Hello everyone, as promised today we begin a journey through the streets of interpersonal communication. Why "Creative Thinking"? Well, the thought creative is nothing but our creativity, to be sure everyone in life we \u200b\u200buse our creativity, not only in fashion, design, entertainment, art, but always and especially in communication and interpersonal relationships.
But what is creativity? Creativity is an attitude. Every human being, irrespective of sex, age, race or religion, has a creative potential, the ability to have original ideas and effective (JP Guilford), "Life is a close interplay between routine and creativity" (A. Maslow ). Create
means innovate! And innovation and has nothing to do with the routine! Years in the history of men "understood" che RIPRODURRE è più semplice e gli innovatori, i creatori sono stati spesso emarginati. Il pensiero creativo produce associazioni tali da ridurre al minimo l'influenza dei filtri mentali (RICORDI, EMOZIONI, VALORI, ATTEGGIAMENTI, ASPETTATIVE) sempre presenti nel pensiero razionale; si parla spesso di pensiero laterale. “Ogni creazione è prima di tutto un atto di distruzione” (P.Picasso), bisogna avere il coraggio di definire “superato” il vecchio ed agire con creatività verso nuove idee affrontando con coraggio l'incertezza che il “nuovo” porta con sé. Ma veniamo a noi, qual'è la connessione tra il pensiero creativo e la comunicazione? Beh semplice, il linguaggio è il primo transmitter of creativity. The choice of terms, how to present themselves, to express their personality, the composition of sentences are clear indications of the level of creativity that an individual can develop. The ability to feel "amazing" is essential in the creative process. Lateral thinking allows you to broaden the visions, the search for solutions. In reality nothing is invented from scratch, it is always to reinvent what already exists in a creative way. The beauty is that creative thinking can be developed and there are several ways to do it. The TRAINING is to make the flow of thoughts flow freely even those that differ from the specific activity (For example, there is sometimes a winning idea when you are engaged in another activity). If you are in a group can use the technique of brainstorming was to "put down" ideas, so far as spontaneous and free evaluations. Other techniques are: Sinettä, problem solving, role playing, the technique of the six chapels (maybe I can tell you about it in some other post,-p)
I leave you with some words of Pablo Neruda on his view of creativity. I wait for you next week with a post on listening EFFECTIVE foundation of effective communication.
"He or she who becomes a slave of habit, repeating every day the same itineraries. He or she who shuns passion, who prefers black on white, dotting the "i" rather than a set of emotions, the kind that make your eyes glimmer, that turn a yawn into a smile, that make the heart beat before mistakes and feelings.
He or she who does not overthrow the table when is unhappy at work, who does not risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream, who would not allow, at least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.
Slowly dies who does not travel, does not read, does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself. Dies slowly he who destroys self-esteem, who does not accept help, who spends his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain.
Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it, who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know, who does not answer when asked about something he knows.
Let's avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple act of breathing.
Only a burning patience will lead to attainment of a splendid happiness "
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