characterized by dissatisfaction over their basic skills, while recognizing that to be very good. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of masochists, is to recognize their expertise in a given field or on a specific topic. It is also important to convey the information with empathy and with a good dose of emotional involvement. Training can be viewed as a communication process aimed to learning, then it is a very complex process in which they are present on the one hand the teacher and other learners. If the relationship between the parties is too unbalanced, communication becomes ineffective. One of the most common situations, which could make the problematic relationship, occurs when there is too unbalanced relationship between the interlocutors. If the trainer establishes a one-way communication and pays little attention to the interaction, its becomes a monologue, where he attempts to break is experienced as a disturbance. The causes are varied, such as lack of empathy, poor concentration, low relational skills, a certain inadequacy in the methods of communication used. The effect you get with this relational approach is the passive listening. The passive listening is a cause of low learning or misinterpretation, che possono generare distorsioni sia sul piano cognitivo che su quello comportamentale. Il formatore deve impegnarsi a stimolare l’ascolto attivo, e accertarsi che i messaggi vengano trasmessi all’allievo nel modo giusto. Domande, esercitazioni, osservazione del non verbale, stimoli emotivi e fisici, sono gli strumenti migliori per agire in tal senso. Il rischio di trasformare la comunicazione in una trasmissione monotona di informazioni è un’altra causa di poco coinvolgimento dell’allievo. Bisogna concentrarsi sulle proprie competenze linguistiche e paralinguistiche per essere in grado di trasformare il proprio pensiero in comunicazione efficace. Il cardine della competenza comunicativa è sempre la formazione, che necessita però di clarity and simplification to give guarantees to listen. The trainer must be a creative community. Must be able to experiment, invent innovative solutions to open new frontiers in both the method and of how relations. In this way he will be a source of insights for his students and stimulate creative thinking. Being creative means to break the mold and especially hard to overcome the lack of motivation to innovate every time and pave the way for change. Often those who receive the training tends to move the communication on a controversial, because of its resistance to change. The risk of conflict is very high, since even the trainer may have difficulty understanding the true meaning of a specific question or statement by the Alliance strong, which may obscure a provocation or a challenge. To avoid conflict, the trainer has always emphasized respect for the role, anchoring the action to their skills and objectives. Focus on their role, trying to avoid calling into question their ability to succeed, it could be a way to help students out of the controversial plan and recognize the real needs. Training in communication is crucial that the teacher manage aspects of their personality so as to contain the relationship with the student within a framework that supports learning. The trainer must in fact arise solo come tramite per la crescita dei discenti evitando di assumere atteggiamenti da protagonista che, se troppo evidenziati, rischiano di ridurre notevolmente le possibilità di espressione dei discenti. Il processo di apprendimento, e specularmente il processo di insegnamento, necessità del feedback, ossia di quelle informazioni che gli altri ci comunicano su quanto stiamo comunicando o facendo. Se la comunicazione è stata impostata in modo corretto, si assisterà a un feedback spontaneo, come ad esempio una richiesta di approfondimenti, oppure ad un intervento particolarmente creativo di un discente. Ciò significa che la comunicazione è bidirezionale, cioè che sta funzionando. Il caso contrario, cioè l'assenza di interventi da part of learners, it means that something is wrong, and need to "investigate" what it is. In this case it will be useful to "force" feedback from students urging them to intervene, to ask questions, or use in exercises, tests, applications for reinforcement. The trainer must work individually on all persons, and for each of them must have a clear picture out of the learning process. The analysis of feedback may obtain information on the effectiveness of the course, some adjustments, eliminate or add new topics, or changing the method and techniques. Guiding learners towards the expression of their potential, the trainer lives in turn experience very enriching. The professional growth of a person is a result that indicates that the training was designed and managed in an appropriate manner. Assist learners to overcome problems, strengths, and to discover new possibilities, to explore their potential, or simply to learn new procedures or techniques, can be very rewarding.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ozark Trails Sleeping Bags

Part II The Effective listening - empathic listening

Hello, welcome to the third edition of the "Interpersonal Communication"! Today we'll talk
even LISTENING EFFECTIVE and especially empathic listening.
The most effective way to also understand the emotional point of view of the interlocutor is surely able to assume an attitude of empathic listening. With this post I want to drive in activating your resources to listen in an empathic way, catch up with each other. Only in this way, in fact, you can experience the communicative relationship in a completely "open" in contact with each other and as an opportunity for growth. Empathic listening is a next level active listening. And 'the ability to step into someone else's shoes to fully understand his point of view, made not only of thought but also of emotions, establishing contact with the a contact-free and opinions based on mutual understanding. Empathy does not necessarily give advice, which could be quite a way to control the other or make it official, it does not mean act as the resolver of the problems of others. Empathic listening, however, may allow you to communicate with the other party so that they can receive information that will help to clarify ideas. To achieve an empathic listening should try as much as possible to dispense with any form of abuse or submission, setting exactly on par with each other. Although the meeting happen between a top manager and a worker, each of them will have the opportunity to exchange their points of view, experiential, enriching in some way the vision of the other. Empathic listening, therefore, completely ignores the culture and intellect, and puts everyone on an equal footing. Talk like it, but even more like to be heard and understood, mainly because free from responsibility and the effort of listening. Empathic listening takes place when one recognizes at once: your eyes become a bridge, communication is more fluid, hardly pauses or silences are broken and the attitude of the parties is more relaxed and spontaneous. Empathic listening is silent, but not without words. Encouragement to continue, challenging questions, the wording, paving the way of clarity. The activity of listening is shown by the concentration: if the speaker loses the thread, good listener helps him to immediately take up the subject, right where it left off, sharing the synthesis of experience, both rational and emotional. Requests for clarification will be made to organize themselves to better the relationship between thought and action. It should, however, limit the use of these questions so that communication becomes a monologue. Since a language that uses these types of questions too temporary exclusion of the other party the ability to enter into the discourse, it is tedious and takes progress toward closing the dialogue. Applications for study can be open or closed. In any case seek to obtain accurate information or to better understand the thinking behind the language. They help to open other channels of communication and enrich the language of symbols, metaphors, in short, make it more "visual" in its representation. Feedback, ie the information return required to check your comprehension of the message, is favored in active listening and even more emphatic than in his easy susceptibility to any kind of result could arise from the communication. The feedback in this sense is free from manipulation, and is not a liberal interpretation the emotional component of the interlocutor's message, but a summary relating to what has actually been expressed by another. Empathic listening there are no rigid rules or universal recipes, what matters is the level of trust and openness that you can establish with each other. However, some suggestions may be helpful: Do not be in any hurry, try to change the views, seek assistance if necessary to understand, let the emotions show through, use irony, listen to yourself. Active listening is developed with slow shutter speeds. It is not possible to predict the actual duration of a conversation. And this rule applies even more so for listening empathic. When the process of understanding was finalized, you will feel calm in the relationship on an emotional level, while at the cognitive level there will be no other concerns or questions to ask. If you move away from models, from cognitive distortions, barriers to listening, learning from rigidity, there will be a flow of communication, verbal and nonverbal, that will enrich the perspectives of both parties. The acquisition of point of view can lead to change in a more or less pronounced his point of view. The use of applications becomes a cry for help to better understand and to deepen, by whom listen. The search for clarity is essential, because listening is to give meaning to the words of others. Even a nod may be a request for understanding. Get help to understand, never to judge, question or blame, it also means showing interest in the words of the other, each other in this way his desire to express themselves and communicate with us. If you listen it reveals one's own experience (especially through non-verbal channel), the speaker will feel freer to express their emotions. Conversely, if the listener is wearing a mask, you will create a relational distance and listening in danger of becoming simply a "technical". He who speaks, in fact, he realizes that the other is hiding something and, by extension, choose a mask to wear even heavier. Irony knows raise complex situations in which the tension becoming too high risk degenerating into aggression and conflict. A smile, a joke, lighten the heaviness of boring conversations or inconclusive, arousing the attention of the other. Also, "listen" and give space to your smile, creates a greater readiness to speaker and listener. The signals from the other take on value only if the listener knows first listen to himself, his emotions, his thoughts deep. Listening to oneself never ends at the end of a meeting, but the process leads to a summary only where the person who gets listened to their feedback, in addition to the other. The moment of synthesis varies depending on the intensity and importance of the relationship. This module described the dynamics of listening empathically, which assumes an attitude devoid of leadership and openness towards the other. Were submitted for advice to empathize with the other party and has been shown the way toward understanding the content and emotions in communication.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paint To Go With Travertine

Listening effectively - First Part - Active Listening

Hello, welcome to the second round with the "Interpersonal Communication"!
Today we will talk about effective listening and active listening in particular, in the next post then we will talk about empathic listening. Let's start. Listening does not mean
hear what the other tells us how much to give space to another, be ready to seize what it takes to communicate, even if what we're saying does not match our expectations. The active listener want to understand the other, and knows the determination of rational communication and emotions. We must integrate emotion and reason to avoid the risk of deforming in listening posts and to grasp the real meaning. But let us proceed with order.
Si è sempre molto presi dal parlare. Quasi sempre quando siamo presi dal parlare sentiamo il bisogno di essere visti, amati, compresi. Rischiamo così di divenire un fiume in piena, che scorre senza rispettare alcun argine. L’altro diventa funzionale a se stessi, un “oggetto” relazionale, una prova del proprio diritto ad esistere, piuttosto che una preziosa possibilità di scambio e crescita.
Lasciando spazio all’altro si è in grado di ascoltare le risposte a quelle che, altrimenti, diventerebbero solo domande, cui non sempre si riesce a rispondere da soli. Si passa, così, dal monologo interno al dialogo. Ascoltare l’altro è come guardare in uno specchio. Vedere riflessi i propri stati emotional reactions of our partners will help us to understand those aspects of us are unclear, we do not accept or that deep down we are afraid. If we can establish contact with each other overcome our selfishness, we can also better understand their thoughts, which often become entangled without that you can find a way out.
Knowing how to listen, however, is the result of a process that requires patience. It 's a "decision" is not formal, which involves the whole person and the door to open and search for the contact. The basis of this choice we are willing to satisfy their needs (to be understood, clarify, develop new ideas, etc.). And the desire for growth personale. L’ascolto è influenzato dal livello di stima che si ha del proprio interlocutore. Ascoltare in modo attivo significa decidere di passare da un atteggiamento del tipo “io ho ragione, tu hai torto” che conduce solo al conflitto, ad una forma mentale che suggerisce: “io ho ragione, ma anche tu”, che porta a raggiungere uno spirito collaborativo nella discussione.
Se anche l’altro proprio non ci piace, bisogna ricordare che ogni incontro ha sempre qualcosa da darci, è una nuova esperienza. Non si sa da dove possa arrivare l’illuminazione, alle volte anche un incontro rapido e apparentemente inutile può riservare dei preziosi insegnamenti.
Ad un giudice saggio furono portati due litiganti. He listened to the reasons of the first and decided, "You're right." Then the court heard a second and said, 'You're right. " The counselor intervened: "excellence, but they can not both be right." The wise judge then said: "Mmmm ... you're right too."
It 's impossible to know the absolute truth, because it does not exist. The only way is to listen to find a compromise. In life, all relationships require compromise.
Generally the more pressing needs on the person, the more listening becomes selective, and tends to include only what satisfies the needs and responds to their expectations, paradoxically also proceeding in the opposite direction to the true meaning of communication. Expectations distort the play because it conveys to a pre-designed road. Listening requires decoding tools necessary for understanding the message. If the language is unclear, but it's tight, manipulative, or the language between the two referents is not shared, communication can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings. The emotional situation interferes significantly listening. Only if the emotional and the rational are in equilibrium is possible to perceive correctly the non-verbal signals activated in the communication.
The context in which communication determines the intensity and quality of listening, not only for obvious environmental factors (such as noise of an environment). Depending on the social, public, private or intimate, varied interest in furthering the exchange of communication, and is activated by a different type of audience, with varying degrees of emotional involvement. Listening to create and strengthen social relationships, for fun, to express friendship, to develop alliances, etc. .. The relationships established, however, are not binding and the ability to listen is superficial, leaving few traces in memory. The play is presented as social play "tribal" as in it the actors exchange codes relational base. The play is centered on intellectual data, facts, information. You enable the Memory "useful" in resolving problems (work, study, etc..) And cognitive learning. Listening to intellectual detachment from emotions, is formal and can be compared to the storage of data in a computer.
Active listening allows information to implement rational and emotional, to understand not only the message, but also information on where it comes from and intentionality, the needs and expectations of the interlocutor. If you actively listen to each other, they are able to perceive informazioni di cui lo stesso interlocutore non è a conoscenza (inconsapevoli), ma che trapelano dalla comunicazione non verbale. La forza dell’ascolto attivo è legata alla capacità di osservazione, analisi, introiezione e sintesi della comunicazione. Ascoltare senza emettere giudizi fa sentire l’altro maggiormente libero di esprimersi.
Se si nota che l'interlocutore è distratto, volge lo sguardo altrove, e il flusso di comunicazione si interrompe, bisogna tentare di richiamare la sua attenzione, ma se il tentativo fallisce, meglio desistere: senza l’ascolto infatti la dispersione della comunicazione è talmente elevata da portare a distorsione o azzeramento delle informazioni. Quando due persone entrano in contatto, tra di loro avviene un incontro, i monologhi divengono dialoghi, e se c’è la disponibilità alla comunicazione e all’apertura emotiva, si assiste ad un flusso armonico, dove ci si ascolta l’un l’altro. Un ponte di sguardi attenti è indice di un livello alto di attenzione. Non sempre si arriva a comunicazioni profonde e il livello di incontro può essere anche breve, ma è comunque importante che avvenga uno scambio che faccia comprendere i motivi della comunicazione e la situazione emozionale degli interlocutori.
Al termine di ogni incontro, ma solo al termine, è possibile analizzare sia il contenuto della comunicazione, sia il vissuto emotivo. Il giudizio complessivo di attrazione, repulsione o neutralità, will understand the meaning it had for him since that meeting. One must first hear themselves and their emotions, wondering: "How do I look?" To discover "quiet, agitated, calm, thoughtful, anxious, etc..." Only later can process your information and organize thoughts clear. But do not stereotype the reports. Declaring "I like you, I do not like" binds the report to a statement dichotomous, such as "black or white, which makes it impossible to see the many nuances that exist. Do not always listen to the silence is implied. In fact, active listening is also made up of questions and reformulations are useful to improve understanding and clarity. Reformulate need to understand, to clarify a concept expressed or bad understood. Reformulating a sentence you put the other in a position of having to hear again what he said, so he can clarify, confirm or deny the concept expressed.
Well I know that I spoke a bit 'too much. I leave you to your reflections and there in the next post to continue this journey to effective listening. And hello to the next.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Decay In Back Part Of Molar

Creative thinking

Hello everyone, as promised today we begin a journey through the streets of interpersonal communication. Why "Creative Thinking"? Well, the thought creative is nothing but our creativity, to be sure everyone in life we \u200b\u200buse our creativity, not only in fashion, design, entertainment, art, but always and especially in communication and interpersonal relationships.
But what is creativity? Creativity is an attitude. Every human being, irrespective of sex, age, race or religion, has a creative potential, the ability to have original ideas and effective (JP Guilford), "Life is a close interplay between routine and creativity" (A. Maslow ). Create
means innovate! And innovation and has nothing to do with the routine! Years in the history of men "understood" che RIPRODURRE è più semplice e gli innovatori, i creatori sono stati spesso emarginati. Il pensiero creativo produce associazioni tali da ridurre al minimo l'influenza dei filtri mentali (RICORDI, EMOZIONI, VALORI, ATTEGGIAMENTI, ASPETTATIVE) sempre presenti nel pensiero razionale; si parla spesso di pensiero laterale. “Ogni creazione è prima di tutto un atto di distruzione” (P.Picasso), bisogna avere il coraggio di definire “superato” il vecchio ed agire con creatività verso nuove idee affrontando con coraggio l'incertezza che il “nuovo” porta con sé. Ma veniamo a noi, qual'è la connessione tra il pensiero creativo e la comunicazione? Beh semplice, il linguaggio è il primo transmitter of creativity. The choice of terms, how to present themselves, to express their personality, the composition of sentences are clear indications of the level of creativity that an individual can develop. The ability to feel "amazing" is essential in the creative process. Lateral thinking allows you to broaden the visions, the search for solutions. In reality nothing is invented from scratch, it is always to reinvent what already exists in a creative way. The beauty is that creative thinking can be developed and there are several ways to do it. The TRAINING is to make the flow of thoughts flow freely even those that differ from the specific activity (For example, there is sometimes a winning idea when you are engaged in another activity). If you are in a group can use the technique of brainstorming was to "put down" ideas, so far as spontaneous and free evaluations. Other techniques are: Sinettä, problem solving, role playing, the technique of the six chapels (maybe I can tell you about it in some other post,-p)
I leave you with some words of Pablo Neruda on his view of creativity. I wait for you next week with a post on listening EFFECTIVE foundation of effective communication.
"He or she who becomes a slave of habit, repeating every day the same itineraries. He or she who shuns passion, who prefers black on white, dotting the "i" rather than a set of emotions, the kind that make your eyes glimmer, that turn a yawn into a smile, that make the heart beat before mistakes and feelings.
He or she who does not overthrow the table when is unhappy at work, who does not risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream, who would not allow, at least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.
Slowly dies who does not travel, does not read, does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself. Dies slowly he who destroys self-esteem, who does not accept help, who spends his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain.
Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it, who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know, who does not answer when asked about something he knows.
Let's avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple act of breathing.
Only a burning patience will lead to attainment of a splendid happiness "
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Watch Jesse Jane On Putlocker