Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wearing Heels After A Bunion Op

Models of Communication - Part III - NLP and Transactional Analysis

to express their communicative potential need to acquire expertise in the management of verbal and nonverbal aspects of the way they communicate. It is also useful to have models of reading aspects concerning the dynamics of the relationship between the interlocutors. In this module we will know the two models, the NLP, for management of the communicative potential, Transactional and Analysis, aimed at the reading of the interpersonal dynamics. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a discipline born in California in the mid-'70s thanks to Richard Bandler, and inspired by the theoretical foundations of cognitive psychology, cybernetics, linguistics and systems theory. It is based on the principle that all behavior has a structure that can be modeled, learned, taught and changed. NLP provides a series of techniques to organize information and perceptions in order to improve their ability to communicate persuasively and convincingly. GNP was the name chosen by its creators to indicate briefly the components: Schedule showing the manner in which behavioral sequences are constructed to achieve specific results; Neuro indicating that the behaviors are observable and obvious part of the neurological processes, linguistic indicates that the neurological processes and behavior are encoded through language. According to NLP the human being, unlike the computer is primarily a "system for the production of meaning." Individuals' sense manufacturing "in terms of meaning and relationship: that is, what it means to have some experience and what to do in relation essa.Ognuno to us, through their own sensory perceptions, creates their own subjective reality. For example, we may assume that a dog in front of all see a four-legged mammal (objective reality), but each observer to associate your personal information these perceptions and experiences (subjective reality): The dog is a danger, the dog is a help in the hunt, the dog has a playmate. The GNP is not intended to be used as a form of coercion, but as a tool to optimize human relations (relations "win-win"). The tools of NLP, because of their power and efficiency, are designed in a manner "green" that should be no negative consequences for those involved in the report. We summarize the principles of NLP: the reflection, the representational systems, non-verbal communication, logic levels, the meta, the meta model. Mirroring is the process by which deliberately mimic some aspects of the behavior of the interlocutor (gestures, posture, breathing, words, etc..) In order to rapidly increase the level of rapport, or empathy (trust, understanding, availability ). For example, if my partner takes off his jacket and sat down crossing his leg, but I take off my jacket and I assume the same position I sat down. The system rappresentazionale è il canale attraverso il quale ciascuno si rappresenta mentalmente le informazioni.
I sistemi rappresentazionali sono basati sui sistemi percettivi: visivo (vista), uditivo (udito), cinestetico (sensazioni corporee), olfattivo (olfatto), gustativo (gusto). Ogni persona ha il suo sistema rappresentazionale dominante, quello cioè che preferisce utilizzare per acquisire o recuperare informazioni. I livelli logici sono credenze, valori e identità. Se non si sa dov’è posto il bersaglio non si può scagliare la freccia sperando di far centro. È utile allora seguire delle regole per raggiungere un obiettivo in maniera organizzata: in tal modo sarà possibile anche capire qual è la propria “mission”, andando oltre le credenze e acquisendo maggiore consapevolezza della propria identità. I metaprogrammi sono degli schemi interni di riferimento di cui gli individui si servono in modo consapevole per organizzare l’esperienza.Le esperienze quindi passano attraverso filtri sensoriali, comportamentali, sociali e culturali, sostanziandosi in una personale “mappa del mondo”, incanalando così il pensiero in solchi che il proprio ragionamento tende a seguire: riconoscere i metaprogrammi altrui permette di utilizzare le stesse tracce di pensiero, facilitando la relazione comunicativa.Ecco un esempio di metaprogramma di un’esperienza: sono nella biblioteca a sedere comodamente sulla poltrona, è pomeriggio e I will remain here a couple of hours (context). I'm reading a book I like (behavior). Usually I read quickly, but now I do it slowly and interspersed spaces of reflection to assimilate its contents, to grasp in its complexity, the author's vision and recreate in my mind what it describes (capacity). What I'm doing gives me pleasure, interest (belief). It 's a moment of personal growth (in value). I am someone who has curiosity about the world (identity). The meta-language is the instrument of precision. The language often leads to dead ends: his traps are called generalizations, deletions, distortions of reality. The metamodel teaches precisely to undermine these ambiguous language constructs, contributing to the process of change and understanding.
Transactional Analysis was founded by Eric Berne in the 50s. Through its principles can be made effective immediately and apply the axioms of human communication, involving themselves in a learning process that will acquire new tools, operational and not merely theoretical, for interaction with the outside world in search of a more conscious communication . According to Transactional Analysis deals with the individual reality through three different ego states: Parent, Adult, Child. These states manifest themselves as sets of action-reaction process relationships with other individuals. The Parent ego state contains all learned behaviors from the outside, especially from parents Population. For example the set of prohibitions and taxes received during childhood. The state Parent represents life as a learning and has negative and positive aspects, according to four categories:
- The Parent (GN), which mimics authoritarian behavior, instead of using intimidation tips
- The Nurturing Parent (GA) using attitudes positive and support related to the rule, the rule of common life, in respect for self and the world around
- The Parent persecutors (GP), which exercises its power to please a need subjective
- The Parent Salvatore (GS), which encourages the dependence on it.
Child ego state comprising the emotional behavior of man is showing submission, and rebellion. Child find also in the state who report childhood behaviors and emotions resulting from the comparison with parents and personal with the external environment. Child ego state are four classifications:
- The Adapted Child (BA) has attitude of compliance, without any interpretation of them
- The Free Child (BL) is the position of the ego which frees the emotions
- The Rebel Child (BR), embodies the transgression of the rules and rules of social life
- The Boys Submissive (BS) behaves with excessive meekness and subordination.
The adult is a collection of thoughts, feelings and behaviors consistent with the position that you are living (place and time, here and now.) With the Adult ego state we indicate our ability to continually develop new data, without necessarily resorting to old patterns and responses forfeited in our Parent or Child. The adult is our ability to self-program, to take responsibility for our choices and our relationships. The ego is therefore composed of each of these three different states, the parent (G), Adult (A) and the Child (B), which constantly si mostrano all'esterno attraverso specifiche parole, tono della voce, gesti, espressioni, postura, atteggiamenti, ovvero quelle che vengono chiamate le funzioni operative di ogni stato dell'Io. Ogni volta che si comunica con gli altri questi stati si alternano e si incrociano dando diversi significati alla comunicazione. Conseguenza dell’azione dei diversi stati dell'Io, che si mettono in campo in una relazione, è la “transazione”, ossia lo scambio relazionale. L’Analisi Transazionale analizza le possibili transazioni e le classifica in transazioni complementari e transazioni incrociate. Noi siamo al centro dell'universo di scambi con il mondo esterno, gli altri si rapportano a noi a partire dallo stato dell'Io complementare al nostro. Se osservo lo stato dell'Io che percepisco nell'altro comprendo lo stato dell'Io da cui provengo. Le transazioni complementari avvengono quando i vettori transazionali sono paralleli e lo stato dell'Io che risponde è quello cui ci si rivolge. Ecco dei dialoghi di esempio di comunicazione basata su una transazione complementare, tra due stati dell'Io Genitore <<> > . Ed ecco un altro esempio di transazione complementare, però tra Adulto e Adulto <<> >. Nella transazione incrociata i vettori transazionali sono incrociati. Lo stato dell'Io cui ci si rivolge non è quello che risponde. Ecco un esempio di transazione incrociata tra Genitore e Adulto <<> >. L’Analisi Transazionale è un modello molto complesso di comunicazione, che ha prodotto un metodo per la comprensione e risoluzione di problemi relazionali e di comunicazione. Analizza il linguaggio non verbale, la strutturazione del tempo della comunicazione, secondo l’esistenza di un copione, ossia di un piano di vita che determina le posizioni esistenziali con le
quali si vive, si giudica il mondo e ci si relaziona con se stessi e con l’ambiente.


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