Hello everyone, sorry for the delay! Today we talk about a particular area of \u200b\u200bcommunication of absolute social value. I refer alla comunicazione che un “maestro” deve tenere per poter insegnare qualcosa un un suo “discente”. La comunicazione per la formazione è una comunicazione per obiettivi e la definizione della sua area d’azione è data dall’ampiezza delle finalità. Fare formazione è un'attività di facilitazione dell'apprendimento, che consiste nella capacità di creare le migliori condizioni possibili. In questa competenza rientra la capacità di comunicare efficacemente di cui noi ci stiamo occupando in questa serie di post. In questo contesto la relazione interpersonale assume un aspetto ambiguo: si pone sempre sullo scambio umano alla pari, ma attribuisce al ruolo dell’esperienza del formatore una posizione di responsibility in terms of the transfer of content, behavior, values, to the role of the learner. So respect for the roles is essential, as well as integrated communication skills trainer. The content of training must be able to act on multiple floors. The part information by itself is insufficient. Learning based on an intellectual process has little chance to qualify as an event of change, if it is supported by a communication he knows to act on an emotional level and experience. In any educational project, the interpersonal relationship is the core activity, and is more to support the conduct of Processes a quel triplice obiettivo definibile nei termini di conoscenze, comportamenti, atteggiamenti. I metodi che possono essere impiegati per raggiungere questo triplice obiettivo devono avere la forza di integrare le direttrici dell’apprendimento verso le tre sfere, in maniera equilibrata. L’aula è un contenitore, entro il quale si svolge il “teatro del sé”, in cui le persone devono sentirsi libere di esprimersi, dichiarare difficoltà, vivere i conflitti. Fuori di là c’è il mondo, che attende, come verifica, i risultati dell'apprendimento. L’unico giudizio consentito sarà sul livello di performance finale. La comunicazione formativa ha come requisito indispensabile la scelta della modalità di communication is more appropriate. An analysis of the best training methods and techniques contained in them, may decide the way forward for trainers who want to do their jobs competently relational, cognitive and emotional. In the method, are enclosed in the most effective communication techniques that facilitate the task of training. Before choosing a method of training, attention should be paid to the real needs of the students, the requirements that are required output, the targets and the expected change. The focus of attention is on people, never on the 'cultural effect. " A good trainer should bring along his technical preparation, but also the art of transferring the experience and the ability to report, that pass through the method that will then choose to employ. Counseling is a training method that combines different methods and techniques in order to develop the interpersonal skills essential to the growth of self and of people who will be trained. In the helping relationship between an experienced trainer (counselor) and a person in need and to discover or rediscover their resources (learner), counseling involves creating a collaborative relationship of motivation and a climate suitable for the construction of a practice targeted for change. Through the study of the principles of transactional, you can make immediately applicable and effective axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that enables the acquisition of new instruments, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world, in any field where there is great importance in the exchange communication between individuals. NLP is a methodology that is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be changed. There are several areas where the GNP is useful: communication, development of mental management, the development of personal skills. And these three fields have, in the ability to manage their behavior in a manner intended, the point in common with the baggage essential to the trainer. The function of hospitality is a meeting, the reassurance, the opportunity to report that the trainer must be able to establish with learners. The trainer is never comfortable judging, there is the relational plan on opening, and offers the best conditions for the meeting. The host knows the target recognition of merit, reward or consular know when we are faced with a failure, and knows how to help overcome the inevitable obstacles of all learning processes. The normative component that the trainer must have into action when you need to give a rhythm to work, examine the results, encourage dedication to learning. The standard calls order, a self-discipline that avoids falling into the breach, in an attempt malicious disregard of the importance of training. The trainer must be able to understand who has before, since many students will find in the relational life, all different from each other. His work will include the removal of barriers to learning, communication, and then he will try to dissolve those elements that will be felt during the journey, respecting the personality of the learners. The array of Gallup can help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bmotivating people to participate in educational activities, having as criteria the degree of satisfaction that they show respect for the knowledge they hold. The factors identified are the result of a combination of two lines: "I am satisfied with what my level of ability" and "as far as I know how I feel capable of doing." The Presidium is characterized by high capacity and high satisfaction about their awareness of being able to do. He has a tendency to preserve and maintain their own beliefs with a certain stubbornness and detachment to have behavior and conflict towards its stakeholders. For the headmaster "there is nothing we can tell you do not already know." The strategy to capture their attention is to put in crisis, with polite questions and ironically, their knowledge. Aliens are characterized by their content with what little they can do. The strategy to capture their alienation is to decrease the degree of satisfaction with the competence, emphasizing the relevance and importance of the topic that you are talking about. The "drinkers" are characterized by the feeling of being able to do little and anger associated with that feeling. They are often anxious to learn and high expectations towards the teacher. We can say that they hunger for knowledge, and they feel indignation when their expectations are not met. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of "drinkers" is giving a lot of information to communicate, with enthusiasm, deepening ever, if required, the subject matter. The masochists are characterized by dissatisfaction over their basic skills, while recognizing that to be very good. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of masochists, is to recognize their expertise in a given field or on a specific topic. It is also important to convey the information with empathy and with a good dose of emotional involvement. Training can be viewed as a communication process aimed to learning, then it is a very complex process in which they are present on the one hand the teacher and other learners. If the relationship between the parties is too unbalanced, communication becomes ineffective. One of the most common situations, which could make the problematic relationship, occurs when there is too unbalanced relationship between the interlocutors. If the trainer establishes a one-way communication and pays little attention to the interaction, its becomes a monologue, where he attempts to break is experienced as a disturbance. The causes are varied, such as lack of empathy, poor concentration, low relational skills, a certain inadequacy in the methods of communication used. The effect you get with this relational approach is the passive listening. The passive listening is a cause of low learning or misinterpretation, che possono generare distorsioni sia sul piano cognitivo che su quello comportamentale. Il formatore deve impegnarsi a stimolare l’ascolto attivo, e accertarsi che i messaggi vengano trasmessi all’allievo nel modo giusto. Domande, esercitazioni, osservazione del non verbale, stimoli emotivi e fisici, sono gli strumenti migliori per agire in tal senso. Il rischio di trasformare la comunicazione in una trasmissione monotona di informazioni è un’altra causa di poco coinvolgimento dell’allievo. Bisogna concentrarsi sulle proprie competenze linguistiche e paralinguistiche per essere in grado di trasformare il proprio pensiero in comunicazione efficace. Il cardine della competenza comunicativa è sempre la formazione, che necessita però di clarity and simplification to give guarantees to listen. The trainer must be a creative community. Must be able to experiment, invent innovative solutions to open new frontiers in both the method and of how relations. In this way he will be a source of insights for his students and stimulate creative thinking. Being creative means to break the mold and especially hard to overcome the lack of motivation to innovate every time and pave the way for change. Often those who receive the training tends to move the communication on a controversial, because of its resistance to change. The risk of conflict is very high, since even the trainer may have difficulty understanding the true meaning of a specific question or statement by the Alliance strong, which may obscure a provocation or a challenge. To avoid conflict, the trainer has always emphasized respect for the role, anchoring the action to their skills and objectives. Focus on their role, trying to avoid calling into question their ability to succeed, it could be a way to help students out of the controversial plan and recognize the real needs. Training in communication is crucial that the teacher manage aspects of their personality so as to contain the relationship with the student within a framework that supports learning. The trainer must in fact arise solo come tramite per la crescita dei discenti evitando di assumere atteggiamenti da protagonista che, se troppo evidenziati, rischiano di ridurre notevolmente le possibilità di espressione dei discenti. Il processo di apprendimento, e specularmente il processo di insegnamento, necessità del feedback, ossia di quelle informazioni che gli altri ci comunicano su quanto stiamo comunicando o facendo. Se la comunicazione è stata impostata in modo corretto, si assisterà a un feedback spontaneo, come ad esempio una richiesta di approfondimenti, oppure ad un intervento particolarmente creativo di un discente. Ciò significa che la comunicazione è bidirezionale, cioè che sta funzionando. Il caso contrario, cioè l'assenza di interventi da part of learners, it means that something is wrong, and need to "investigate" what it is. In this case it will be useful to "force" feedback from students urging them to intervene, to ask questions, or use in exercises, tests, applications for reinforcement. The trainer must work individually on all persons, and for each of them must have a clear picture out of the learning process. The analysis of feedback may obtain information on the effectiveness of the course, some adjustments, eliminate or add new topics, or changing the method and techniques. Guiding learners towards the expression of their potential, the trainer lives in turn experience very enriching. The professional growth of a person is a result that indicates that the training was designed and managed in an appropriate manner. Assist learners to overcome problems, strengths, and to discover new possibilities, to explore their potential, or simply to learn new procedures or techniques, can be very rewarding.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Porch On A Raised Ranch
Communications for Training
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay! Today we talk about a particular area of \u200b\u200bcommunication of absolute social value. I refer alla comunicazione che un “maestro” deve tenere per poter insegnare qualcosa un un suo “discente”. La comunicazione per la formazione è una comunicazione per obiettivi e la definizione della sua area d’azione è data dall’ampiezza delle finalità. Fare formazione è un'attività di facilitazione dell'apprendimento, che consiste nella capacità di creare le migliori condizioni possibili. In questa competenza rientra la capacità di comunicare efficacemente di cui noi ci stiamo occupando in questa serie di post. In questo contesto la relazione interpersonale assume un aspetto ambiguo: si pone sempre sullo scambio umano alla pari, ma attribuisce al ruolo dell’esperienza del formatore una posizione di responsibility in terms of the transfer of content, behavior, values, to the role of the learner. So respect for the roles is essential, as well as integrated communication skills trainer. The content of training must be able to act on multiple floors. The part information by itself is insufficient. Learning based on an intellectual process has little chance to qualify as an event of change, if it is supported by a communication he knows to act on an emotional level and experience. In any educational project, the interpersonal relationship is the core activity, and is more to support the conduct of Processes a quel triplice obiettivo definibile nei termini di conoscenze, comportamenti, atteggiamenti. I metodi che possono essere impiegati per raggiungere questo triplice obiettivo devono avere la forza di integrare le direttrici dell’apprendimento verso le tre sfere, in maniera equilibrata. L’aula è un contenitore, entro il quale si svolge il “teatro del sé”, in cui le persone devono sentirsi libere di esprimersi, dichiarare difficoltà, vivere i conflitti. Fuori di là c’è il mondo, che attende, come verifica, i risultati dell'apprendimento. L’unico giudizio consentito sarà sul livello di performance finale. La comunicazione formativa ha come requisito indispensabile la scelta della modalità di communication is more appropriate. An analysis of the best training methods and techniques contained in them, may decide the way forward for trainers who want to do their jobs competently relational, cognitive and emotional. In the method, are enclosed in the most effective communication techniques that facilitate the task of training. Before choosing a method of training, attention should be paid to the real needs of the students, the requirements that are required output, the targets and the expected change. The focus of attention is on people, never on the 'cultural effect. " A good trainer should bring along his technical preparation, but also the art of transferring the experience and the ability to report, that pass through the method that will then choose to employ. Counseling is a training method that combines different methods and techniques in order to develop the interpersonal skills essential to the growth of self and of people who will be trained. In the helping relationship between an experienced trainer (counselor) and a person in need and to discover or rediscover their resources (learner), counseling involves creating a collaborative relationship of motivation and a climate suitable for the construction of a practice targeted for change. Through the study of the principles of transactional, you can make immediately applicable and effective axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that enables the acquisition of new instruments, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world, in any field where there is great importance in the exchange communication between individuals. NLP is a methodology that is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be changed. There are several areas where the GNP is useful: communication, development of mental management, the development of personal skills. And these three fields have, in the ability to manage their behavior in a manner intended, the point in common with the baggage essential to the trainer. The function of hospitality is a meeting, the reassurance, the opportunity to report that the trainer must be able to establish with learners. The trainer is never comfortable judging, there is the relational plan on opening, and offers the best conditions for the meeting. The host knows the target recognition of merit, reward or consular know when we are faced with a failure, and knows how to help overcome the inevitable obstacles of all learning processes. The normative component that the trainer must have into action when you need to give a rhythm to work, examine the results, encourage dedication to learning. The standard calls order, a self-discipline that avoids falling into the breach, in an attempt malicious disregard of the importance of training. The trainer must be able to understand who has before, since many students will find in the relational life, all different from each other. His work will include the removal of barriers to learning, communication, and then he will try to dissolve those elements that will be felt during the journey, respecting the personality of the learners. The array of Gallup can help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bmotivating people to participate in educational activities, having as criteria the degree of satisfaction that they show respect for the knowledge they hold. The factors identified are the result of a combination of two lines: "I am satisfied with what my level of ability" and "as far as I know how I feel capable of doing." The Presidium is characterized by high capacity and high satisfaction about their awareness of being able to do. He has a tendency to preserve and maintain their own beliefs with a certain stubbornness and detachment to have behavior and conflict towards its stakeholders. For the headmaster "there is nothing we can tell you do not already know." The strategy to capture their attention is to put in crisis, with polite questions and ironically, their knowledge. Aliens are characterized by their content with what little they can do. The strategy to capture their alienation is to decrease the degree of satisfaction with the competence, emphasizing the relevance and importance of the topic that you are talking about. The "drinkers" are characterized by the feeling of being able to do little and anger associated with that feeling. They are often anxious to learn and high expectations towards the teacher. We can say that they hunger for knowledge, and they feel indignation when their expectations are not met. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of "drinkers" is giving a lot of information to communicate, with enthusiasm, deepening ever, if required, the subject matter. The masochists are characterized by dissatisfaction over their basic skills, while recognizing that to be very good. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of masochists, is to recognize their expertise in a given field or on a specific topic. It is also important to convey the information with empathy and with a good dose of emotional involvement. Training can be viewed as a communication process aimed to learning, then it is a very complex process in which they are present on the one hand the teacher and other learners. If the relationship between the parties is too unbalanced, communication becomes ineffective. One of the most common situations, which could make the problematic relationship, occurs when there is too unbalanced relationship between the interlocutors. If the trainer establishes a one-way communication and pays little attention to the interaction, its becomes a monologue, where he attempts to break is experienced as a disturbance. The causes are varied, such as lack of empathy, poor concentration, low relational skills, a certain inadequacy in the methods of communication used. The effect you get with this relational approach is the passive listening. The passive listening is a cause of low learning or misinterpretation, che possono generare distorsioni sia sul piano cognitivo che su quello comportamentale. Il formatore deve impegnarsi a stimolare l’ascolto attivo, e accertarsi che i messaggi vengano trasmessi all’allievo nel modo giusto. Domande, esercitazioni, osservazione del non verbale, stimoli emotivi e fisici, sono gli strumenti migliori per agire in tal senso. Il rischio di trasformare la comunicazione in una trasmissione monotona di informazioni è un’altra causa di poco coinvolgimento dell’allievo. Bisogna concentrarsi sulle proprie competenze linguistiche e paralinguistiche per essere in grado di trasformare il proprio pensiero in comunicazione efficace. Il cardine della competenza comunicativa è sempre la formazione, che necessita però di clarity and simplification to give guarantees to listen. The trainer must be a creative community. Must be able to experiment, invent innovative solutions to open new frontiers in both the method and of how relations. In this way he will be a source of insights for his students and stimulate creative thinking. Being creative means to break the mold and especially hard to overcome the lack of motivation to innovate every time and pave the way for change. Often those who receive the training tends to move the communication on a controversial, because of its resistance to change. The risk of conflict is very high, since even the trainer may have difficulty understanding the true meaning of a specific question or statement by the Alliance strong, which may obscure a provocation or a challenge. To avoid conflict, the trainer has always emphasized respect for the role, anchoring the action to their skills and objectives. Focus on their role, trying to avoid calling into question their ability to succeed, it could be a way to help students out of the controversial plan and recognize the real needs. Training in communication is crucial that the teacher manage aspects of their personality so as to contain the relationship with the student within a framework that supports learning. The trainer must in fact arise solo come tramite per la crescita dei discenti evitando di assumere atteggiamenti da protagonista che, se troppo evidenziati, rischiano di ridurre notevolmente le possibilità di espressione dei discenti. Il processo di apprendimento, e specularmente il processo di insegnamento, necessità del feedback, ossia di quelle informazioni che gli altri ci comunicano su quanto stiamo comunicando o facendo. Se la comunicazione è stata impostata in modo corretto, si assisterà a un feedback spontaneo, come ad esempio una richiesta di approfondimenti, oppure ad un intervento particolarmente creativo di un discente. Ciò significa che la comunicazione è bidirezionale, cioè che sta funzionando. Il caso contrario, cioè l'assenza di interventi da part of learners, it means that something is wrong, and need to "investigate" what it is. In this case it will be useful to "force" feedback from students urging them to intervene, to ask questions, or use in exercises, tests, applications for reinforcement. The trainer must work individually on all persons, and for each of them must have a clear picture out of the learning process. The analysis of feedback may obtain information on the effectiveness of the course, some adjustments, eliminate or add new topics, or changing the method and techniques. Guiding learners towards the expression of their potential, the trainer lives in turn experience very enriching. The professional growth of a person is a result that indicates that the training was designed and managed in an appropriate manner. Assist learners to overcome problems, strengths, and to discover new possibilities, to explore their potential, or simply to learn new procedures or techniques, can be very rewarding.
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay! Today we talk about a particular area of \u200b\u200bcommunication of absolute social value. I refer alla comunicazione che un “maestro” deve tenere per poter insegnare qualcosa un un suo “discente”. La comunicazione per la formazione è una comunicazione per obiettivi e la definizione della sua area d’azione è data dall’ampiezza delle finalità. Fare formazione è un'attività di facilitazione dell'apprendimento, che consiste nella capacità di creare le migliori condizioni possibili. In questa competenza rientra la capacità di comunicare efficacemente di cui noi ci stiamo occupando in questa serie di post. In questo contesto la relazione interpersonale assume un aspetto ambiguo: si pone sempre sullo scambio umano alla pari, ma attribuisce al ruolo dell’esperienza del formatore una posizione di responsibility in terms of the transfer of content, behavior, values, to the role of the learner. So respect for the roles is essential, as well as integrated communication skills trainer. The content of training must be able to act on multiple floors. The part information by itself is insufficient. Learning based on an intellectual process has little chance to qualify as an event of change, if it is supported by a communication he knows to act on an emotional level and experience. In any educational project, the interpersonal relationship is the core activity, and is more to support the conduct of Processes a quel triplice obiettivo definibile nei termini di conoscenze, comportamenti, atteggiamenti. I metodi che possono essere impiegati per raggiungere questo triplice obiettivo devono avere la forza di integrare le direttrici dell’apprendimento verso le tre sfere, in maniera equilibrata. L’aula è un contenitore, entro il quale si svolge il “teatro del sé”, in cui le persone devono sentirsi libere di esprimersi, dichiarare difficoltà, vivere i conflitti. Fuori di là c’è il mondo, che attende, come verifica, i risultati dell'apprendimento. L’unico giudizio consentito sarà sul livello di performance finale. La comunicazione formativa ha come requisito indispensabile la scelta della modalità di communication is more appropriate. An analysis of the best training methods and techniques contained in them, may decide the way forward for trainers who want to do their jobs competently relational, cognitive and emotional. In the method, are enclosed in the most effective communication techniques that facilitate the task of training. Before choosing a method of training, attention should be paid to the real needs of the students, the requirements that are required output, the targets and the expected change. The focus of attention is on people, never on the 'cultural effect. " A good trainer should bring along his technical preparation, but also the art of transferring the experience and the ability to report, that pass through the method that will then choose to employ. Counseling is a training method that combines different methods and techniques in order to develop the interpersonal skills essential to the growth of self and of people who will be trained. In the helping relationship between an experienced trainer (counselor) and a person in need and to discover or rediscover their resources (learner), counseling involves creating a collaborative relationship of motivation and a climate suitable for the construction of a practice targeted for change. Through the study of the principles of transactional, you can make immediately applicable and effective axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that enables the acquisition of new instruments, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world, in any field where there is great importance in the exchange communication between individuals. NLP is a methodology that is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be changed. There are several areas where the GNP is useful: communication, development of mental management, the development of personal skills. And these three fields have, in the ability to manage their behavior in a manner intended, the point in common with the baggage essential to the trainer. The function of hospitality is a meeting, the reassurance, the opportunity to report that the trainer must be able to establish with learners. The trainer is never comfortable judging, there is the relational plan on opening, and offers the best conditions for the meeting. The host knows the target recognition of merit, reward or consular know when we are faced with a failure, and knows how to help overcome the inevitable obstacles of all learning processes. The normative component that the trainer must have into action when you need to give a rhythm to work, examine the results, encourage dedication to learning. The standard calls order, a self-discipline that avoids falling into the breach, in an attempt malicious disregard of the importance of training. The trainer must be able to understand who has before, since many students will find in the relational life, all different from each other. His work will include the removal of barriers to learning, communication, and then he will try to dissolve those elements that will be felt during the journey, respecting the personality of the learners. The array of Gallup can help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bmotivating people to participate in educational activities, having as criteria the degree of satisfaction that they show respect for the knowledge they hold. The factors identified are the result of a combination of two lines: "I am satisfied with what my level of ability" and "as far as I know how I feel capable of doing." The Presidium is characterized by high capacity and high satisfaction about their awareness of being able to do. He has a tendency to preserve and maintain their own beliefs with a certain stubbornness and detachment to have behavior and conflict towards its stakeholders. For the headmaster "there is nothing we can tell you do not already know." The strategy to capture their attention is to put in crisis, with polite questions and ironically, their knowledge. Aliens are characterized by their content with what little they can do. The strategy to capture their alienation is to decrease the degree of satisfaction with the competence, emphasizing the relevance and importance of the topic that you are talking about. The "drinkers" are characterized by the feeling of being able to do little and anger associated with that feeling. They are often anxious to learn and high expectations towards the teacher. We can say that they hunger for knowledge, and they feel indignation when their expectations are not met. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of "drinkers" is giving a lot of information to communicate, with enthusiasm, deepening ever, if required, the subject matter. The masochists are characterized by dissatisfaction over their basic skills, while recognizing that to be very good. The strategy to capture the attention of individuals belonging to the category of masochists, is to recognize their expertise in a given field or on a specific topic. It is also important to convey the information with empathy and with a good dose of emotional involvement. Training can be viewed as a communication process aimed to learning, then it is a very complex process in which they are present on the one hand the teacher and other learners. If the relationship between the parties is too unbalanced, communication becomes ineffective. One of the most common situations, which could make the problematic relationship, occurs when there is too unbalanced relationship between the interlocutors. If the trainer establishes a one-way communication and pays little attention to the interaction, its becomes a monologue, where he attempts to break is experienced as a disturbance. The causes are varied, such as lack of empathy, poor concentration, low relational skills, a certain inadequacy in the methods of communication used. The effect you get with this relational approach is the passive listening. The passive listening is a cause of low learning or misinterpretation, che possono generare distorsioni sia sul piano cognitivo che su quello comportamentale. Il formatore deve impegnarsi a stimolare l’ascolto attivo, e accertarsi che i messaggi vengano trasmessi all’allievo nel modo giusto. Domande, esercitazioni, osservazione del non verbale, stimoli emotivi e fisici, sono gli strumenti migliori per agire in tal senso. Il rischio di trasformare la comunicazione in una trasmissione monotona di informazioni è un’altra causa di poco coinvolgimento dell’allievo. Bisogna concentrarsi sulle proprie competenze linguistiche e paralinguistiche per essere in grado di trasformare il proprio pensiero in comunicazione efficace. Il cardine della competenza comunicativa è sempre la formazione, che necessita però di clarity and simplification to give guarantees to listen. The trainer must be a creative community. Must be able to experiment, invent innovative solutions to open new frontiers in both the method and of how relations. In this way he will be a source of insights for his students and stimulate creative thinking. Being creative means to break the mold and especially hard to overcome the lack of motivation to innovate every time and pave the way for change. Often those who receive the training tends to move the communication on a controversial, because of its resistance to change. The risk of conflict is very high, since even the trainer may have difficulty understanding the true meaning of a specific question or statement by the Alliance strong, which may obscure a provocation or a challenge. To avoid conflict, the trainer has always emphasized respect for the role, anchoring the action to their skills and objectives. Focus on their role, trying to avoid calling into question their ability to succeed, it could be a way to help students out of the controversial plan and recognize the real needs. Training in communication is crucial that the teacher manage aspects of their personality so as to contain the relationship with the student within a framework that supports learning. The trainer must in fact arise solo come tramite per la crescita dei discenti evitando di assumere atteggiamenti da protagonista che, se troppo evidenziati, rischiano di ridurre notevolmente le possibilità di espressione dei discenti. Il processo di apprendimento, e specularmente il processo di insegnamento, necessità del feedback, ossia di quelle informazioni che gli altri ci comunicano su quanto stiamo comunicando o facendo. Se la comunicazione è stata impostata in modo corretto, si assisterà a un feedback spontaneo, come ad esempio una richiesta di approfondimenti, oppure ad un intervento particolarmente creativo di un discente. Ciò significa che la comunicazione è bidirezionale, cioè che sta funzionando. Il caso contrario, cioè l'assenza di interventi da part of learners, it means that something is wrong, and need to "investigate" what it is. In this case it will be useful to "force" feedback from students urging them to intervene, to ask questions, or use in exercises, tests, applications for reinforcement. The trainer must work individually on all persons, and for each of them must have a clear picture out of the learning process. The analysis of feedback may obtain information on the effectiveness of the course, some adjustments, eliminate or add new topics, or changing the method and techniques. Guiding learners towards the expression of their potential, the trainer lives in turn experience very enriching. The professional growth of a person is a result that indicates that the training was designed and managed in an appropriate manner. Assist learners to overcome problems, strengths, and to discover new possibilities, to explore their potential, or simply to learn new procedures or techniques, can be very rewarding.
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