Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Length Of Viral Sinus Infections

Communicating in Public - Part I

Hello everyone, Here comes the latest entry in the communication to success. Have you ever having to speak in public? Now everyone will think of conferences, seminars and conferences. Well I think also, and especially the life of every day. Speaking in public means to understand their point of view or explain something to someone, speak in public also means having to discuss a topic in a query. Well it's a complicated topic, but as always we'll make it! Let's start with this first part.
The preparation of public speaking is a complex activity cui l’oratore deve dedicare tempo e attenzione. L’orazione non può, infatti, essere affidata esclusivamente al talento del relatore, ma deve essere anche frutto di un’adeguata pianificazione. In questo modulo impareremo a preparare un discorso, tenendo conto delle variabili fondamentali che l’oratore deve saper gestire. Preparare un discorso pubblico è un po' come scrivere la trama di un romanzo: per farlo occorre imparare a rispondere alle domande fondamentali che aiutano nell'organizzazione dei contenuti e delle forme espressive. L’"ars oratoria" non è un’improvvisazione basata sul carisma del relatore. Senza una buona progettazione la comunicazione viene danneggiata dall’approssimazione o dalla mancanza anchor points. Cicero pointed to a method for the preparation of public oration. The classical rhetoric suggests a number of questions to be answered, not differ much from the Anglo-Saxon 5 W currently used as reference points to build a lineup of public speaking. A speech to be clear and effective, it must respect the rule of English 5 W: What (the theme), WHO (the audience), WHY (the goals), WHEN (time), WHERE (space). What we have to talk? The argument is the first element that must take shape, as it gives a kind of title to the definition of content: the narrow focus of the intervention is important not to risk generalization, not to fall in the dispersion of information threatening to fray speech. The issue must now be addressed as a central core from which they can branch out in-depth and brief digressions, but which must always come back. Who will listen to the speech? Collect as much information as possible on the public to help identify ways of communication, the approach to the subject, the examples, the communication style. Important data to be collected are: sex, age, language, education level, knowledge of the topic, the objectives of public resistance / barriers / common misperceptions, number of participants. What do you want to achieve? The goal is the design, final design to be complete, refined, synthetic, and which will be sent to the recipient as comprehensively as possible. Goals help narrow down the issue, to introduce what is really useful, not take any dead ends. It 'worth remembering with the objectives to be achieved, to enter according to a measure: what is needed, what is useful, which is complementary, that is an accessory. Time has a doubly significant meaning. How long you have left to prepare for the speech? We must be certain to take the time to prepare the track. Also, enter room underestimating the risks of emotion could lead to ineffectively manage its operation. It is therefore necessary to have the time to create silence within us. How much time you have available for our operation? Try our speech aloud allow us to evaluate the performance of our speech, and whether the planned content can be addressed adequately in the time available to us. Where will you communicate? Space is a key element of Public Speaking: The size of the room, the presence of equipment, light, physical space in which to move and the distance from the public, are key variables. In addition, the space also means the quality of the place, and involves choices of clothing, posture, tone is completely different. Cambia molto se ci si trova a parlare in un luogo istituzionale, in un albergo, in un agriturismo, o in una piazza affollata. La modalità di comunicazione è l’ultima scelta da fare perché deriva da tutte le componenti precedenti. A seconda degli obiettivi potrà esserci una maggiore enfasi sulla seduzione (pubblicità, convention di venditori, campagne elettorali, ecc.), la concretezza (meeting scientifici, report di progetto, ecc.), l’eleganza (riunioni formali, istituzionali, accademiche, ecc.), le emozioni (formazione, spettacolo, ecc.). O un accurato mix di tutto questo: il professionista della parola. Se i tempi lo permettono, lasciamo che la trama del nostro intervento viaggi con noi, nelle daily activities. Every now and then, if we do not attack the sense of "duty", or by performance anxiety, there will come a new stimulus, creative thinking, which will help us prepare for our conversation. Clarity will form a vision that excites us is enriched by special educated in other contexts, which, incidentally, contribute to the draft notice. To write a lineup you start with three fundamental issues that can be stored with the metaphor of the plane: take-off (opening), flight (nucleus), landing (closing). The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling involves its duration (time), baggage to carry (knowledge), curiosity (depth) experimentation (innovation). The opening of a speech is a very delicate phase. The emotional strain is the most important and will go without hesitation to avoid compromising any performance thinking "I'm linger, I lost the thread, but I'm saying ...". We need to find the attack, something that gives visitors a reason to listen. For example, you may use metaphors, examples, anecdotes, stories of her own life. The core of the speech can be designed depending on the length and content, with different narrative modes. For example can be: a single body with constant digressions that verge possible investigations, a series of summaries of the topic faced by segments and complete in every part, a flashback from the making to rebuild the process. Often at conferences is unlikely to reach closure, dictated more by the time expired and the people who start to leave, that the will of the speaker. The closure must be designed, landing in stages, ie proceeding, regardless of the style of communication, the gradual closure of the topics covered. A good strategy is to maintain the closure the most important information (promises in the pipeline), or resort to a joke, an aphorism, which helps people to save the event. If the Public Speaking and user-oriented media, support materials must be designed with the method and inserted into the lineup at the exact spot to get stuck with the spoken word. The media should be consistent for both language and for content. It is not advisable to overdo it because the incentives offered by the media are at risk of overexposure: may contain too many distractions and even mislead the understanding of the message. The slides are support faster to prepare, and this is likely to propose too much, bored the audience and divert attention by the speaker. The slides, however, be changed at the last minute, you can discard and add, follow the rhythm of communication. The important thing is do not decide to "be told" slide from viewing the content: their utility is, in fact, propose a schedule outlining the key points, not in place of the speaker. The PC is a flexible tool and can really provide a high level of multimedia. Alternating texts, slides, videos, graphics, links to the Internet, you can organize all their speech, always creating innovative opportunities to meet. The PC must be managed as a creative tool and in the design stage, can become the "case" container of all knowledge necessary. Designing an audio-visual structure, such as a documentary, a film, animation, multimedia, is a long and complex operation, expensive, the speaker can rarely afford. However, in the presence of this type of media, it is necessary to design an autonomous space, where comments will be made before and after, but there will be no speaker in the vision. Audiovisual facilities occupy fully the public's attention.
For now I shall leave, you will have time to reflect on the things that we said and we will continue to discuss the public speaking next Wednesday. Hello


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