Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Length Of Viral Sinus Infections

Communicating in Public - Part I

Hello everyone, Here comes the latest entry in the communication to success. Have you ever having to speak in public? Now everyone will think of conferences, seminars and conferences. Well I think also, and especially the life of every day. Speaking in public means to understand their point of view or explain something to someone, speak in public also means having to discuss a topic in a query. Well it's a complicated topic, but as always we'll make it! Let's start with this first part.
The preparation of public speaking is a complex activity cui l’oratore deve dedicare tempo e attenzione. L’orazione non può, infatti, essere affidata esclusivamente al talento del relatore, ma deve essere anche frutto di un’adeguata pianificazione. In questo modulo impareremo a preparare un discorso, tenendo conto delle variabili fondamentali che l’oratore deve saper gestire. Preparare un discorso pubblico è un po' come scrivere la trama di un romanzo: per farlo occorre imparare a rispondere alle domande fondamentali che aiutano nell'organizzazione dei contenuti e delle forme espressive. L’"ars oratoria" non è un’improvvisazione basata sul carisma del relatore. Senza una buona progettazione la comunicazione viene danneggiata dall’approssimazione o dalla mancanza anchor points. Cicero pointed to a method for the preparation of public oration. The classical rhetoric suggests a number of questions to be answered, not differ much from the Anglo-Saxon 5 W currently used as reference points to build a lineup of public speaking. A speech to be clear and effective, it must respect the rule of English 5 W: What (the theme), WHO (the audience), WHY (the goals), WHEN (time), WHERE (space). What we have to talk? The argument is the first element that must take shape, as it gives a kind of title to the definition of content: the narrow focus of the intervention is important not to risk generalization, not to fall in the dispersion of information threatening to fray speech. The issue must now be addressed as a central core from which they can branch out in-depth and brief digressions, but which must always come back. Who will listen to the speech? Collect as much information as possible on the public to help identify ways of communication, the approach to the subject, the examples, the communication style. Important data to be collected are: sex, age, language, education level, knowledge of the topic, the objectives of public resistance / barriers / common misperceptions, number of participants. What do you want to achieve? The goal is the design, final design to be complete, refined, synthetic, and which will be sent to the recipient as comprehensively as possible. Goals help narrow down the issue, to introduce what is really useful, not take any dead ends. It 'worth remembering with the objectives to be achieved, to enter according to a measure: what is needed, what is useful, which is complementary, that is an accessory. Time has a doubly significant meaning. How long you have left to prepare for the speech? We must be certain to take the time to prepare the track. Also, enter room underestimating the risks of emotion could lead to ineffectively manage its operation. It is therefore necessary to have the time to create silence within us. How much time you have available for our operation? Try our speech aloud allow us to evaluate the performance of our speech, and whether the planned content can be addressed adequately in the time available to us. Where will you communicate? Space is a key element of Public Speaking: The size of the room, the presence of equipment, light, physical space in which to move and the distance from the public, are key variables. In addition, the space also means the quality of the place, and involves choices of clothing, posture, tone is completely different. Cambia molto se ci si trova a parlare in un luogo istituzionale, in un albergo, in un agriturismo, o in una piazza affollata. La modalità di comunicazione è l’ultima scelta da fare perché deriva da tutte le componenti precedenti. A seconda degli obiettivi potrà esserci una maggiore enfasi sulla seduzione (pubblicità, convention di venditori, campagne elettorali, ecc.), la concretezza (meeting scientifici, report di progetto, ecc.), l’eleganza (riunioni formali, istituzionali, accademiche, ecc.), le emozioni (formazione, spettacolo, ecc.). O un accurato mix di tutto questo: il professionista della parola. Se i tempi lo permettono, lasciamo che la trama del nostro intervento viaggi con noi, nelle daily activities. Every now and then, if we do not attack the sense of "duty", or by performance anxiety, there will come a new stimulus, creative thinking, which will help us prepare for our conversation. Clarity will form a vision that excites us is enriched by special educated in other contexts, which, incidentally, contribute to the draft notice. To write a lineup you start with three fundamental issues that can be stored with the metaphor of the plane: take-off (opening), flight (nucleus), landing (closing). The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling involves its duration (time), baggage to carry (knowledge), curiosity (depth) experimentation (innovation). The opening of a speech is a very delicate phase. The emotional strain is the most important and will go without hesitation to avoid compromising any performance thinking "I'm linger, I lost the thread, but I'm saying ...". We need to find the attack, something that gives visitors a reason to listen. For example, you may use metaphors, examples, anecdotes, stories of her own life. The core of the speech can be designed depending on the length and content, with different narrative modes. For example can be: a single body with constant digressions that verge possible investigations, a series of summaries of the topic faced by segments and complete in every part, a flashback from the making to rebuild the process. Often at conferences is unlikely to reach closure, dictated more by the time expired and the people who start to leave, that the will of the speaker. The closure must be designed, landing in stages, ie proceeding, regardless of the style of communication, the gradual closure of the topics covered. A good strategy is to maintain the closure the most important information (promises in the pipeline), or resort to a joke, an aphorism, which helps people to save the event. If the Public Speaking and user-oriented media, support materials must be designed with the method and inserted into the lineup at the exact spot to get stuck with the spoken word. The media should be consistent for both language and for content. It is not advisable to overdo it because the incentives offered by the media are at risk of overexposure: may contain too many distractions and even mislead the understanding of the message. The slides are support faster to prepare, and this is likely to propose too much, bored the audience and divert attention by the speaker. The slides, however, be changed at the last minute, you can discard and add, follow the rhythm of communication. The important thing is do not decide to "be told" slide from viewing the content: their utility is, in fact, propose a schedule outlining the key points, not in place of the speaker. The PC is a flexible tool and can really provide a high level of multimedia. Alternating texts, slides, videos, graphics, links to the Internet, you can organize all their speech, always creating innovative opportunities to meet. The PC must be managed as a creative tool and in the design stage, can become the "case" container of all knowledge necessary. Designing an audio-visual structure, such as a documentary, a film, animation, multimedia, is a long and complex operation, expensive, the speaker can rarely afford. However, in the presence of this type of media, it is necessary to design an autonomous space, where comments will be made before and after, but there will be no speaker in the vision. Audiovisual facilities occupy fully the public's attention.
For now I shall leave, you will have time to reflect on the things that we said and we will continue to discuss the public speaking next Wednesday. Hello

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wearing Heels After A Bunion Op

Models of Communication - Part III - NLP and Transactional Analysis

to express their communicative potential need to acquire expertise in the management of verbal and nonverbal aspects of the way they communicate. It is also useful to have models of reading aspects concerning the dynamics of the relationship between the interlocutors. In this module we will know the two models, the NLP, for management of the communicative potential, Transactional and Analysis, aimed at the reading of the interpersonal dynamics. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a discipline born in California in the mid-'70s thanks to Richard Bandler, and inspired by the theoretical foundations of cognitive psychology, cybernetics, linguistics and systems theory. It is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be modeled, learned, taught and changed. NLP provides a series of techniques to organize information and perceptions in order to improve their ability to communicate persuasively and convincingly. GNP was the name chosen by its creators to indicate briefly the components: Schedule showing the manner in which behavioral sequences are constructed to achieve specific results; Neuro indicating that the behaviors are observable and obvious part of the neurological processes, linguistic indicates that the neurological processes and behavior are encoded through language. According to NLP the human being, unlike the computer is primarily a "system for the production of meaning." Individuals' sense manufacturing "in terms of meaning and relationship: that is, what it means to have some experience and what to do in relation essa.Ognuno to us, through their own sensory perceptions, creates their own subjective reality. For example, we may assume that a dog in front of all see a four-legged mammal (objective reality), but each observer to associate your personal information these perceptions and experiences (subjective reality): The dog is a danger, the dog is a help in the hunt, the dog has a playmate. The GNP is not intended to be used as a form of coercion, but as a tool to optimize human relations (relations "win-win"). The tools of NLP, because of their power and efficiency, are designed in a manner "green" that should be no negative consequences for those involved in the report. We summarize the principles of NLP: the reflection, the representational systems, non-verbal communication, logic levels, the meta, the meta model. Mirroring is the process by which deliberately mimic some aspects of the behavior of the interlocutor (gestures, posture, breathing, words, etc..) In order to rapidly increase the level of rapport, or empathy (trust, understanding, availability ). For example, if my partner takes off his jacket and sat down crossing his leg, but I take off my jacket and I assume the same position I sat down. The system rappresentazionale è il canale attraverso il quale ciascuno si rappresenta mentalmente le informazioni.
I sistemi rappresentazionali sono basati sui sistemi percettivi: visivo (vista), uditivo (udito), cinestetico (sensazioni corporee), olfattivo (olfatto), gustativo (gusto). Ogni persona ha il suo sistema rappresentazionale dominante, quello cioè che preferisce utilizzare per acquisire o recuperare informazioni. I livelli logici sono credenze, valori e identità. Se non si sa dov’è posto il bersaglio non si può scagliare la freccia sperando di far centro. È utile allora seguire delle regole per raggiungere un obiettivo in maniera organizzata: in tal modo sarà possibile anche capire qual è la propria “mission”, andando oltre le credenze e acquisendo maggiore consapevolezza della propria identità. I metaprogrammi sono degli schemi interni di riferimento di cui gli individui si servono in modo consapevole per organizzare l’esperienza.Le esperienze quindi passano attraverso filtri sensoriali, comportamentali, sociali e culturali, sostanziandosi in una personale “mappa del mondo”, incanalando così il pensiero in solchi che il proprio ragionamento tende a seguire: riconoscere i metaprogrammi altrui permette di utilizzare le stesse tracce di pensiero, facilitando la relazione comunicativa.Ecco un esempio di metaprogramma di un’esperienza: sono nella biblioteca a sedere comodamente sulla poltrona, è pomeriggio e I will remain here a couple of hours (context). I'm reading a book I like (behavior). Usually I read quickly, but now I do it slowly and interspersed spaces of reflection to assimilate its contents, to grasp in its complexity, the author's vision and recreate in my mind what it describes (capacity). What I'm doing gives me pleasure, interest (belief). It 's a moment of personal growth (in value). I am someone who has curiosity about the world (identity). The meta-language is the instrument of precision. The language often leads to dead ends: his traps are called generalizations, deletions, distortions of reality. The metamodel teaches precisely to undermine these ambiguous language constructs, contributing to the process of change and understanding.
Transactional Analysis was founded by Eric Berne in the 50s. Through its principles can be made effective immediately and apply the axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that will acquire new tools, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world in search of a more conscious communication . According to Transactional Analysis deals with the individual reality through three different ego states: Parent, Adult, Child. These states manifest themselves as sets of action-reaction process relationships with other individuals. The Parent ego state contains all learned behaviors from the outside, especially from parents Population. For example the set of prohibitions and taxes received during childhood. The state Parent represents life as a learning and has negative and positive aspects, according to four categories:
- The Parent (GN), which mimics authoritarian behavior, instead of using intimidation tips
- The Nurturing Parent (GA) using attitudes positive and support related to the rule, the rule of common life, in respect for self and the world around
- The Parent persecutors (GP), which exercises its power to please a need subjective
- The Parent Salvatore (GS), which encourages the dependence on it.
Child ego state comprising the emotional behavior of man is showing submission, and rebellion. Child find also in the state who report childhood behaviors and emotions resulting from the comparison with parents and personal with the external environment. Child ego state are four classifications:
- The Adapted Child (BA) has attitude of compliance, without any interpretation of them
- The Free Child (BL) is the position of the ego which frees the emotions
- The Rebel Child (BR), embodies the transgression of the rules and rules of social life
- The Boys Submissive (BS) behaves with excessive meekness and subordination.
The adult is a collection of thoughts, feelings and behaviors consistent with the position that you are living (place and time, here and now.) With the Adult ego state we indicate our ability to continually develop new data, without necessarily resorting to old patterns and responses forfeited in our Parent or Child. The adult is our ability to self-program, to take responsibility for our choices and our relationships. The ego is therefore composed of each of these three different states, the parent (G), Adult (A) and the Child (B), which constantly si mostrano all'esterno attraverso specifiche parole, tono della voce, gesti, espressioni, postura, atteggiamenti, ovvero quelle che vengono chiamate le funzioni operative di ogni stato dell'Io. Ogni volta che si comunica con gli altri questi stati si alternano e si incrociano dando diversi significati alla comunicazione. Conseguenza dell’azione dei diversi stati dell'Io, che si mettono in campo in una relazione, è la “transazione”, ossia lo scambio relazionale. L’Analisi Transazionale analizza le possibili transazioni e le classifica in transazioni complementari e transazioni incrociate. Noi siamo al centro dell'universo di scambi con il mondo esterno, gli altri si rapportano a noi a partire dallo stato dell'Io complementare al nostro. Se osservo lo stato dell'Io che percepisco nell'altro comprendo lo stato dell'Io da cui provengo. Le transazioni complementari avvengono quando i vettori transazionali sono paralleli e lo stato dell'Io che risponde è quello cui ci si rivolge. Ecco dei dialoghi di esempio di comunicazione basata su una transazione complementare, tra due stati dell'Io Genitore <<> > . Ed ecco un altro esempio di transazione complementare, però tra Adulto e Adulto <<> >. Nella transazione incrociata i vettori transazionali sono incrociati. Lo stato dell'Io cui ci si rivolge non è quello che risponde. Ecco un esempio di transazione incrociata tra Genitore e Adulto <<> >. L’Analisi Transazionale è un modello molto complesso di comunicazione, che ha prodotto un metodo per la comprensione e risoluzione di problemi relazionali e di comunicazione. Analizza il linguaggio non verbale, la strutturazione del tempo della comunicazione, secondo l’esistenza di un copione, ossia di un piano di vita che determina le posizioni esistenziali con le
quali si vive, si giudica il mondo e ci si relaziona con se stessi e con l’ambiente.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tattoo For Skinny Arm

Models of Communication - Part II - The Axioms

Ciao a tutti, scusate per il ritardo, ma non mi sono dimenticato di voi !!! Riprendiamo l'argomento con questa seconda parte dedicata agli assiomi della comunicazione; ci sarà una terza parte più interesting, do not be afraid, you must be confident! Let's start!

The pragmatic model-relational refers to the behavior of people in the field of communications. In this module we will know the five axioms of communication and the risks related to messages often paradoxical that the interlocutors exchanged. The study of communication can be divided into three areas: syntax, semantics, pragmatics. The syntax is the branch of linguistics that studies the rules governing the place take the words in a sentence and how to form sentences have a period. The semantics studies the meaning of words, sets of words, sentences and texts. The pragmatic studies the ways in which you can use language in practical situations. Bateson, Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackobson, the authors of the book "Pragmatics of human communication" define some simple properties of the communication, which have fundamental implications for interpersonal. Queste proprietà sono degli assiomi, cioè fatti ritenuti talmente evidenti nell'esperienza comune da non necessitare né di dimostrazione né di discussione. Questi sono i cinque assiomi della pragmatica della comunicazione umana: 1. non si può non comunicare, 2. ogni comunicazione ha un aspetto di contenuto e uno di relazione in modo che il secondo classifica il primo ed è quindi metacomunicazione, 3. la natura di una relazione dipende dalla punteggiatura delle sequenze di comunicazione, 4. gli esseri umani comunicano sia con un modulo numerico sia con quello analogico, 5. tutti gli scambi di comunicazione sono simmetrici o complementari a seconda che siano basati sull’uguaglianza o sulla differenza. Non comunicare è impossibile: si comunica anche attraverso il comportamento e ovviamente è impossibile non avere un comportamento. L’intero comportamento in una situazione di interazione ha valore di messaggio. Indipendentemente dalla propria volontà infatti gli individui si scambiano un gran numero di segnali, attraverso vari canali. Ad esempio due persone che salgono insieme in ascensore e durante il tragitto guardano fisso nel vuoto, si stanno comunicando il desiderio di non comunicare. Lo studente che se ne sta per conto suo in classe durante il break sta comunicando che non vuole parlare con nessuno e i suoi compagni, in genere, recepiscono il messaggio lasciandolo stare. Immagina una situazione tipica, l’incontro tra due estranei di cui uno vuol comunicare, mentre l’altro no.

Le reazioni possibili sono: rifiuto della comunicazione, accettazione della comunicazione, squalificazione della comunicazione, sintomo come comunicazione. Ecco qualche esempio di comportamento relativo: se rifiuto la comunicazione, il messaggio implicito che invio è "mi rifiuto di comunicare", con le conseguenze espressive, verbali e non verbali della mia decisione; se accetto di comunicare posso farlo in diversi modi, anche senza utilizzare le parole. Basta che accetti la relazione, senza chiudermi; squalificare una relazione significa non ritenere gli altri e le loro informazioni useful, then, somehow, not to relate with others can act in such a way as to express the signs of my will or desire to communicate, for example through non-verbal action. Every act of communication not only conveys information, but at the same time suggests a behavior. All communication has therefore a matter of news and one that informs the way in which we must assume that communication. The ability to metacomunicare properly is a necessary condition for effective communication, but is also closely linked to the problem of awareness of self and others. For example, different to say "please be quiet to allow the continuation of the lesson" to "do silence and follow the lesson. "Even if they have more or less the same content, the two phrases define relations teacher / pupils very different. This aspect of communication is generally less aware. The exchanges do not constitute an uninterrupted chain of communication, but are organized as if it were following a kind of punctuation. E 'can thus identify the sequences of the speaker and respondent, to define what is considered as the "cause" of behavior, as distinct from' effect. "modes to punctuate a sequence of events are very different and therefore may lead to conflict reporting. In fact the people themselves to define the interaction during the on punctuation. For example, consider a teacher and a student who has a problem that everyone has their own share of responsibility: students approaching the study are inadequately addressed the teacher and acting severely criticized. If you explain the reason for their conduct, the student says that he does not want to study because the teacher has been targeted and labeled him as lazy, any commitment to schooling would be inadequately assessed. The teacher instead consider this explanation as a distortion of what really happens since she became a negative opinion of the boy because he has no desire to study and critique the student for his lack of commitment. If you do not resolve the discrepancies related to the punctuation of sequences of communication, interaction is a dead end. The pathological communication can become a vicious circle that is broken only if communication becomes the subject of the report itself, that is when they become capable of communicating metacomunicare, going outside the circle. For there is a circularity of the conduct for which it is impossible to determine what the cause and effect. The numeric form of the use of words, instead of the analog module is in all modes of nonverbal communication which are used primarily to transmit aspects of the relationship between the participants. In translating a message in a numerical analog, you need to add functions of logical truths lacking in the analog module. Man seems the only body that uses analog and digital modes of communication. The numerical language has allowed the exchange of information and transmission of knowledge over time, which otherwise would not have been possible. But there is one area where we rely almost exclusively on analog communication and that is what the report. Here the language has only a limited percentage of effectiveness: one can say anything with words, but it is difficult to support a statement on the floor if analog is a lie. Interaction symmetric is characterized by equality, and you have this kind of interaction when a member behavior tends to mirror that of another. The complementary relations are characterized by the difference between people: one partner assumes a superior position and the other assumes a lower position. The positions do not involve an assessment of how good, bad, strong or weak, simply define the type of relationship that can be created between two individuals. The relationship between two students is a symmetrical relationship, the teacher-student relationship is a complementary relationship. In a report, two different behaviors that have adapted to their roles are interdependent, that is seek each other. An individual does not require an additional report to another, but each one behaves in a way that assumes the other's behavior and at the same time gives him the reasons. All exchanges of communication are symmetrical or complementary, depending on whether they are based on equality or difference. The paradox is a conflicting message in the states at the same time a concept and its opposite. For example, a paradox to say to someone "do not have to be afraid", as the party that tells us to fear, is detecting an existing situation and involuntary. It's also a paradox when we say something which is then disconfirmation with their behavior or with their own say. For example a person to utter praise for its quality and the cry that the slightest mistake is not good at anything. Here's an example from the history of paradoxical communication. The Nazis had promised to Sigmund Freud (the father of psychoanalysis) can leave Austria with a visa on the condition that sottoscrivesse a statement as to leak out that he had been "treated by the German authorities and in particular by the Gestapo with all due respect and consideration due to its reputation as a scientist. " The Nazis wanted to use Freud to spread their propaganda in the world. Freud was confronted with a dilemma: to sign the document meant to help the enemy, it meant refusing to meet any accordingly. But Freud was able to impose the paradox of the Nazis. How? Asked to add to saw phrases like these: "I can highly recommend the Gestapo to anyone", so the situation was reversed. The Gestapo had forced Freud to praise, but those who knew what the Nazis understood the sarcasm of that praise which ironically denied the content subscribed to strength. A message based on the double bond is coded so that: asserts something, asserts something about his claim, these two statements are mutually exclusive. So if the message is an injunction, an order must be disobeyed to be obeyed. For example, it can happen that children can feel the anger and the hostility of a parent, but the parent refuses to be angry and claiming that the child recognizes that he is not angry. So the child is faced with the dilemma whether to believe the parent or to their senses. If you believe your senses, keeps a firm grip on reality, but undermines his relationship with the parent, if you believe the parent, the report maintains that it needs, but distorts their perception of reality.

Oh God today is just too much, but I know you'll forgive me! Until next time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Is The Fetal Heartbeat At 34 Weeks

Models of Communication - Part I °

Hello everyone, today know the main communication models, from linear to those who, instead, interpret the statement as a circular process and interactive. knowledge model helps to define both the context in which a communication on the application of the principles involved. We will show how the recipient plays a key role in the construction of meaning, then that is not predetermined, but changes with the changing situations and interlocutors. Shannon and Weaver's scheme aims to identify both the general form of any communication process, both key factors that constitute it, those elements, namely, that must be present whenever there is a passage of information. The source is the source of information. It generates a message that becomes an apparatus transmitting signals. The signals in turn are transmitted through a channel to the receiver which converts them back into the message received by the recipient. Obstacle to the successful element of the communication process is the noise, namely the presence of disturbances along the canal, which can damage the signals. The space of communication, ie the place where it occurs, can influence the learning experience and interfere with the content. The relational space must be surrounded by the "silence" of concentration, where you can create environments conducive to the sharing. The concept of space is given to three factors: concentration, noise, environment. How long you can focus on themselves and on the other, in a report? long as the interest in that circumstance is not finished, or external obstacles involved that determine the end. Active listening is based on the concentration, the higher the level, can give rise to more satisfactory overall results. E 'should be stressed that the "merger" is not means an "effort", but the dedication to natural relational activity involving. a situation with a high concentration, where the noise is absent, or at least content, allows for richer communication, both emotionally and rationally. We can well perceive the changes in tone of voice, a tremor, indecision. The high concentration situation is rare and difficult to live for long periods of time, especially if the noise is "internal", that is due to relationship difficulties. As a result of both the noise level, that of personal ability, we have instead situazioni a bassa concentrazione, dove più che comunicare, si fanno “chiacchiere”. In simili situazioni, le possibilità sono due: o si “passa” il tempo (acquisizione di informazioni superficiali), o si ricorre al monologo interno, per comprendere, dall’osservazione dell’altro e di se stessi, quali sono gli impedimenti ad una comunicazione e come fare a superarli. Ogni interferenza alla comunicazione si definisce “rumore”. Un ambiente relazionale deve avere un “controllo” del rumore sufficientemente valido a limitare le interferenze. In casi estremi, quando il rumore può distorcere la comunicazione, it is better to break contact, since it is pointless to relate to misunderstand or not understand at all. An environment available to the flow of communication allows a good level of communication. is a place "open", where there is room to talk, listen, understand, a non-judgmental environment, stereotypes, where the "here and now" is the only time reference. A room is available immediately recognize The acceptance, by extension, the smile. The hostile environment, embodying the conflict, aggression, and where the noise dominates the communication finds its direction in time past, where we reason to "remember" and interference deflect the course of the flow of communication. The hostile environment should be tackled with the right defensive weapons, but lowering his guard, from time to time to see if, somewhere, the seed of the flower can communicate. The neutral environment is the home of the future. All that is said or done is interpreted and projected elsewhere. Even changing emotions in others. Often it is the fear of clarity, ask questions, to hear something unpleasant or not according to our expectations, which generates the "escape" forward, thus preferring a neutral environment. linguistic-semiotic model part of the consideration that communication is effective only when the codes used are common to all involved communicating and can be understood and interpreted in the totality of their meaning. issuance of the message is a common fact that to be properly understood, the need of sharing a common code by the issuer and the recipient of the message. To be the signs that constitute the common heritage of posts must refer to a code that regulates them and structure them in a provision well precise. Le componenti fondamentali di un segno sono date: dal significante, ovvero la parte concreta del segno, quella percepita dai nostri sensi, e che si presenta diverso per ogni codice (ad esempio la parola "casa"); dal significato, che corrisponde al concetto cui rimanda quello specifico significante (ad esempio "costruzione per abitazione stabile"); dal referente, che indica la cosa reale cui rinvia il segno (ad esempio l'edificio reale nel quale abitiamo). Il modello psicologico-sociale pone come oggetto di studio l'osservazione del comportamento, da cui dedurre l'atteggiamento interiore e la motivazione alla comunicazione. Questo model is based on certain assumptions: the behavior is the set of activities which can be viewed by another person, the attitude is evaluated in terms of favorable or unfavorable orientation toward the other, the motivation is attributed to the need regulation of behavior, which tends to satisfy a need or reach a goal. Joe Luft and Harry Ingram, in 1961 created a framework, this model of awareness or "Johari window". When we put in front of others are willing to reveal some things we (and I can tell), but not others (I know but I will not say). To tell you the things that we know and to be silent on others. However, we can keep things inside us that we forgot or we're not aware (I do not know and do not say), or to reveal things in spite of ourselves we are not aware, but that others perceive and interpret correctly (and I say I do not know). The interactions between the four quadrants determined four types of relationship: open communication, information leaked or unwitting revelations, intimate and outbursts, emotional contagion. know is gradually extending the upper right quadrant (I open), reducing the other. The window also applies to non-verbal communication and behavior. I opened the shows with voluntary movements, in dress and in social attitudes. The I unconscious and the occult to reveal attitudes unintended but very decipherable by those who observe us . The conversational model-textual studies the relationship between "text and recipient." linguistics text identifies the meaning of a text to view it in its overall shape, structural and complex. The global significance can then emerge from a thousand items for which a sentence refers to another, even far in the text (anaphora) or even to elements that are implied in the text. As regards "conversation" of the relationship of communication, it is proposed that the image of a user, Thanks to their skills and expertise in constructing an interpretation, can lead to a condition of "rewriting" of the text. The collaboration of the user to the production of the text is so because the content of communication change with the recipients, with the condition of reception, with the social and cultural status of the audience, its tastes, its processes of interference and overlap. According to the conversational model performative communication is a process by which an idea is transferred from one issuer to a recipient with the intention to change its behavior. This approach obviously requires communication strong control of intentionality on the part of sending out the message. Another essential element is the level of acceptability of the Notice as the basis for a conversation, there must be an area of \u200b\u200bcommon understanding between speaker and listener, and a willingness to communicate. The communication is realized through a variety of functions called "speech acts". Speech acts, according to John Searle are direct acts, acts of commission, declarative acts, acts assertive, expressive acts, acts of demand. Each speech act has a specific function in the entire community.

The documents directly : also known as "control" are to pay the other party's explicit request, that have value only if the person has the right to express them formulate them. The Instruments commission : refer to making a commitment, and they assume a relationship of subordination. The acts declared : they express an explicit declaration of a state of affairs, a position taking a trend and produce changes in social relations. The Instruments assertive : allow to communicate their perception of reality. The Instruments expressive : the need to express their feelings and communicate on an emotional level. The Acts question : meet the need for clarity of those who communicate in order to proceed with the report and in joint initiatives. The linguist Roman Jakobson, has proposed a reading of the communication between sender and recipient. To be active, the message requires first reference to a context that can be perceived by the recipient, and is capable of verbalization. Secondly requires a code in its entirety or partially, common to the sender and the recipient. Finally, we need a contact, a physical channel and a psychological connection between the sender and the recipient, allowing them to establish and maintain communication. In these separate elements of communication Jakobson overlaps the purpose or language functions, including: the funzione emotiva è costituita dall’insieme degli elementi che qualificano lo stato emotivo; la funzione denotativa esprime la qualità emotiva del messaggio di chi parla; la funzione fàtica comprende tutti gli elementi della comunicazione tesi a stabilire la presenza del “contatto” tra gli interlocutori; la funzione conativa riguarda gli aspetti pragmatici della comunicazione, that those expressions that act to push for action on the recipient, the referential function or information communication is especially designed to provide information on a specific reality, the aesthetic function or poetic the attention of the sender is especially directed at the structure of the message; to its formal organization (such as the appearance of noise words, the choice of words), the metalinguistic function the message refers to elements that define the code itself (like when you ask clarification on a certain time period). Well the argument is rather long and complicated! For now I leave you and I look forward to the continuation of the argument on Wednesday. Thanks and good communication!