Ciao a tutti, scusate per il ritardo, ma non mi sono dimenticato di voi !!! Riprendiamo l'argomento con questa seconda parte dedicata agli assiomi della comunicazione; ci sarà una terza parte più interesting, do not be afraid, you must be confident! Let's start!
The pragmatic model-relational refers to the behavior of people in the field of communications. In this module we will know the five axioms of communication and the risks related to messages often paradoxical that the interlocutors exchanged. The study of communication can be divided into three areas: syntax, semantics, pragmatics. The syntax is the branch of linguistics that studies the rules governing the place take the words in a sentence and how to form sentences have a period. The semantics studies the meaning of words, sets of words, sentences and texts. The pragmatic studies the ways in which you can use language in practical situations. Bateson, Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackobson, the authors of the book "Pragmatics of human communication" define some simple properties of the communication, which have fundamental implications for interpersonal. Queste proprietà sono degli assiomi, cioè fatti ritenuti talmente evidenti nell'esperienza comune da non necessitare né di dimostrazione né di discussione. Questi sono i cinque assiomi della pragmatica della comunicazione umana: 1. non si può non comunicare, 2. ogni comunicazione ha un aspetto di contenuto e uno di relazione in modo che il secondo classifica il primo ed è quindi metacomunicazione, 3. la natura di una relazione dipende dalla punteggiatura delle sequenze di comunicazione, 4. gli esseri umani comunicano sia con un modulo numerico sia con quello analogico, 5. tutti gli scambi di comunicazione sono simmetrici o complementari a seconda che siano basati sull’uguaglianza o sulla differenza. Non comunicare è impossibile: si comunica anche attraverso il comportamento e ovviamente è impossibile non avere un comportamento. L’intero comportamento in una situazione di interazione ha valore di messaggio. Indipendentemente dalla propria volontà infatti gli individui si scambiano un gran numero di segnali, attraverso vari canali. Ad esempio due persone che salgono insieme in ascensore e durante il tragitto guardano fisso nel vuoto, si stanno comunicando il desiderio di non comunicare. Lo studente che se ne sta per conto suo in classe durante il break sta comunicando che non vuole parlare con nessuno e i suoi compagni, in genere, recepiscono il messaggio lasciandolo stare. Immagina una situazione tipica, l’incontro tra due estranei di cui uno vuol comunicare, mentre l’altro no.
Le reazioni possibili sono: rifiuto della comunicazione, accettazione della comunicazione, squalificazione della comunicazione, sintomo come comunicazione. Ecco qualche esempio di comportamento relativo: se rifiuto la comunicazione, il messaggio implicito che invio è "mi rifiuto di comunicare", con le conseguenze espressive, verbali e non verbali della mia decisione; se accetto di comunicare posso farlo in diversi modi, anche senza utilizzare le parole. Basta che accetti la relazione, senza chiudermi; squalificare una relazione significa non ritenere gli altri e le loro informazioni useful, then, somehow, not to relate with others can act in such a way as to express the signs of my will or desire to communicate, for example through non-verbal action. Every act of communication not only conveys information, but at the same time suggests a behavior. All communication has therefore a matter of news and one that informs the way in which we must assume that communication. The ability to metacomunicare properly is a necessary condition for effective communication, but is also closely linked to the problem of awareness of self and others. For example, different to say "please be quiet to allow the continuation of the lesson" to "do silence and follow the lesson. "Even if they have more or less the same content, the two phrases define relations teacher / pupils very different. This aspect of communication is generally less aware. The exchanges do not constitute an uninterrupted chain of communication, but are organized as if it were following a kind of punctuation. E 'can thus identify the sequences of the speaker and respondent, to define what is considered as the "cause" of behavior, as distinct from' effect. "modes to punctuate a sequence of events are very different and therefore may lead to conflict reporting. In fact the people themselves to define the interaction during the on punctuation. For example, consider a teacher and a student who has a problem that everyone has their own share of responsibility: students approaching the study are inadequately addressed the teacher and acting severely criticized. If you explain the reason for their conduct, the student says that he does not want to study because the teacher has been targeted and labeled him as lazy, any commitment to schooling would be inadequately assessed. The teacher instead consider this explanation as a distortion of what really happens since she became a negative opinion of the boy because he has no desire to study and critique the student for his lack of commitment. If you do not resolve the discrepancies related to the punctuation of sequences of communication, interaction is a dead end. The pathological communication can become a vicious circle that is broken only if communication becomes the subject of the report itself, that is when they become capable of communicating metacomunicare, going outside the circle. For there is a circularity of the conduct for which it is impossible to determine what the cause and effect. The numeric form of the use of words, instead of the analog module is in all modes of nonverbal communication which are used primarily to transmit aspects of the relationship between the participants. In translating a message in a numerical analog, you need to add functions of logical truths lacking in the analog module. Man seems the only body that uses analog and digital modes of communication. The numerical language has allowed the exchange of information and transmission of knowledge over time, which otherwise would not have been possible. But there is one area where we rely almost exclusively on analog communication and that is what the report. Here the language has only a limited percentage of effectiveness: one can say anything with words, but it is difficult to support a statement on the floor if analog is a lie. Interaction symmetric is characterized by equality, and you have this kind of interaction when a member behavior tends to mirror that of another. The complementary relations are characterized by the difference between people: one partner assumes a superior position and the other assumes a lower position. The positions do not involve an assessment of how good, bad, strong or weak, simply define the type of relationship that can be created between two individuals. The relationship between two students is a symmetrical relationship, the teacher-student relationship is a complementary relationship. In a report, two different behaviors that have adapted to their roles are interdependent, that is seek each other. An individual does not require an additional report to another, but each one behaves in a way that assumes the other's behavior and at the same time gives him the reasons. All exchanges of communication are symmetrical or complementary, depending on whether they are based on equality or difference. The paradox is a conflicting message in the states at the same time a concept and its opposite. For example, a paradox to say to someone "do not have to be afraid", as the party that tells us to fear, is detecting an existing situation and involuntary. It's also a paradox when we say something which is then disconfirmation with their behavior or with their own say. For example a person to utter praise for its quality and the cry that the slightest mistake is not good at anything. Here's an example from the history of paradoxical communication. The Nazis had promised to Sigmund Freud (the father of psychoanalysis) can leave Austria with a visa on the condition that sottoscrivesse a statement as to leak out that he had been "treated by the German authorities and in particular by the Gestapo with all due respect and consideration due to its reputation as a scientist. " The Nazis wanted to use Freud to spread their propaganda in the world. Freud was confronted with a dilemma: to sign the document meant to help the enemy, it meant refusing to meet any accordingly. But Freud was able to impose the paradox of the Nazis. How? Asked to add to saw phrases like these: "I can highly recommend the Gestapo to anyone", so the situation was reversed. The Gestapo had forced Freud to praise, but those who knew what the Nazis understood the sarcasm of that praise which ironically denied the content subscribed to strength. A message based on the double bond is coded so that: asserts something, asserts something about his claim, these two statements are mutually exclusive. So if the message is an injunction, an order must be disobeyed to be obeyed. For example, it can happen that children can feel the anger and the hostility of a parent, but the parent refuses to be angry and claiming that the child recognizes that he is not angry. So the child is faced with the dilemma whether to believe the parent or to their senses. If you believe your senses, keeps a firm grip on reality, but undermines his relationship with the parent, if you believe the parent, the report maintains that it needs, but distorts their perception of reality.
Oh God today is just too much, but I know you'll forgive me! Until next time!
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